Hey, this be sel bell hacking my kitkat's page (;
She's a super duper fun & loving girl to talk too and I'm 110% sure once you add her and talk you won't regret it. I sure didn't 3nodding
I known Kayla for about 2 years and in those 2 years she's always been there for me NO MATTER WHAT.
You guys don't know how much of a amazing sister she is too me. I still remember how we met & I won't forget how we did.
She was like one of my first friends I made on gaia so she's been with me from the start.
I remember how I even made a effort to sneak on at school when we first met just to talk to her before she goes to school in the morning ^^

I'm so glad that she's my sister <333 If something happens to her I'll be sad & worried. :c
I honestly don't know what I'll do without her. She's always been someone I can talk to and make me feel better. She always find some way to make you feel better even if you're in a bad mood <3
I wish we lived closer to eachother instead of far away sad It really sucks meeting someone like her and not be able to meet her. It really does... It's not everyday where you meet someone like her so be glad she's around! I am razz
Thanks for always being there for me sisseh ^_^ <3 and not only being a good sister to me but for being a great friend
I love you with all my heart heart ~

Haha these 2 pictures are so old [x !
This girl never fails to amaze me.
We may not talk much anymore, but we need to!
Because I love talking to her ;D
You're funny, smart, nice and pretty xD
You're the nicest person I've ever met.
We never fought ONCE.
I love our rally memories (:
And I've known her for quite a while.
If anyone tries to hurt her, you'll be dealing with me.
Because I don't like seeing her upset.
She's mega tight xD <3
I love you!
This girl never fails to amaze me.
We may not talk much anymore, but we need to!
Because I love talking to her ;D
You're funny, smart, nice and pretty xD
You're the nicest person I've ever met.
We never fought ONCE.
I love our rally memories (:
And I've known her for quite a while.
If anyone tries to hurt her, you'll be dealing with me.
Because I don't like seeing her upset.
She's mega tight xD <3
I love you!