Relationship Status: Taken! 07-06-10 --> Ended 9-09-10
FOOLS. Pshh, dude. DUUUDDEEE. 8DDD Kso like, waasssuuuhhhh my brrruuuuuhhhh`? B] Nothing? Oh OUO. OKAY OKAY. So, this is a hack for Montay, specially made my Mandy dearie Ohhhkkkaayy!! *puts hands high up in the air* Montay, is a very fun, loving, funny, awesome, friendly, cool, NONETHELESS frickin' awesomennessss guy to be around!! If you don't know who he is, or haven't talked to him yet, you are SOOOOO missing out pal! Montay, can be really weird .. but hey, makes him all the better right? Sometimes, not all the times, he can be hard to understand, but I mean.. if your just getting to know him then.. SUCK FOR YOU BABY!! >8D Montay, is my best friend<33 I can depend on him for anything. From advice, to help, to .. many things actually!! He's a very nice guy c'; Oh, and he's taken!? By who? ME 8DDD That's right, I OWN him!! >;3 But don't worry, I'll share 8D NO I'M JOKING. HE'S MINE. D:< Montay, I don't know where the hell I'd be right now if you weren't there by my side, buddy<33 I'll love you forever.
~ Mandyy, you ownn me. c;

FOOLS. Pshh, dude. DUUUDDEEE. 8DDD Kso like, waasssuuuhhhh my brrruuuuuhhhh`? B] Nothing? Oh OUO. OKAY OKAY. So, this is a hack for Montay, specially made my Mandy dearie Ohhhkkkaayy!! *puts hands high up in the air* Montay, is a very fun, loving, funny, awesome, friendly, cool, NONETHELESS frickin' awesomennessss guy to be around!! If you don't know who he is, or haven't talked to him yet, you are SOOOOO missing out pal! Montay, can be really weird .. but hey, makes him all the better right? Sometimes, not all the times, he can be hard to understand, but I mean.. if your just getting to know him then.. SUCK FOR YOU BABY!! >8D Montay, is my best friend<33 I can depend on him for anything. From advice, to help, to .. many things actually!! He's a very nice guy c'; Oh, and he's taken!? By who? ME 8DDD That's right, I OWN him!! >;3 But don't worry, I'll share 8D NO I'M JOKING. HE'S MINE. D:< Montay, I don't know where the hell I'd be right now if you weren't there by my side, buddy<33 I'll love you forever.
~ Mandyy, you ownn me. c;

Our Relationship Is Over & A Lot Of Amazing Moments Will Never Be Forgotten!!