All Meh Avatars That Should Be Finished About Now, But Are Not!!
Meh First Dream Avatar

Total Value: 735,403 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fox Ears
Mummy Mask
Dark Star
Feet Wraps
Red Flame Shoes
Hand Wraps
Gwee the Dragon
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Flame Sword
Celestial Wrap
Noir VOX Jacket
High Noon R0x0rBilly Pants
Meh Second Dream Avatar

Total Value: 898,742 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Black High School Long Coat
Black High School Wide Bottom Pants
Black Goth Boots - M
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Shadow Spirit
Shadow Spirit
G Blade
Romani Glasses
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Meh Third Dream Avatar

Total Value: 527,783 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
G Blade
Airhead Book
Syaoran's Goggles
Shadow Spirit
Mochi the Puppy
Gwee the Dragon
Lunar Scythe
Flame Sword
Berry BubbleNum Bubble
Oculus Mythica
Benny the Puppy
Little Black Bat
Summoning Tome
High Noon R0x0rBilly Pants
Celestial Wrap
Labu Necklace
Grace of Aphrodite
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Hand Wraps
Feet Wraps
Red Flame Shoes
My Fourth Dream Avatar

Total Value: 682,829 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Labu Necklace
Heart Boxers
Oculus Mythica
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Angel Imp Plushie
Angelic Collar
Let it Snow

Total Value: 735,403 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fox Ears
Mummy Mask
Dark Star
Feet Wraps
Red Flame Shoes
Hand Wraps
Gwee the Dragon
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Flame Sword
Celestial Wrap
Noir VOX Jacket
High Noon R0x0rBilly Pants
Meh Second Dream Avatar

Total Value: 898,742 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Black High School Long Coat
Black High School Wide Bottom Pants
Black Goth Boots - M
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Shadow Spirit
Shadow Spirit
G Blade
Romani Glasses
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Meh Third Dream Avatar

Total Value: 527,783 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
G Blade
Airhead Book
Syaoran's Goggles
Shadow Spirit
Mochi the Puppy
Gwee the Dragon
Lunar Scythe
Flame Sword
Berry BubbleNum Bubble
Oculus Mythica
Benny the Puppy
Little Black Bat
Summoning Tome
High Noon R0x0rBilly Pants
Celestial Wrap
Labu Necklace
Grace of Aphrodite
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Hand Wraps
Feet Wraps
Red Flame Shoes
My Fourth Dream Avatar

Total Value: 682,829 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Labu Necklace
Heart Boxers
Oculus Mythica
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Angel Imp Plushie
Angelic Collar
Let it Snow
Meh Fifth Dream Avatar

Total Value: 1,414,706 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Holographic Eyepiece
Spirit Falcon
Longcat Scarf
That 70s White Shirt
Panda Plushie
GO Phones
GO Phones
Gray SKA shoes
Demonic Anklets
Death Whisper
Deadly Mood Bubble
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Sash
Dark Halo
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Blade's Black Belt
Charcoal Cat Tail
Charred Tundra Pants
Black Zoot Suit Tie
Black Leather Belt
Black GetaGRIP Headband
#000000 Complex Jacket
Meh Sixth Avatar (New)

Total Value: 4,127,108 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 3,294,354 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shadowlegend 3rd Gen.
Winter Rose
Fox Ears
Fox Tail
Guitar of Demona
Guitar of Angellus
In Da Hood Black Sweatpants
Long Drag
Angelic Manner
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
The Lusty Scoundrel
Red Tennis Socks

Total Value: 1,414,706 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Holographic Eyepiece
Spirit Falcon
Longcat Scarf
That 70s White Shirt
Panda Plushie
GO Phones
GO Phones
Gray SKA shoes
Demonic Anklets
Death Whisper
Deadly Mood Bubble
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Sash
Dark Halo
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Blade's Black Belt
Charcoal Cat Tail
Charred Tundra Pants
Black Zoot Suit Tie
Black Leather Belt
Black GetaGRIP Headband
#000000 Complex Jacket
Meh Sixth Avatar (New)

Total Value: 4,127,108 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 3,294,354 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shadowlegend 3rd Gen.
Winter Rose
Fox Ears
Fox Tail
Guitar of Demona
Guitar of Angellus
In Da Hood Black Sweatpants
Long Drag
Angelic Manner
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
The Lusty Scoundrel
Red Tennis Socks