WELCOME FANS! now then, first some good/bad news. i'm starting college in fall!!!! this summer, expect a LOOOOT more TTMS (and on time, promise :3) but come fall.....well we will see>.>
foooor now, i handed the 5th installment to a girl who knows manga as well as me (welll...close enough ;P) soooo *drumrolls*....
Guest Reviewer: MadameKiwi (AKA, that one kohai who just won't QUIT with da healz)

Tags: Seinen, Action, Adventure, Martial Arts
Current status: Still in progress--currently at chapter 101
Read it at:
OneManga, MangaFox
Haruka Toyama can see into the future by precognition and so she's being pursued by a shady company. She uses her abilities to attain the aid of a blind man named Mamoru Hijikata and boldly asks him to be her bodyguard till death do them part. Surprisingly enough, Mamoru takes her in and they are both delved into some dark business by a slew of criminals left and right.
Plot: 3.5/5---So far, its alright for me. Typically, a lot of people wanting Haruka and wanting Mamoru dead. So far, anyways.
Violence: 5/5---DOHOHO, there's a ton of violence here. Seeing as its an action manga, the chances of seeing Mamoru fight is amazing. We're even blessed with gunfighting and even MOTORBIKE BRAWLS. And lets not get started with the swearing content either...
Fan Service: 2/5---For a boy's P.O.V, I GUESS we can consider two ladies as fanservice, despite them being only minor and appear whenever they are needed.
(And I guess Haruka, if you're into the whole loli stuff).
For a girl's P.O.V, not as much, unless you like rugged, tough, cold and tells you to drop dead LITERALLY Mamoru like I do icon_sweatdrop.gif
Action/Suspense: 4.5/5---A WHOOOOLE lot of it. Once again, this is an action manga so its packed to the brim--and sometimes the action can be suspenseful, like "IS he gonna live this one?" "Did she survive that gunshot?" "Why did he stop his sword when he could've cut cross his f***ing skull?"
That sort of thing. We mostly get that kind of feeling with Mamoru and the gang.
There's a few instances where the antagonists THINK they've mindf***ed Mamoru, but the theme |instinct over technology" is used a lot, and to their disadvantage.
This manga has made me respect blind people even more ^^;
Although...would a 12 year old wait that long to marry a guy like Mamoru...?
Pretty good for the action freak, and even some girls who like it when the main man tells their enemies to go to hell and such. Its still in the works, so you're able to catch up with this manga easily, due to its fluid action style.
Till then, until WHENEVER I'm allowed to guest star again, this is Kiwi, for Tokkun-Sempai! ^w^
Thank you my dear kohai! ^.^ we look forward to any other reviews you may have in the future biggrin
and if YOU (thats right, you the reader) have a manga suggestion, simply shoot me a PM titled Manga Spotlight Suggestion!
include the name, a short summary, and a website i can read it on, and if approved, either i'll review it, or maybe i'll let YOU do it! (your call really ^^)
Again people, sorry that i been kinda neglecting this thing >.< maybe i should recruit kohai and my own senpai to make sure things go smoothly....
Community Member
O-Oh right.
heart Thank you for putting up with me, Sempai~! Can't wait for the next one!
isweartogod, i shouldbebankai'dforthedelaytimeforthispost