Miyaka Hana's story
I stared down the dark hallway, holding my bat for dear life, hoping to something, anything, that they weren't down there.
Yes, a dark hallway may sound cliched and tacky, but let's see you say that when your at the mouth of one and all the darkness threatens to swallow you whole.
My blonde hair ruffled with my skirt as wind came in from a hole in the wall that let in a little sunlight. Enough were I was protected.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard the thump and then running footsteps.I clutched my bat tighter and brought it over my head ready to slam it down on the next thing that runs out of the dark.
It get's closer and I can now see it's outline. It's footsteps getting louder and faster. it takes all of my will power not to scream and hightail it out of there.
I'm ready to bring the bat down on the creature when it screams.
I freeze as I recognize the voice and I just stand there paralyzed, wondering how the hell she got here!
'it' turned out to be one of my friends, Zora.I had heard her hometown was destroyed so I assumed she was too!
"Zora?" I question the darkness and the voice coming from it.
" Oh god Miyaka! You're alright! Your mother thought you were dead!"
"Zora, I thought you were dead! And you saw my mother!?"
Zora paused as if thinking about something.
"Yes I did, We're all in a safehouse at the end of this hallway.Come on follow me"
" In the dark?" Why were they in the dark? The creatures loved the dark. They never came out of it.
" No, there's light in the safehouse."
I step cautiously away from the dark, looking at it in fear. " what... what if they attack while we're walking to there?"
" MIYAKA!" Zora screamed, I had to cover my ears it was so loud. That should have tipped me off. "Let's go." she growled aggressively.
" No" i responded defiantly. " Not till I get a flashlight, or something!"
The darkness all around growled in frustration and Zora voice became an impatient "Get in the dark Miyaka."
Then it all clicked.
" Oh Zora, I'm so sorry." I whispered.
I reached for the flashlight I had in my bag an reluctantly turned in on towards Zora's voice.
I saw Zora's dead body being held up by a monstrosity. It had 6 arms and legs, two of them in Zora controlling her voice. It's razor teeth jutted out of it's mouth as it shrieked at me and threw Zora's lifeless body across the hall. It ran deeper in to the shadow's while I cried for my friend.
The flashlight went dead, as did the rest of the hallway as I crouched next to Zora. My bat sat ready in my hands but I knew it was useless. This battle was useless.
I heard it running towards me , so I stood up and faced my death with as much dignity as I could muster.
It was over quick, it ripped my to pieces,very painfully, but kept my head intact, so it could use me to trick other's too.
Everyone I know was dead.
So why not me too?