My name is EmilyCatherine. I'm also Kaylas wiffie, For lifie. Duuuuh. ;P It's been A year and 6 months since i first met her. [ 22009 <3 ] A DAY I CAN NEVER FORGET. We've been through some hard fckin' times, And i'm bein' serious here. Ive been there for her whenever she needed someone. Annnd, Shes been here for me whenever i needed it. She's simply amazin'. JUST AMAZING <3 She's alost beatuiful, Funny, A DORK. And so muuuch more. And i just love her; SO MUCH. If you say you love her more than me, Then gtfo. Cause i believe i love her the most. (: I'm just sayin'. Well kayla, We haven't gotten in ONE fight. And ive known you for a yeaaaar. Isn't that just amazing? We do joke around and call eachother mean names, But it's just because we love eachother. ;P <33 Kayla means everything to me. If i need a shoulder to cry on, Shes there for me. And, Kayla, I'm always here for you, And you know that. When i get a phone my birthday; Shes probablly gunna be the one i'm gunna text alot. Lmao. Ilovekaylasomuuuuch, Nothing will change that.
'So let's SPEND, The afternoon in a cold hot air ballon.' <3