Name; Calanthia Mason
Nicknames; Thea or Theo
Age; 18.
Gender; Female
Height; 5''7
Weight; 135 lbs
Hair- Thea has wavy brown hair that goes to a little past her collar bones when is kept down. Thea usually keeps her hair up in a ponytail; most commonly in a side ponytail that rests above her left ear. Keeping her hair together is a gray ribbon, darker then the gray of her shirt. She has bangs on that sway to the left and are slightly choppy and curves around her left eye.
Eyes- Large vibrant green eyes that had long dark lashes that gives her an innocent look, despite her usually cold personality. Some people like to say that her eyes glow in the dark like a cats or an owls.
Body- As said before, Thea is 5 foot 7 and weighs around 136lbs. She is rather skinny and looks like she has hardly muscle at all, although she could actually out-lift any normal man. Much to Thea's displeasure, she has a rather small chest and doesn't have much of an 'hourglass' figure. She is quite tanned from all the time she spend in the sun.
Clothing; Thea's most distinguishing piece of clothing would be the green scarf that she always has with her around her neck. It is very long, and after wrapping it around her neck a few times each ends of the scarf still go to her waist. There are 6 dark green strips on the scarf; two on either end of the scarf and two in the middle. She wears a gray t-shirt and a pair of black shorts that goes to her knees. Usually she doesn't wear any shoes, but when need be she'll wear a pair of brown sandals. Then there's her gray ribbon that's in her hair.
Personality; At first Thea may seem like a silent and shy person. Although once a person tries to befriend her Thea will give them the cold shoulder. Thea can be brutally honest, but also lies a lot in order to keep her past a secret. Although if you can befriend her, and she trusts you, her personality tends to take a 180 and she becomes a giddy and excited girl
Other; She carries a bag with her sometimes that holds all of her documents that she has written. Thea writes in diaries and journals so that way she won't forget the past.
Picture references; Head shot example; although her ponytail is on the wrong side ~ , Chibi ^-^ , Awesome art done by Dr Sunie !, Another piece of awesome art done by TheCourteJester , Superly cool shouldershot done by juebloo, uberly cute piece of art done by Holy Advent,
** Art on the upper left is done by Moose Plushie **