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"oh where the road of life may take us, and we shall stand together side by side, a family united, not by blood, but by the moon"
jacob had to leave the room when merri started talking about the bad feeling she got from someone at the order. ada herself felt her stomach knot up at hearing about another 'mommy and daddy'. bell just smiled at the little girl, happy to be remembered. "hi merri...don't worry...as soon as we get your sister back...you two can play with my hair all you like...i promise" she said tot he little girl who became happy immediately.

'snap out of it jacob.....get hold of yourself...' izzy said to jacob calmly in his mind. "right...." jaocb said, as if it was that easy.

arisa began to wake up as light filtered into the room. generals were the only exorcists afforded the luxury of windows. arisa woke up on the giant bed and looked around. she saw esther sitting in a chair, smiling at her kindly.

merri looked up at her parents. "sissy needs me again...by mommy bye daddy....i'll see you guys soon" she said as she smiled and faded out, back into arisa. arisa looked hard and cold at esther. "your a bad person! you are a liar and mommy and daddy end everyone else..they are gonna come and take me home....you are a kidnapper and kidnappers go to prison!" she said matter of factly

arisa could smell the warm food and her tummy grumbled a bit from how good it smelled.

"you sound hungry merriella...why don't you have something to eat....and you can tell me about mr. jackrabbit?" she offered and carried the tray of food to the girl

As Arisa ate, Esther went over to a small drawer across the room, and on her way back, she had a book in her arms. She sat just near Arisa, and smiling to her kindly, opened the book up. It was an album that she had kept. It had pictures of when she was pregnant with Arisa, and a few of the day she was born, with Esther holding her in her arms.

"...Do you see..? I've kept it for all this time..this little baby is you..back when you were born..you were taken away from me...But I was so happy to have you...like I'm happy to see you sitting in front of me right now... I don't want to lose you again."

Turning the book over so that Arisa could look at the pictures, she handed it to her, petting her head softly. "...I don't want to kidnap you..I'm your real mother, and I just want to be able to have you with me again...is that so bad...?"

Just as Merri disappeared, everyone's faces looked downtrodden once again. Clapping her hands together,Addie tried to get everyone out of their slump. "Well..you heard her...Arisa and Merri are waiting for us to get them! So we better get to it!"

She leaned over to Jacob, confused as to how Merri had appeared and reappeared, not knowing the current circumstances and the girls' actual powers, and asked what that was about.

"You're right...come on Ada." Gil said, happy a tiny bit that Merri had come by, knowing they were safe at the moment took a bit of the stress away. "..That damned..machine...is broken now..so obviously it'll be easier for us to get near...though there'll definitely be alot of exorcists around to defend everyone..."

They continued talking for a long while, deciding it would be best for Ada and Gil to come and get the girls, while Addie stayed home for the time being. Jacob and Nuri had to make sure all the guarding exorcists around the order were taken down, and Bell had to help lead Ada and Gil through the maze of that was the headquarters.

"...Any objectives...?" Gil asked looking around the table."..Besides people who should be staying home and not fighting anyhow?"

"gil....this isn't right...i know its...my fault. i was supposed to get them both out...i screwed up...i should be the one to fix this" jacob said, his head down. he looked over to nuri. "i pretty much found my way around the order last time...why not send me in alone...then you nuri and ada can pull the exorcists away from the order. bell can stay here with addie...i'll be quick about it...i'll go in, get arisa, and get out..."

