I'm kind of bored....
Though I should probably do the laundry before mom bitches to me about it again...
And I should probably reply to the role-play but unfortunately, I don't feel like it....
What was I day dreaming about just now...
Oh yeah! I remember!
So, I'm still pissed at myself.
Because I lost my keys yesterday afterschool..
I remember it being with me when I was laying on the rocks and talking with Arielle...
I got up and went to wait for my bus after she left...
I realized I didn't have it with me so I went back to the spot I was laying down at and I couldn't find it.
Perhaps I would've been able to find it if the bus hadn't come right then and there.
I guess I'll just steal Jeremy's keys and use it since he doesn't use it anyways...
I've been trying to find some instrumental music to match my mood right now....
I've been jumping from Vocaloid, to Pandora Hearts, then to Final Fantasy XIII....
Then to Angel Beats....
Oh....I should probably work on my stories....
I haven't been working on em ever since the beginning of this school year...
What to do what to do...