The Legend of the Demonique Pumcoon!
This story was made for the contest in the Happy Crawlidays Thread. Click the link to visit, become a member, and win some prizes! biggrin
anyways, here is my story, hope you like!
An eerie wind blew one night, as if to symbolize the events to come. Halloween had just passed, and in the midst of the night a scientist was wandering around "I was a fool to try and play god!" He uncovered a blanket to reveal a baby, with a pumpkin head and raccoon body, sleeping softly. The wind howled as he placed the baby in a basket, a note attached, and rang the doorbell before running off. As the Baby cried out into the night, a Gothic teenage girl answered the door. "Hello?" she asked before looking down "What have we here?" She uncovered the blanket and gasped as she revealed the baby "Awwwww, aren't you the cutest thing!" she cooed, picking the baby up and revealing a simple note attached to his blanket. "I am the Pumcoon. Please watch over me, or deliver me to someone who can" She looked at the now giggling pumpkin head and smiled "Well cutie, i'm Lydia, and i think i know just who to take you to!" She marched to her room and sat the baby down on her bed softly before calling out.
"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!"
A ghostly figure in a pinstriped suit appeared in a puff of smoke accompanied by gruesome, spine tingling cackling.
"HEEEY! It is I, the GHOST with the MOST!"
Lydia rolled her eyes at his showmanship and sighed "Can you explain this?" she said gesturing to the baby, now giggling madly at Beetlejuice. He looked the Pumcoon over and shook his head.
"Naw babe, no way anything like that existed in Netherworld, it must be from here."
"Well can you take it? Maybe find it a home?" Lydia asked, but Beetlejuice simply shook his head
"No way. No one in Netherworld would want that baby....but i do know a guy right here in the real world, kind of a nut, but i bet he could watch him." After some lengthy discussion, Lydia agreed, and Beetlejuie took him to Freaky Fred.
Late at night when i was sleeping
After quite the long night of peeping
A silent night, fit for reaping
And i had been quite.....naaaaughty
When suddenly there came a tapping
Upon my door, whilst i was napping
At the step, a child, in slight wrapping
Looking awfully.....naaaaughty
A head of pumpkin and body of raccoon
Slumbering quietly under the moon
To my terrifying smile, he was immune
but still i felt.....naaaaughty
I remembered then, with a smack
A terrifying man with a sack
uttering his name of "Candle Jack"
and I had known, he to, was....nau---
"Do you have to do that every time?" Candle Jack asked, glaring at the barber who'd called him with the use of his name. "All that rhyming and "naaaughty" creeps me out." He stopped and turned as the baby Pumcoon began crying from the noise. "Ah kid...i can't take you in, but i bet i know someone to watch ya" With that, Candle Jack whisked him off to the land known as Halloween Town.
Jack Skellington tilted his head back to look at the door when he heard three solid knocks. "What's this? A visitor at such a time!?" He opened the door to find a giggling pumpkin headed baby reaching for him and cooing. A quick look around revealed no one, but a note attached to the child reading
"Dear Jack, watch over the baby, Love CJ"
Shaking his head, he brought the kid in with a sigh "What a unique child" He said and looked him over. Jack had a thought. "This child....YES!" He cried as he lifted the baby. "I once tried uniting Christmas and Halloween, with a disastrous result, but YOU my child, have a shot!" He examined the aura of the child. "Hmmm you have the scary down....but only one man can teach you the rest!" With that Jack decided to enter Christmas Town once again.
He knocked on the workshop door. The door opened as Santa stood there giving a jolly "Ho-Ho-Ho" greeting.
"Why Jack, what brings you here? You're not thinking of taking over christmas again are you?" Santa said as he slowly motioned to a big, muscle bound reindeer. Jack sighed and shook his head "No no Santa, you see, i have this child. It's unknown where he came from. He seemed destined for scary things, but i want more for him! This child, is BORN into halloween, but if he were RAISED in a christmas way, then maybe there is hope for our holidays to coexist after all!"
Santa paused and thought this over. All his life he never thought two opposite holidays could be one, but Jack's idea made sense....and so he agreed. "Ok Jack, I'll raise the boy well!" Thus, Santa took watch over the Pumcoon.
The Pumcoon grew very quickly, to the point where in barely a year he was able to walk, talk, and interact as well as anyone. Jack had visited often, so as to keep the spirit of Halloween alive in him. Around Oct.1st, the Pumcoon asked where he came from. Jack informed him of the adventure he followed as an infant and even offered a meeting. He gathered all who had influenced his life, and they all met in Barton Town. The Pumcoon learned a lot from everyone. He realized he had more passion for both holidays then everyone combined, but where to use it? He looked around, as Gaians everywhere were simply shuffling around, he decided on something.
"Everyone, you all have your places in life. Whether its Halloween Town, Christmas Town, The Real World, or Netherworld, but i think...that my place is here! Spreading the love of Christmas, and the chills of Halloween, both at once to all of Gaia!" Everyone Nodded, smiled, and with a round of applause, they gave what advice, support, and gifts they could, then simply said their goodbyes. From there, it was up to the Pumcoon....