Toward the west stands the largest mountain range in Griffin Wood, the Black Mountains. A thick lust forest of redwoods and pine trees, cover the range, it is inhabited by tribes of Karvain, small villages of Wood gnomes, and Woodland Dwarfs. Down near base of the mountains once thrived a great city, home to a peculiar race of Foothill Gnomes. One frightful day, these people, were exterminated and their city burned to ruins by the goblins that hide in these mountains. Traversing the thick forest landscape can be tricky, but the only real dangers lie hidden within caves and hollows. There lies the places where some of the most wanted criminals hide and plot, goblins and cave trolls make some of the caves their homes and hideouts, many mysterious creatures of lore are rumored to live in the high peaks above the where most would venture.
The Black Mountains also hold one of the oldest clans in Griffin Wood, the Bane Clan, a people with mysterious powers and great swordsmanship living as far out of the main flow of griffin Wood. Very few of the Bane members ever venture off the mountain, but those that do, do so with a single minded purpose or justified reason.
Located somewhere, unknown to most, on the mountain range is the Black Dungeon. A maze of cells and bolted gates and tunnels extending mile into the ground, it was once used to house dark mages, fallen priest and others deemed unfit to live in society or fit to be put to death. It was abandoned and ran for years as a place where mysterious and dangerous occurrences happened. It supposed to be abandoned, but shrill noises and mournful cries can sometimes be heard from the depths of the dungeon.