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"there's a reason we call it a play"-My teach, Mr. Needham(drama teach and director of all plays at skool)
Dear Journal,

well's its night time and almost time to head to bed. I'm not sure if i should be happy bout that or a lil scared. I mean. To be honest. ever since that first dream I had bout Alex, I mean, I just haven't gotten things right with my mind. I mean, Alex is cool and all. But He's Kerri's. and I'm not taken him away from her.

I feel bad bout having dreams bout me and Alex and telling them to her, cause I think it mayb even hurting her feelings. and I don't want to do that. *sighs* I just hope there's something I can do. AND I'm also scared bout hurting Zoro. I mean, he is my frist ever true love. *sighs*

(Just to lett all those who read this. I am dating someone in real life and this has nothing to do with him. I love him alot! I love you ulquorria <3)

But yea, More later


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