My Life Before This Part 35
Well after the fire, our clothes were all burned, torn, and dirty so we all changed clothes. Unfortunately, my veil could not be saved. I put on a white cotton dress. Everyone decided to split and to meet back at home in 5 years. Sam and I ran off to France. There I went to a store and bought a red cloak. At the bakery next door bought Sam a loaf of bread. Luckily I still had my wallet with me. We wandered around Paris a while when we came across a beautiful little house that was for sale. Sam and I bought it immediately. We then bought furniture and other house stuff for it too. This could not get better! I wondered if I should talk to Lilith and I did. I found out she went to America, a country across the ocean. It was so far away, I wondered if I would ever see her again. But now I just wanted to enjoy this alone time with Sam.