"and what happens when that exorcist shows up again jacob....or when you lose control...then what? do you expect us to just let you play the hero because its what you want?...you can't get everything done on your own and your acting like a brat...thats my daughter in there...she is in danger and she is scared, so do NOT sit here and tell me that i shouldn't be there when we take her out of there!" ada shot at him quickly, her words amplified by her worry that she was concealing sounded venomous and cold. gil placed a hand on her shoulder and ada turned and walked to her room to change into something more suitable for what they were about to do.

jacob just stared blankly. he'd been expecting gil to scold him or reprimand him, but not ada. ada hardly ever even spoke to jacob. she stood there a moment, totally stunned then snapped out of it. "...i wasn't trying to play the hero i was trying to fix my mistakes" jacob said. while everyone prepared jacob and addie were in his room. he explained about merri and aris being one person and such

"but miss esther...your taking me away from my mommy now...she wants me back too....doesn't she?" she asked, feeling more confused than anything else. there was a light knock on the door to esther's bedroom. "esther...its me...let me in please" laurent said, his voice coming through as soft and kind.

Esther looked sadly to the little girl that was her daughter, and back to the door once her husband had knocked. Walking over to it, she peeked through, ".....Why..? What do you want..? Merriella is eating, I don't think you should interrupt at the moment." She said with a small pout on her face, wanting to keep their daughter for herself at the moment.

Once everything was explained to Addie, she tried to comfort Jacob. He was obviously still taking it roughly. "..Mom's just worried..you know that right...? Arisa and Merri are important to her...just as they are to the rest of us..just try to understand, if it was our own baby, we'd do anything in our power to get him or her back right...?" She felt awkward saying this..since just a few days ago, she'd admitted she didn't want to have a baby, but she hoped that Jacob would understand that way. "They have to do it on their own. If you feel you made a mistake, the best way to help them, is to do as they want things done. The better we all cooperate, the faster Merri and Arisa will be back home, and that's all that matters."

She gave him a pat on the back, and just as she finished speaking, the Earl called out to everyone to come get ready. He was going to open an ark door to get the family in between the countries, which definitely beats having a passport any day, and into the city where they previously lived.

"Stand back children~" The Earl said, his voice sounding jolly as usual, despite the situation, but that was just how it sounded, and he stepped aside himself, to let everyone going inside the Ark.

Once they were all gone, Addie looked to her Uncle, Casius, and gave him an awkward wave, not having spoken to him despite his living in the building. "...What to play a game while they're gone...?"
once back in the city they broke up into their respective groups. jacob and nuri had everything they needed to do set in order. jacob walked towards the order, trying to be visibly hidden, so as to draw attention as he approached the order. nuri followed the same idea from another direction. they moved towards each other. as they were spotted silent alarms went out.

'perfect timing...whatever the issue is i'll send esther...' laurent thought to himself and smirked a bit. "that's the alarm...better go check it out esther...i'll watch merriella while your gone" he said and she reluctantly opened the door, letting him in. she turned to arisa and smiled "i'll be back soon...don't you worry" she added the last part at laurent, almost to serve as a warning. as soon as she was gone laurent looked at arisa and signaled for the scientists to enter. they quickly lifted her and carried her, fighting all the way, to the science department. she was strapped down to a table as they began to run preliminary tests

"LET ME GO!!!!! I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!" she kept crying again and again for her mom and dad, and as they ran tests they began a memory wipe, trying to erase the 'brain washing' that arisa had under gone in the past ten years.

jacob and nuri confronted the exorcists outside, which was no easy task, but working together they managed to stay pretty well guarded. bell snuck gil and ada inside, and as they made their way esther caught sight of them. "h-HEY! STOP!" she shouted and bell froze, recognizing her general's voice easily. she turned slightly, fear in her eyes, and saw esther approaching them, armed and poised to attack.

"d-don't do it general....please" bell begged as she saw esther arm herself with her innocence. ada too was in a fiery mood. "you're the one who took her aren't you..." ada said to the woman, stepping out in front of bell. gil...bell...go get my little girl.....NOW" her last word being sharp and cruel as she placed a hand on the wall, forming a closed wall behind her, separating her and esther from the other two. "where is she?! where is arisa?!" she demanded of her "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY DAUGHTER?" she grabbed and electrical cord that ran up the wall and formed a scythe of it, the weapon sparking from overcharge

bell led gil around, stopping and checking anywhere arisa might be held that she could think of."Y-YOUR DAUGHTER!?" Esther, whose innocence consisted of of a long pole-arm , it's tip being able to change shape, not to mention length, spinning it around and stopping it behind her back, ready to strike. "I gave birth to her....I carried her for 9 MONTHS..SHE WAS STOLEN FROM ME, SHE'S NOT YOURS. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL HER YOUR DAUGHTER!"

