August 2006
[08/06/06 06:36pm] OMG, YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!
June 2006
[06/24/06 12:00am] Ok![06/13/06 05:32pm] Poor wittle bunny....I mean pup..... XD[06/12/06 02:53am] Random quotes, ish: (Not ALL of them are ones I cr...[06/09/06 07:03pm] We had a blast at Kelly's![06/07/06 01:54am] GUESS WHAT![06/04/06 11:06pm] You know what?[06/01/06 09:26pm] JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS AND WILL LAY OFF MY BACK!
May 2006
[05/31/06 01:23am] IT WAS HILARIOUS![05/28/06 05:17pm] I'm not allowed to do anything anymore![05/25/06 01:00pm] YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED![05/20/06 10:56pm] Grrr.....[05/19/06 03:18am] TODAY WAS AWESOME![05/12/06 11:02pm] Well.....[05/12/06 05:40pm] Today was a blast![05/11/06 10:19pm] TO START OFF![05/11/06 01:17am] LOL![05/10/06 09:11pm] Ok, well first of all.....[05/09/06 12:34am] Well then![05/07/06 09:45pm] OMG![05/05/06 12:28am] Just to let out obvious stuffs.[05/03/06 09:30pm] Not in a mood to be messed with today, I'm sorry.[05/02/06 01:32am] GREAT!
April 2006
[04/27/06 02:02am] Nothing like going home to ruin a perfectly good day![04/25/06 02:24am] Um....[04/24/06 01:40am] YAYS![04/20/06 10:47pm] I had such a werid day![04/19/06 09:36pm] GRARG![04/17/06 10:34pm] Just for my previous journal entry of depression a...[04/17/06 04:47am] Just so every one knows....[04/15/06 07:16pm] Teehee.......[04/15/06 07:11pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[04/13/06 01:14am] Blarg.[04/11/06 02:42am] BANANA PHONE![04/10/06 03:05am] RANDOMNESS![04/10/06 02:27am] ...[04/06/06 01:23am] Well...[04/03/06 12:24am] !.?.![04/01/06 12:07am] I HAD A BLAST TODAY!
March 2006
[03/30/06 02:14am] Well, here's what ahs happened to me all week![03/22/06 02:06am] OVERLY EXCITED![03/21/06 02:05am] OMG!!!!!!!!![03/18/06 07:53pm] Well, this is what I did this weekend![03/17/06 01:47am] Don't you feel bad for Jessica?[03/16/06 10:30pm] BUMPS![03/15/06 12:53pm] Ok.....[03/13/06 01:21am] ...[03/13/06 12:31am] YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!![03/09/06 02:38am] Don't be discouraged.[03/02/06 08:16pm] Unicorns.....again![03/02/06 07:24pm] I feel so incompetant and useless...
February 2006
[02/28/06 11:54pm] OWIE!!!!!!!![02/26/06 09:11pm] !!![02/22/06 09:49pm] Random things said by me and my friends, mostly Ma...[02/21/06 10:11pm] Is it still going on?[02/21/06 12:39am][02/21/06 12:20am][02/21/06 12:05am] Multiple things.......[02/18/06 12:04am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/17/06 12:59pm] I HAD THE WEIRDEST DREAM![02/16/06 10:48pm] I LOVE RAIN![02/13/06 11:41pm] Unicorns are...[02/13/06 01:15am] MY STYLE![02/13/06 12:23am] HOLY SCRUNCHIE!!!!!![02/12/06 09:20pm] RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!![02/12/06 05:24pm] DIGITAL CAMERA! For B-Day or Christmas?[02/12/06 05:15pm] Ok....[02/12/06 03:51am] Favorites: Part 1![02/12/06 03:47am] POLL![02/12/06 02:51am] The "EDGE" With Ariel![02/12/06 02:10am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/12/06 01:28am] Ok....[02/09/06 03:32am] Curses school![02/07/06 03:17am] Um.......[02/06/06 12:28am] HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!! Literally... o_O[02/05/06 11:11pm] SO ADORABLE![02/05/06 04:50pm] Mr. Fancy Pants is ssssoooo annoying![02/05/06 04:46pm] NO!!!!!!!!!!! I can't go to school tomorrow![02/02/06 01:31am] OMG, MY OLDER SISTER IS SUCH A BUTTHEAD!!!!!!!!
