Nicknames; Kae
Age; Appears to be seventeen.
Gender; Female
Height; Around 5'7, give or take an inch.
Weight; 130lbs
Hair- Kae has short light mousy brown hair. Most of her hair is cut to around the middle of her neck, but she has two large strands of hair on either side of her head that goes to her collar bone. Straight bangs that go to her eyebrows and just a bit above her eyelashes. Note that her hair is rather choppy, a result from a personally done hair job (she vowed to not do it ever again).
Eyes- Large gray eyes that change in tint and shade like a mood ring. At times she will wear her reading glasses (Thick framed ones at that) when shes reading, though she rather embarrassed by her out-of-style accessory.
Clothing; Kae sports a striped light purple and an off-white slightly blue tinted halter top, black shorts, purple flip-flops, and wears two silver coloured wristbands on her wrists.
Personality; Honest, sarcastic and smart-mouthed may be the first words to come to mind with Kae. She is always be scolded by others to keep her trap shut and smile pleasantly, though Kae hardly ever listens to them. She can be seen as rebellious and reckless, thoughtlessly going into action that usually results in her getting in trouble. The only time she's really quiet is when shes reading, which she does most of her time at home. Kae loves to learn and try new things, and find challenges intriguing. She's not one to step down during a fight, though she knows her limitations (but usually ignores it and steps out of her boundaries). A naturally curious person, if something catches her eye she'll more then likely go after it.
Other; Kae knows four languages; English, French, Spanish and Pig Latin. Whenever she gets mad she'll spout out stuff in either language, or mix the languages together unconsciously.
Picture references; Her clothes {Besides the bands}, Picture in which I was inspired to have her hair and eyes like they are