Pulling the weapon forward and running ahead, she changed the tip to a small axe like point, and slashed at Ada, intending on killing her right there, to get to the group trying to take away her daughter.

Meanwhile, Gilbert and Bell, who were still searching around for the little girl, suddenly heard her screams out in the end of the hallway. "THIS WAY HURRY!"

There were alot of guards set up around the area, but Gil forced his way through, pushing the doors open, to find the Arisa on the table, trying to get away. "GET AWAY FROM HER" He punched Walker in the face, pulling him far away and tried to untie Arisa as fast as he could. He was feeling too intense at the moment, and no matter who ran towards him, he was able to sense them easily, and knock them away. He was here to get his daughter back, and by God he was going to do it.
Bell helped gil, creating a temporary barrier around gil, arisa, and herself. she looked at walker through her protection. "...." she couldn't say anything. she knew what it was like to be one of the experiments of the science department. when she was a child she was brought to the order and experimented on. she could never forgive putting someone through that, and her glare at the men trying to break her barrier made that evident. walker however simply lifted a small gun and shot at bell. the bullet broke her barrier easily and hit her in the shoulder. she fell back a step with an oomph. she refused to fall though, her long hair fell over her shoulder as she held her now bleeding shoulder.

"w-what the hell is-" walker smiled and readied to shoot again. the bullets broke through the barrier but did not break it. the gun he was using was a simple revolver, no innocence, just lead. their experiments on bell when she was a child showed the metal was able to penetrate her innocence easily. "gil...we need to go...now" she said and used some of the blood from her wound to write on her slate 'ignite'. a small explosion erupted around them and in the confusion and smokey cover bell led gil, carrying arisa, out of the science department. she broke through ada's wall barrier on their way back to retrieve the woman.

ada had been fighting tooth and nail with esther over arisa. both were bloody, both were a mess. both were exhausted, but now that ada had her husband and she could see arisa was safe she seemed to be re energized. she stood up and readied herself to attack but stopped short, letting her blade rest less than an inch from esther's throat. "i won't shed blood in front of her if i don't have to...." she said but her eyes told esther she was lucky arisa was there.

she withdrew with her family, not wanting to let esther live, but wanting to get her daughter safely out of the order. arisa was still crying, even as the broke outside of the barrier. nuri and jacob ran to cover them all as they entered the portal. it shut as soon as all of them were inside and it reopened in their new home. ada and gil were trying to calm arisa, telling her everything was alright now.

jacob ran to find addie and tell her they had gotten arisa back safely. they stood in the doorway of the living room, watching gil ada and arisa. nuri and bell stood near where the portal had been. she wasn't fairing well at the moment, panting heavily from exhaustion and blood loss. the bullet was still in her shoulder and someone was going to have to retrieve it, which she wasn't looking forward to.

the earl too was watching the family, and bell as well, curious as to if breaking her innocence was so easy if it would be for other exorcists as well. he decided to test the theory and secretly ordered a few akuma to capture exorcists and lock them in the dungeon of the castle

Esther broke down as the Noahs escaped with her daughter, she'd finally gotten her back, she finally had gotten to talk to her, and she was taken away again. Punching the floor, she cursed at everything that she possibly could, and made her innocence small enough to stuff into a holder on her thigh, before getting up and walking back into her bedroom to get normal clothes on, before running out of the order to get Arisa back.

The same feeling that Esther was looking for, of being able to hold her daughter again, the Noahs were feeling at the moment. Though they'd stolen her from her proper mother, they'd grown to care for the little girl, and they didn't care about anything else.

