Once a jester to a King, Kappi utilized his five foot six inch slender frame to move to twist and turn and to contort his body. He was quick witted with jokes and humorous limericks and he'd answer most questions with a riddle as to make one think. One special talent he had was a magical deck of cards, he could make them levitate and fly around him in swirls. Kappi pulled of amazing card tricks with his special deck, but the most peculiar thing was he could use them as weapon, in away, he could throw them and they would cut like razors. He has had the same cards for as long as he can remember and somehow if he thinks they are lost they come back to him. With this skill and talent at his disposal he kept the King entertained for years, until that day he made a limerick that offended the king. As punish the King stated that death was too good for him, Kappi was banished from the castle and thrown into the street
in the busy market place or crowed square he would perform acts such as his card tricks, contorting, juggling or walking along the rope that where strung up between houses or stands what ever he could to scrape a meager living. After months of this he found himself in a tavern singing and playing his flute for the crowd as a new associate he met fleeced the crowd of their coin pursed and valuables. They had a partnership where all was split fifty fifty between the two, but when in a town they never associated in public only in the shadows and on the road they traveled.