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OhKey's creative ramblings
Mostly my RPG characters and RPG ideas and sometimes little tid bits of information in my life when I feel the need to share it.
RPC ~ Profiles!

I've noticed something...I really do prefer to play male characters, most of my characters are guys...wonder why...

User Name: OhKey_WeeHow
Character Name: Dale Carrier
Hero or Villain: Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Abilities: mind / memory alteration.
Personality: Tired is the first thing that comes to mind when you see the man, like he's been awake too many days in a row and had to deal with too many problems on his own.
Brief History: A teacher and staff member at the school, Dale Carrier is mainly responsible for altering the memories of those few "normal" people that happen to stumble upon the secret of the school and it's student's (usually thanks to the irresponsibility of said students); But Mr. Carrier is also the school's counselor, helping the young would-be heros cope with "their" changing abilities, bodies and world all together.
Appearance: Dale is 6'1", a man of medium build, dull green eyes and neatly trimed dark hair.
Other: Dale happens to be Uriel Woodrow's uncle related through marriage, he's Uriel's mother's sister's husband; a fact that Uriel and Dale alike don't bother to announce publicly.

User Name: OhKey_WeeHow
Character Name: Uriel Woodrow
Hero or Villain: Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Abilities: 1)Walk through walls or solid objects as well as 2) the ability to change his molecular density (ie. Make himself light as a feather or heavy as a stone, though the later is more difficult for him) 3) And with a snap of his fingers can summon orbs of light that apparently do nothing (how queer).
Personality: Uriel is a laid back "funny" guy (better to be the class clown then the class punching bag), he's good humored and tolerant and a decent enough student...with a bad habit of walking through walls at any given time of day. Uriel also happens to be "overly cautious" which in others words means he's something of a coward.
Brief History: Uriel should offically be in the 11th grade but because of repeated occasions where he walked into other students (and staff members) after the fact of having just walked through a wall (a bad habit of his) he failed and had to re-take the year and the school's "secret identity" course.
Uriel Woodrow is comfortable (even a bit overly comfortable) with the use of his powers, that's cause he's had them since forever and Uriel is not the only "gifted" member in his family so Use (of abilities) was natural and even encouraged in his house.
Appearance: Uriel is tall (something like 6'4" ), skinny, lanky young man who's a bit of a nerd or odd ball but at least he's still tall. He has black shoulder length hair slicked back and light orange-brown eyes with a slightly hooked nose. On almost any given day Uriel can be found wearing runners with blue jeans and a sweater, formal but not overly dressy, that would just be asking to get beat up.
Other: Uriel has a few problems that he's trying to over come when it comes to his powers, the first is trying to "regulate" his power use so as to avoid walking through walls and into others and indirectly, avoiding getting failed again...it's not working so well.
The other "problems" happen to be finer control over his power, for example, Uriel is able to "phase" inanimate objects but he's as of yet, unable to phase other organic life forms; the next is that he is able to change his molecular density so that he's as light as a feather and is thus able to literally, be carried by the wind, but when it comes to going the other way (increasing his density and making himself heavier), he becomes unstable and has injured himself from "recoil"....as for his glowing orbs of light. he has no clue what else, if anything else, they're capable of.

Gaian Name: OhKey_WeeHow
Character Name: Earth (pronounce yA-ARth) (Erth)
Gender: male
Age: 25
Dorm: 7-A
Classes Taught: P1- Elemental Magicks (I-IV) P3- Power Control
Personality: Earth is good natured, calm and steady of mind and like the rest of his "class" is rather demure. though get a few drinks in him and he'll gladly "celebrate" with you (like all Gnomes, he loves a good party and really any reason to party will do) .
Likes: the smell of the earth after a rain, admires ants and favors chocolate covered ants.
Dislikes: mud and rats.
History: Earth is taller then your average Gnome, standing roughly 5ft. He is an Earthshaker as well as royalty though not the crowned prince. Earth is classed as a Dune Gnome (there are six main classes of gnome) and spends most of his time in deep thought. His two main abilities are great strength and earth elemental.
Appearance: 1/2/3
Color You Will Be Using For This Character: Olive