January 2006
[01/29/06 02:48am] Just to announce...[01/25/06 03:35am] OMG! It's Hailey's hand![01/25/06 03:32am] Scary...[01/25/06 03:31am] This is my dog, Elvis.[01/21/06 06:46pm] Well........Donators, thanks![01/19/06 10:45pm] The Voice ((One of my favorite poems by Shel Silve...[01/18/06 03:08am] One of the worst days at school..... ...[01/15/06 07:05pm] I'll be going in a second.......[01/11/06 03:27am] Well....... 01/10/05[01/11/06 12:02am] *dances*[01/02/06 10:54pm] MY ELVIS! *cries*[01/02/06 07:52pm] MY POOR ELVIS! ::pics will be posted soon::
December 2005
[12/28/05 01:21pm] .....[12/26/05 08:14pm] GOT MY HOUSE!!!!!! *parties*[12/26/05 02:15am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/25/05 04:30am] SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS![12/25/05 04:16am] Good Friends....[12/25/05 12:24am] Christmas Eve this year will be one to remember.....[12/22/05 10:34pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/08/05 09:52pm] .....[12/01/05 10:42pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
November 2005
[11/28/05 02:48am] Not something to laugh about......[11/28/05 02:10am] Random word of the day is..... 11/27/05[11/25/05 05:44pm] Just to give a shout out.....[11/25/05 05:22pm] Several days ago.....[11/25/05 05:07pm] Today....11/25/05, I think.....[11/21/05 03:57am] BOREDOM, HERE I COME![11/21/05 03:49am] -_-'[11/18/05 07:12pm] Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire[11/16/05 12:49am] Love this song... XD[11/13/05 08:39pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[11/07/05 02:49am] Random pm's...
October 2005
[10/30/05 09:30pm] PEEPS!!!!![10/30/05 05:41pm] My Fat Cat[10/28/05 03:09am] ...[10/26/05 09:48pm] There's one less bird in the world.[10/26/05 12:53am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[10/26/05 12:47am] Sight[10/24/05 11:09pm] Bored...[10/13/05 09:14pm] KILL ALL SMURFS!!![10/08/05 11:41pm] Ah well.[10/08/05 11:40pm] I Miss You
September 2005
[09/25/05 09:31pm] KILL ALL FLYS!!!!![09/20/05 09:25pm] It's life, deal with it.[09/11/05 03:32am] Another Trunk.[09/07/05 11:44pm] Another Trunk!
August 2005
[08/27/05 12:03am] CHINCHALLAS!!!!![08/23/05 10:29pm] Nowhere To Turn[08/17/05 02:30am] My 1st Treasure Trunk![08/14/05 06:44pm] Something To Look Forward To...[08/08/05 06:54pm] Why Do I Feel This Way? Oh, It's Because I'm Useless.[08/08/05 02:24am] Ever Since The Day I Was Born.[08/05/05 11:52pm] Horsie![08/05/05 03:50am] When Does Today End, And Tomorrow Begin? Never![08/01/05 11:50pm] Painful[08/01/05 08:06pm] This Is What Loneliness Is Like[08/01/05 02:00am] Hopelessness
July 2005
[07/31/05 10:56pm] It's A Cruel World[07/19/05 08:19pm] Hearts![07/19/05 08:16pm] Say Hi![07/17/05 04:56pm] Don't Go[07/15/05 07:19pm] Through Pain, You get Saddness And Misery[07/14/05 08:46pm] That's Life, Deal With It[07/14/05 05:32pm] Life[07/13/05 09:49pm] Death[07/13/05 09:48pm] Outcast
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