Clealy there is a whole universe here to explore, But there are an infinite number of paralell universes from all points in time, space, and dimension. These universes are all closely knit together in layers above, below, in front beside, expanding in layers in ever direction imagineable. I believe they all draw from one collective force, some collective soul, a huge memory/experience filled blob, that exists everywhere alla t once and inside our own skulls. All the collective knowledge of every universe or dimension, therefore, must already be held inside your brain...
you do only use 10% after all...
"You know (theoretically) that there are an endless number of paralell universes.
When you fall asleep, I think your soul flies out of your body while still in it, to wake up somewhere else, in some other dimension, to find an experience to return to the collective unconscious with. So, this life could be the dream of a bigger life." Oops mused.
"So, our dreams are like other lives?" I ask, in wonder.
"lives, memories, the past, the future, anything that is in connection with you somehow." Oops concluded.