Dear Journal,
Well, things are going good. I'm wating for him to get on, but i never know when he does. *sighs* but anyway, Im just doing what I do best.
Listen to music, write on here and talkin to others, but there aren't that much people to talk to. I really need to start doing my sit ups. mayb I'll get off and do that. I also need to clean my room.
I'm thinking of cleaning the house tommorow as well. after all, it could be a good thing. My mom does work hard to make us all happy. and of course my dad's workin hard too. Might as well put my effort into it too huh *smiles*
Well I'll write more later.
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"there's a reason we call it a play"-My teach, Mr. Needham(drama teach and director of all plays at skool)
Zoros Vampire Lover
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~I shall forever be his~