I am going on Semi-hiatus. I will be on and off, but likely not too active in the posting department, and especially not RP. The following reasons are all valid:
* My computer has resumed havign sisues, making it nigh impossible to work. I cna only attempt so many times in a day before it wears me out in frustration and to tears.
Please be patient if I owe you work it will be done as soon as possible.
* Life's being a pain in the a**, in general.
I have some issues that ened resolved, and I can't really focus on two things at once - when life kicks in hard, it becomes extremly hard to focus on writing especially - the stress kills being 'in character'
* Jobstuff. No need to detail this
I will be on, I WILL be trying to get things done. I will be trying to run shops, etc. And do what I can. But I CANNOT be ehre 24/7 and I cannot be expected to be as active or at least as desirably personable.