last few nights I've been having a hard time sleeping, sunday night was fun, monday night was okay, and last night It was sad... I was trying to sleep but was ahving trouble though i was able to go to sleep earlyer then the two nights before. But it was that i ended up crying myself to sleep, why it's hard to explain, all i was getting in my head were sad scences thnigs that were sad, and depression was what was causing them. Depresion from missing my teddy very much, though it may seem weird but depression does come from different things for different people. everyone doesn't function the same way... that be boring if we did. Lately people say I look so sad, the ones i do tell why it's a simple reason one that i've sad many times cause it's the main big reason, there are others but they're not the main reason. Again the reason is because I miss my teddy greatly, I want to see him every day, hang out with him, do things with him like friends would do, and as boyfriend and girlfriend... but we can't for the distance is hard. I love him dearly and wish to see him.... I wish we could see each other more often..
this is a wierd poem i made if it is one i dunno it's just something I made.
A cut
A cut A cut, it bleeds It bleeds, from the inside out Inside is where the blood lives the out side is where the skin is when broken the blood drips It drips from a cut A cut, it bleeds
Rikku42 · Thu Apr 06, 2006 @ 04:13am · 0 Comments |