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Traveler's Journal
I am neither right nor wrong, I can only help you come closer to the truth by giving my experience, to you.
I know people don't look here anymore but...
I don't know how to explain it quickly, my whole life has led to this, but I'll try and tell you something important.

I was afraid of one thing more than anything else. Being born with a life altering disease and having no way, ever to fix it. It means that Fate or not, you are determined to suffer if you are born a certain way.

Some things have always been just outside my reach. And it's not like I was born unable to walk. If I was like that I'd have had all this time to accept it. But I've always been on the fence, hoping I will get better and have a normal life.

If you can somehow understand that, I'm glad.

I went to the doctor finally and asked about my condition, if it was really genetic and affected my ability to have children.

I have my answer now.

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