*exhales slowly* I want to thank everyone for making the 'dual event' of my birthday and my 3rd gaiaverssary extremely pleasant. I would dare to say ona nd offline this yar was one fo the best birthdays I have had in a long time, and considering how stressful and problematic this year has been, really helped. I can't thank everyone enough for just the wishes, let alone the gifts. whee You all really made this weekend special to me, and I think it's helped alleviate SOME of the stressfulness that's been eating me somewhat lately.
This month, despite the rather lethargic feelings I've had and busy nature I somehow forsee with getting on with life [mrf] I want to accomplish things. These things include:
* Getting E-mice FS done + owed mice/mouse. * Cerexi FS, 1 at least, 2 preferably. * DemonHounds FS - 1 adult, late month I want to do a pup sale. * Du'Ragon stuff - an FS, open customs, etc. * Get Miaoni 100% working. This means finish 3 templates and the racials, do the Faekat Miaoni and the halfbreed faekat/regulars, and then get along to the snake/bat linearts before making anything new race wise. Also means getting the combat system tweaked and decked out. * Faekat s**t - this means everythign on my plate needs work - not just customs but all the Star Ocean linearts - I might go color Claude first before I resume. I need to do Ernest, so I can auction Opera and Ernest together already, AND I need to do Riku from KH, who may take slight priority just because we already have Sora out. Also in this means finishing my own damn god already. =.= Poor girl's likely to obliterate me at this rate. Also includes finishing Twilight Fields, but my comp's not being an a** right now. Will open this ASAP with what DOES exist, with limited slots. * Figure out what to do with Zoaria. D: * Find someone to do Plushikat lines/relines for me. D: I can redo the plushie stage... it's the child/adult I'm having issues refining. * Color a few other things I won't speak of. >D
Also atop this I MUST state I am working on a MUD [text based game] with my fiance and am doing the zone building so I also get to multitask time there as well.
ALSO on my to-do list includes RPing with all my RP-required pets, and also some of my not-so-RP-required pets. And lurking shops better. I've been a lazy a** about hanging around some shops lately.