Gil clung to Arisa tightly, as did Ada, both of them fussing over the little girl, and Arisa clinging to them, trying to stop crying. As she calmed down, Merri reappeared and Arisa clung to her as well, as if she were a stuffed animal, Merri not knowing really what was going on.

As they celebrated the success of getting the little girl back, Addie, who after being told the news by Jacob, ran to the family excitedly. She noticed how Bell
was hurting though, and she took herl to the medical room. Still remembering bits and pieces of the things Kaito had taught her back when he was alive, she could do small things. Operations were far off from simple, but using a simple pair of sterile tweezers, and some gauze, the bullet was soon taken out, and Bell lay in the bed, her wound covered with bandages. "You'll be fine Bell..thank you so much for your help"

Leaving a relieved Nuri with Bell, Addie sat back watching her parents fuss over the two little girls, Casius and lero next to her, smiling brightly at the youngest of the family being brought back.

Indeed Esther knew about Bell being a Bookman, she did research on all the pupils she took in,and if there wasn't information on them, she herself would pay very close attention to every single aspect about them. Sitting at a seat just across from her husband's desk, she crossed her legs, a stern frown decorating her face. She considered Bell a younger sister of sorts, and even if she would never have revealed Bell's origins before, now that she had betrayed her like this, Esther felt she had no choice if she wanted her little girl back. "...Bell never enjoyed working for the order. She always kept to herself....She's also of that..bookman clan."

Raising her eyes up, travelling up the cherry wood desk, and up at her husband, she uncrossed her legs, and recrossed them the other way. ".....So what do you want me to do?"

"...I just..I was worried is all.." Nuri responded. He'd honestly been very scared at finding out she was shot, and he hadn't left her side since the bullet was taken out. "...I forget sometimes that...even if you're the host of some innocence....that you can get hurt by normal things..."

He looked to the bullet, which Addie had forgotten to throw out, and had left on the table beside the bed. It was slightly covered in blood, and lay on a gauze, a piece of it slightly glistening at the light hitting the clean areas. "They know now..that you're not with them anymore...And I swear I'll protect you from them....alright...?" Nuri said, looking at Bell in her eyes, holding her hands in his, and squeezing them to his heart, to show that he was promising....

A few months past, the incident practically out of everyone's minds. Everyone, of course, except for Esther's and Walker's. Arisa and Merri, though completely confused at the start, were forced to start school.Finnish, they found, was a very strange language to learn, so Ada and Gil decided it was best to keep them home schooled anyhow, and so, the two of them gave a long sigh, as the lesson seemed to drag on and on.

Gil was an excellent Father to the girls, but no one could make the subject of World History interesting to two little girls that wanted only to run around and play. Giving them sympathetic look, he decided that the lesson would be over for now, and closed the book. "Alright girls...I'm bored with this..let's just keep this secret from your mother alright?"

Laughing, he put his finger against his lip, and made a 'shh-ing' soung, the girls following the example, giggles coming from behind the small covered mouths. Then, as a sort of to contradict their little signals, there was a scream of sheer terror from somewhere else in the castle.


The girls, and Gilbert, all ran out to find Addie, once again, acting overly-emotional at something gone wrong. It was a very, loud pregnancy to say the least.

"Honey..what happened...?" Gil asked, his voice calm and soothing, and Addie turned and clung to her father quickly, her very obvious belly making the cling a bit of an awkward one, but nonetheless she continued it, her tears streaking down her face.

"DADDY! Jacob hates me! I know it! It's because I'm fat, and I've been crying too much! I'm annoying him, and he wants to make me as upset as possible! He's getting revenge on me, and I can't blame him! I'm a horrible person! I'm going to be a horrible mother, and I'll have to work all alone, because Jacob is going to leave me!"

Nuri gave small snort, and couldn't help but laugh. These small, outbursts, were quite common lately, and he found everyone one of them amusing to the core. "...He forgot the turkey on the sandwich Addie...try to relax."

