so, yesterday three letters came in the mail. Two for my boyfriend, one for me. My cousin sent me a letter from Quebec where he resides. It was entertaining and quite enjoyable to read. Then we were buried in a miltitude of Andrew's poems from the calgary jail. man that guy can write! I should share some of his songs with you sometime.
domokun so, yeah.... I have a job and I already cant handle it, I work at a Starbucks inside a safeway. We nearly broke my friend Shane's leg the other day with a giant rolling log, then almost drowned myself and Carol trying to get to the other shore of the river to save my love from the forest.
Thats all news, but here's my inspiring stuff... I finally have the perfect base for a story. It will cohere to reality AND most likely predict the future in a few decades down. I would love to freeform about it here, but so many gaians would love to steal my story ideas...
cry So if anyone is actually interested, and I know you well wnough, maybe I'll let slip a few details. this story is going to rock everyones socks off.
My backpack still reeks of liver sausage. . . .