I just got back from a dog show! My first one ever! And let me tell you, there was a Newfoundland, and it was a dark brown with a bib, and it was adorable! The golden retrieveres were really a light colored color, almost white even, compared to Vika's dogs Riley who's almost brown and Bailey who looks just like Kelly's dog Angel.
![User Image](https://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b20/brasuela1/chick.jpg)
Well, that's pretty much it! I had to come home early since I have RE to go to, but that's in, like, an hour! And I must go and work on my hm.
mad So.bye for now!
mrgreen ![User Image](https://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a358/o_0MidnightHarm0_o/k31.gif)
Oh yeah! And I did go to see Pink panther on Saturday.
whee cool Also we played Champions of Norath for PS2 for, like, 12 hours or more!
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