She stands in front of the mirror.
Her make up perfect
Her hair in a perfect pony tail
Not a hair out of place
Her shirt is purple
A grey sweater over top
To keep her warm
Her blue jeans tight
So you can see her a**
And curves
She is someone who seems perfect in every way.
She paints her lips red
And smiles at her reflection
It smiles back
But it seems broken
Her rimmed eyes
Show hurt.
She turns away and grabs her bag.
She goes to school
Her friends always telling her how pretty see looks
They guys watch as she walks past.
A smile on her lips
It’s the same thing everyday to her
Guys watching but never saying anything
Her friends telling her she's pretty
But she doesn’t feel it.
One day she gets sick.
And misses a week of school
When she comes back people didn’t notice.
Her friends say they did but they didn’t come to see her
Or message her to see if she's alive
The rest of the day she spends alone
Thinking and listing to music
When ever she looked up
People were staring and whispering.
At the end of the day
She opens her locker
Papers fall out
She reads some
You’re a slut! Put clothes on
Why aren’t you dead yet!
Ugly, fat whore
They keep going
All saying the same she tosses them out
And goes home
The next day she wears
The same as normal
Some make up
A tank under a sweater
And jeans
Her friends talk to her but
She knows they talk behind her back
She walks through the school
People whispering as she goes by
At home everyone she goes to school with
has posted on her wall.
All the comments
Rude, hurtful
That night when she took a shower
She stood in front of the mirror before
She draws lines on her face
Then she takes a razor
Drawing over them
She goes into the shower
Sits on the floor
Letting the water wash away the hurt
After she gets out
She goes to her room
Changes into her pjs
And checks her mail again
More horrible words
She goes to her mirror
Grabs the scissors
And cuts her hair short
The next day
She keeps her hood up
To hide the cuts
The short hair cut
People push her out of the way
Treat her as trash
At home she cries
Locks herself in the bathroom
Cuts words into her arm
Runs a bath
Her mother comes home
Her father breaks down the bathroom door.
Red water flooded the place
There daughter floating there
The words am I better now? On the mirror
Less then perfect
On her arm.
The word spread
People stared to care
And felt horrible
But soon they all forgot…
![]() II Moon Rabbit II Community Member ![]() |