Today is half bad, half good.
3nodding Good things: I didn't have homework because my friend and I had to take this end-of-the-year test 4laugh thing is, only a few people out of the whole fifth graders are taking the test. On Wednsday, we have to take the math part of the test though sweatdrop . I also walked with my friend to school today, and on the way back, went to Dunkin Donuts heart . There's only 20 more days of school whee !! Also, tomorrow is the trip 3nodding and tomorrow is also FREE ICED COFFEE AT DUNKIN DONUTS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xd
stressed Bad things: I STILL have to take the rest of the test on Wednsday gonk . My gramps woke me up at 7:45, which made me almost late for school evil . I have to read cry . I have to make lunch and prepare for tomorrow ((I'm doing that after I finish writing this)) . I have to move next door soon eek I provably will get little fresh air... a lot of times, the air is very thick upstairs there. scream Next year, those friggin' relatives are gonna come. If they bother me one, tiny, friggin' bit, they're in for it. Plus, I don't want them to come, it costs $7,000 for 7 people, and we have ABOUT 4,500 so far. They are provably chillin' ovah there. Makes me wanna sock one of 'em when they come stressed .