Thaddeaus (or Thatch) ~ heart
Gender: Male...usually
Age: 16
Race: Fea Changeling
Powers: Shapeshifting and Dream Walking
Personality: "Class clown" easy going nice guy who likes to find the humor in every situation.
Appearance: http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x136/Liz-Mont/Thatch.jpg
Bio: Not much is known about the Fea Thatch but he was raised by humans.
Class Schedual: Is there actually going to BE classes?? O_o
Additional Information: There are two different types of "shifting" Thatch can do. A purely physical shift based on a glance where he takes on the shape and/or voice. And a more "deep" shift if he has the chance to acquire another person's DNA, in which case he may take on powers and other genetic traits for a short time.
As a Fea Thaddeaus has the ability to walk through the dreaming world.

Hollywood Ebb ~ heart
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Hollywood comes off as serious and a tad touchy even snide, with little room for humour. She is incredibly duty bound.
Likes: water, rain, dark and dank, anything really that resembles the underground waterways her kind call home.
Dislikes: people that get in her way.
History: (Concerning the RPG) The Naga, Hollywood is a Royal Gaurd enlisted as a nuetral party with liegances to neither Licia nor Deamone. She is to help protect the young would-be Queen as a personal guard.
Abilities: Her abilities are Invisibility and that she can detect/sense water (small water Elemental) and she is naturally poisonous. Her weapons are the Staff of Seas (summons water) and the Staff of Stone (summons metal).
Appearance: Her scales are naturally a bright Blue-Green, her under belly a softer mix of the two hues and her hair is jet black. Her eyes glow a toxic green.
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DONOVAN ~ heart
Race: Bat demon (not a vampire)
Age: 18
Abilities: lightening speed, echolocation, sound waves, gargoyle rejuvenation and faint illusions which he almost never uses because he sucks at them. Donovan carries on his person small candy sized pellets that, when he chews and then blows creates a transparent dew like film of super sicky goo that holds stronger then cement.
Personality: flirtatious, egotistical womanizer that has a tendency to not get along with other guys but for some very odd reason children (or the child like) cling to him
Other: Don is the ONLY male in his family consisting of 17 sisters and his mother and for a lack of better words, it's warped him something strange.
From oldest to youngest: Aaliyah, Ilana, Talitha & Talisha (twins) Danelea, Miette, Jada and Odetta are all older then Donovan and then theres Donoma, Don's twin sister. Erscilia, Purity, Rishelle, Vivica, Zuri, Asta, Nara & Napua (twins) are the babies.
Appearance: Tall and thin and yet well built. His complexion is a darker cinnamon color with in the right light a tint of olive. Donovan wears black jeans for clothing with a royal blue sash tied around his waist with plenty of jewelery. Three pairs of ear rings, at least six necklaces and black arm bands and off course dark sunglasses, more then anything to protect his sensitive gray eyes. He wears his hair in a mohawk but unlike most the hair running from the nap of his neck trails behind him in long strands looking much like a pony tail.

Race: water imp
Age: 18
Abilities: She can bend the element of water to her will whether it's creating a bubble shield, transporting herself via water or knitting together a vail of mist. Juniper is also by nature a poisonous creature, the barbs on her fore arms are deadly if they pierce flesh.
Personality: she is calm cool and collected with just enough spunk to add to her mystery...
Other: Juniper is a Priestess to the Deep Waters; a concept that water is not only everywhere (in the air, on the surface as well as underground) but holds a spirit of it's own and knows everything (or damn near close)...to become the Priestess Juniper had to pay a price which for her was her singing voice. The water imp can no longer sing and resents her beautiful cousins the Sirens for their ability.
Juniper is not a warrior but rather the witness to the war. It is her duty to observe and be present in order to record events as well, should anyone all it of her give her services as a Priestess of the Deep Waters (which usually means she calls on the spirit to answer a question or give an omen)
Appearance: tall and slender, her voice is like water and her skin has a faint blue-grey tint to it, she has fins on her forearms and as ears