Everyone else joined in on the snickering, and Addie could only sob pathetically, the kittens meowing at her feet, trying to cheer her up, and she freaking out now because she could hear the animals, but couldn't see them, because seeing under her own stomach was a feat that just wasn't able to be surpassed at this moment in time.


surprisingly, or not really so surprising, the scream wasn't addie, but was instead gil who jumped up on the couch, because as everyone knows, the best thing to do when your scared of something is to jump on a couch that the growing beasts could never reach. suddenly the point of laughter switched from addie to gil. jacob returned with another sandwich for addie. though her mood swings were rather violent from time to time, and always uncalled for, what with her getting emotional over nothing, he seemed to be as pleasant as ever.

"here kitten" he said, giving addie the sandwich and a kiss on the cheek, then shooing the kittens away. he'd taken their new home in finland as a sort of new start for himself and addie. things had been better for the whole family as of late actually. ada, who had been in the room for addie's freak out stopped her giggling for a moment and looked at gil. "wait a minute....aren't you supposed to be giving the girls a lesson right now?....i covered english and philosophy...the least you can do is keep to making them read the text book....gilbert." she said and raised an eyebrow in clear disapproval. she pointed a finger at the door and marched the three back to studying.

bell had been sitting on a stool next to nuri, also enjoying the spectacle of addie and jacob. she found it entertaining that jacob always tried to not freak out at addie for fear of making things worse, and how three minutes later they were acting like nothing was wrong. bell took hold of nuri's hand beneath the table and she rested ehr head on his shoulder. her wound had healed itself completely now and she let her eyes rest on the bullet that had been pulled from her months ago. nuri wore it around his neck, apparently as a reminder to himself how close he'd come to losing her, and how easily he still could. bell thought the notion was stupid, but she'd never say it to him unless he needed it to be said.

arisa complained as she and merri were marched back to studying, bit merri was happily squeezing cabage, whom she'd managed to get hold of during her fathers panic attack


laurent walked into his office and found esther, sitting alone in the dark in his chair. "good evening to you too darling" he said sarcastically as he wlked to a file cabinet and pulled out some forms and such. "i take it your here to complain to me about our lack of efforts again....i've told you we are looking for them...we don't have any concrete leads yet....why not ask your new partner, iku?...." he said annoyed with his wife's constant pestering.

Esther, throwing a small tantrum, kicked her heeled shoes into a pile of, what she knew, to be very important files, making sure they were spread out as far as possible from where they were supposed to be. "Esther herself, was a bit ocd when it came to certain things, but compared to other people with the same disorder, or order if you will, she was a strange case nonetheless. She had a particular liking to anything that was on the right side of, anywhere really. Her long blond hair, was always neat, she made sure of that, but it was kept in a neat braid, which lay on her right shoulder. Her bangs, were swept from the part i her hair, which lay on the right side of her head, and of course, the badge that the exorcists wore as a sign of their status, wasn't even on her uniform, because it was always to be worn on the left side, and she could not handle that sort of uneasiness.

The reason for the explanation? Of course, because she had only knocked over the pile that was laying to the left side of where she sat, the right side remained untouched. "...I don't speak to her, we only speak when we're on a mission. She wouldn't know anyhow. You should be working harder. What about the exorcists that have been disappearing near Switzerland, northern Russia and Norway? There has to be something going on up there? If it's the noahs then Merriella has to be there don't you think!?"


Nuri looked to Bell, giving her a soft smile, though she obviously couldn't see it, her head in a position that made it hard to do so, and squeezing her hand back gently, he kissed her head.

The new sandwich made Addie smile brightly, and her arm wrapped around Jacob's, she gave him a kiss back. Though the engagement was back on, it had been agreed on way back when Arisa had come home, they still weren't married, though they acted as close to a married couple as possible, despite the over emotional arguments that occurred every 15 minutes or so. They jokingly mentioned how Addie was the husband lately, and Jacob the wife however, with him being in the kitchen having to get her meals every so often.

