A treacherous swamp cover in vines and overrun with aquatic vegetation. Many creatures inhabit the swamp, various poisonous and non-poisonous snakes and amphibians, alligators of normal size and those that grow into a dire size that can swallow up the largest of creatures in one fatal snap of its jaw. It is also said to hold mysterious swamp creature that have tentacles and ooze a nauseating slime that holds a deadly poison. The rumors and legends continue on regarding the inhabitants of this marsh but few know what really lies within.
The people of the marsh are said to be the only in existence to live and thrive in the dangerous environment . Their homes are set high up in the trees built from the wood and vines of the marsh. They know the terrain and feed off the vegetation and animal there in. They traverse the swamp on rafts and flat bottomed boats, and can maneuver throughout with ease. Outsider come to the marsh and many disappear and a few get luck and find a marsh dweller to guide and aide them through to safety. Very few outsiders know the trails and hidden pathways through the marsh, but the ones who do rarely come here unless they have business with the dwellers or a secret agenda. Legend also speaks of a hermit, born of the unlikely union of an elf and gnome, hid so deep into the marsh that the dwellers know not how to find him. He is said to be a genius at spells and potions, a brilliant healer, and great warrior, now spending his days in solitude from the outside world.
If one ventures into this place may the gods guide you safely and you find your way out.