ROWN ~ heart
Race: Muse / Cat(Lion) Demon
Age: He was born 32 years ago but because of the way he ages due to his mother's blood, he's really only 16 but you wouldn't know that because of how he acts.
Abilities: Control over air and he carries on his person a gift given to him by his mother, something called a "muse stone" which gives him the added ability over sound/music. Rown has a most beautiful singing voice if you can get a note out of him.
Personality: hyper-active, accident prone, klutz....very cheerful and annoyingly optimistic..
Other: a student at the "demon" school Hades High located in the underworld of Hades....His father is a Lion demon, who fought in the Coliseum and his mother is the Muse Polyhymnia (Polymnia)also known as "She of Many Hymns" affectively making him a demi-god.
Pet: a pirahna named "Pee-Wee"
Appearance:a shorter red haired CAT boy..
--> http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=ivlhev
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Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: Griffin
Personality: Loyal, arrogant, proud, cocky, hot-headed, full of himself..a bit of a p***k really.. but he does have a softer side..somewhere..not sure where...
Appearance: human form~ His hair is multi toned and actually isn't hair but soft feather down, his eyes are that of a piercing eagle's..his teeth are not individual teeth as per normal but are melded together more like a blade instead and his nails are sharp talons..all features he was unable or unwilling to conform...
true form~ large winged male golden griffin
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Weapons: While in his human form he carries two twin short curved blades with a hole near the base of the blade, resembling talons
Element: Air and light
Powers: flight, strength, speed and greater magical potentials
Bio: most of the time, only the females has wings and males have spikes on their backs instead of wings...Griffin is a alpha/warrior male in his clan/tribe..or will be, so he was sent to school to study things he couldn't learn at home in the mountains (ie. magic)...he grumbled the whole way..
Other: his true form is that of a Griffin, but in order to interact more efficiently with "humans" he's taken on a human form...

((sorry for the history lesson sweatdrop but i found it interesting))
NOTE: These winged monsters would find gold in the mountains and built nests from it. Of course, this lured hunters, so griffins kept a very hostile guard over their nests. They would eat the men and devour their horses. Griffins are usually heroic symbols. They are well known for their speed, ability to fly and having eyes like an eagle, as well as the strength and courage of a lion. In hieroglyphics, griffins represent heat and summer. In Assyria (an ancient empire of western Asia,) both the griffin and the dragon were symbols of wisdom. In Roman art, griffins are often pulling the chariot of Nemesis (goddess of justice and revenge).

LI'EN ~ heart
This is Li'en (I like to call him my Anti-Elf) I've never played him in any RP but he is referred to in Hades High.
Race: His conception is due to the union of the powerful and most ancient vampires known as the Nosferatu and the exiled dark elves, the Drow.
Age: unknown
Abilities: Li'en is a master craftsman of magical artifacts as well as a trained summoner and a powerful psychic, he also holds the curious ability to mysterious cause people to disappear...
(Lien's most summoned creature) http://i2.tinypic.com/rix18k.jpg
Appearance: He is blessed by Achrya, the Spider Demon Goddess with beauty. Tall, slender and graceful, Li'en is considered beautiful even among the fair elvin races. His long ebony hair runs like silk and his fair skin glows with the tones of a silver moon
Personality: an intellect; quiet and brooding, he rarely smiles or laughs
Other: the unholy union was thought of as a forbidden matrimony and their offspring abominations; they stood against every thing the peaceful and graceful elves of the greater forests believed in being life and nature.
Seeing as it's thought that neither elves nor vampires hold a soul that Lien's soul would be one made up of The Void, Oblivion, The Nothingness..should i go on?
Insight: Li'en is half Vampire but he doesn't feed the usual way. When he does need to feed, which is not often, he does so by absorbing the person into his very being...His curious ability to mysterious cause people to disappear is nothing other then this act of feeding. The poor soul that is absorbed "sleeps" in Li'en's soul or shadow where he feeds off their energy bit by bit. He perfers not to kill his victims and releases them with no memory after about two weeks.
As part of his attire, the red headband he wears is more then a fashion statement. As a powerful psychic Li'en created it as a metal barrier to keep out unwanted thoughts from near by "loud-thinkers" as well as to protect himself against the darker forces that lurk within his own soul.

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Breeder Werewolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 08:46pm
OMG Ish Holly... M..... Elghinn's Lover!!...... =P you know you like it.. heart

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