I miss his voice
I miss his face
Miss his sent
I miss the way he wrap his arms around me
Miss him whispering I love u in my ear
I miss his sweet, soft lips
Miss everything about him
I hate that he’s so far away
I hate that I can’t take it anymore
I want him here
I want to be held in his arms
I want his lips on mine
I love him and ill never stop
im sick of
you dont undersatnd
how is that my fault?
like really not
that hard to
dear good someone
save u cuz
u dont understand
we tell u a
billon times and
u still dont
get it.
well my fault?
i think not.
its ur own for being
So F**king stu
Pain cause of u
i can feel each tear
cause more pain
and your not helping
just stop everything.
it all hurts
my heart crys
and the pain never stops.
you Say i need to talk to someone
but i dont i need you.
but you dont get that,
this is gettign harder and harder,
i love you.. i think
i think i want to be with you but idk
idk anything.
all i can do is cry and cry and its killin me
i can hear nothing but my heart pounding
i fell like s**t
i feel anger and sadness
i'm starting to feel nothign but coldness
as my head starts to spins
and my vison starts to blur and then blacken
i can start to hear the music that pounds into my brain
i start to fall asleep as i think how stupid i am
how u make everything different
how i cant keep my mind on one person
how i randomly stop thinking as a viedo starts to play
u say u love me and want me
i believe u and we live happy everafter
till the dream changes and im fighing for my life
to save a baby girl i dont even know
i feel so scared when it changes to you leaving
with her and the darkness around srrounds me
as i start see things as i cry.
"come back!" i scream as i hear
voices saying
"its ur fault they left, ur stupid walls push
everyone away" i start to cry harder knowing its true
that its all my fault.
im nothing
mean nothing
am nothing
you try to help
but cant
i have made up my mind
that cutting might solve it
that it will make the fear go away
and u tell me no and soon
after its u are the blade
so much for saying that
i rather get hit by a car
so i cant feel my heart being ripped out
over and over
but i guess im Worthless
no one
ill just dissaper back into the back ground
where no one will care
where ill just wait
for something to get me
and kill me
yes death
is what im starting
to want.
My head was spinin so bad that to floor moved
and u laughed and said that cant be good
i smiled for the first time today and
told u that i was scared and that no where was safe
you said i wish i could keep you safe
i agreed and wished i could crawl into ur arms
cause thats the safest place
you said you loved me and i final couldnt take it
anymore and said ilove you to
ic ould hear u smile as you whispered i wish i could kiss you
i smiled again and felt the world slow start to get better.
Stupid me
My head is spining
Tears run down my face
why am i so ******** stupid
of all the days i had to pick today
his birthday
the one time a year its about him
and im ******** it all up
but i dont know how to stop
he tells me i didnt
******** it up
but god it feels like
a Lie
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