Life is unfair, I never seem to experience anything, I always seem to be out of the loop. I get tired of not understanding. I'm not sure if that exactly makes sense, but let me explain. I never seem to experience things like relationships, or best friends, or other things associated with these things. It always seem like I'm left out. I've never really had a best friend, and when I do, It never lasts. Its actually rather pathetic if I do say so myself. Also I've never experienced a relationship, now I do understand that I am young, and good things come to those who wait, but being alone all the time, and hearing other people become ecstatic or depressed over relationships just has some form of emotional attraction to me. Now I do understand that I am young, and good things come to those who wait, but sometimes, it wears on me. I get tired of all the waiting and constant loneliness. Sometimes, I do wish I could get it all over with, get rid of all the titles of virgin, But, at the same time, I want to wait. Save myself for the correct person. Wait till someone comes along and saves me from myself. It is this anticipation that keeps me waiting. That allows me to enjoy the satisfaction of being with the right person. Who knows what the future holds for me, you, and everyone else in this world. If only we knew the future, but then, we wouldn't be surprised when we got there.
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