Addie looked to Nuri and Bell, and though they were only across from them, a few feet away, she pouted, a bit jealously, and looked to Jacob, putting her head on his shoulder as well, and glaring at the other couple. She continued clinging to him, her arms tight around his. Nuri couldn't help but continue to chuckle, knowing she was feeling competitive at the moment. He decided to humor her, and gave Bell a surprise kiss on the lips, a grinning one, but a kiss nonetheless.

Addie scoffed, and did the same, pulling Jacob into a kiss on the lips as well.

Nuri only grinned at her response, and picked Bell up, carrying her bridal style, and spun around, speaking loudly, "...Let's go make loud and passionate love now my beloved!" Then walked away.

Addie screamed and kicked at the table, then looked to the happy go lucky, and very uncharacteristic Jacob, a sad pout on her face. "You knocked me up on the first date...if you could even call it that...b*****d."

bell giggled as she was lifted and spun, though the kiss took her by surprise and she couldn't react to it at all. she blushed brightly as nuri talked of going to have sex. "no need to announce it...what if gil or the earl hear...." she whispered, a bit worried because she still wasn't sure the rest of the family liked her or wanted her around, though the two little girls still loved doing her hair and make up.

jacob smiled and lifted addie, with ease, in the same manner nuri had lifted bell. "kitten there's no need to compete....i've already beaten him out...i have you and we have a baby on the way...he is probably shooting blanks anyway...that is if he can even get it up" jacob joked and kissed addie as he carried her off to their own room to 'play'.

gil pouted as the girls began to do their history homework and ada supervised him supervising them. he could hear nuri and bell in their bedroom. 'geez...they go at it more often then jacob and addie...i swear if we have another pregnancy in this house it'll be too much to handle....the earl will flip his lid...he already avoids the house and addie's hormones like the plague' he thought as he turned on a radio, drowning out the sounds so merri and arisa wouldn't hear, but ada gave him a disapproving look for the distraction of the music.

Ada was wearing a very short pair of shorts and a skimpy tanktop as she watched her girls and husband. she left them to continue their work as she left to prepare dinner. she made sure they had pickles too, for addie, and jacob's sanity. she pitied him having to run out at two in the morning to get her whatever it was she was craving, she'd heard him leaving numerous nights while she and gil were....entertaining...one another


"well maybe you should start...i'll see to it you get funds if you want to go up north...i don't mind at all" 'it'll get you off my back....i can't have you around while we go over the data from our completed tests on mariella anyway' he thought to himself as he had iku summoned.

"She is on her way...go on and brief her on what info you have, and take this golem too" he passed her a light purple metallic golem who sprang to life, flying about her. "its the latest version of the timcampy golem" he offered

((OH OOH TIMU!~ <333 ))

Esther gave a scowl, but stood up, the golem landing on her shoulder, and deciding to stay there. She mumbled on the way out, and blew him a sarcastic kiss, "Good bye then my...love" Then on her way, after slamming the door, she added a "...rat b*****d."

Walking through the long halls of the order, her shoes making the 'click' 'clack' that helled boots often did, she made her way through the winding stair cases, and secret hallways. They reminded her alot of the school Hogwarts. The magical wizarding school that kids these days loved so much. Stopping mid step, she looked to the ground, wondering if Merriella liked to rea Harry Potter, and she made a mental note to buy some, just in case she did, so that her daughter wouldn't be bored when she came back to her.

Though Iku had been summoned, Esther always knew it took the girl 20 or so minutes to arrive to any place, so instead of waiting in the office with the man she loathed at the moment, she made it to the lounge, where Iku, as usual, was sitting drawing plans onto a board a bit obsessively.

Esther wasn't the type of woman to sneak up on anyone, but Iku was so wrapped up into the work, that she didn't notice the helled clacking. "...So..what're you up to...?"


As Ada gave Gil the disapproving look, he switched the music to some classical, so that it would "help increase the unlimited intelligence the girl's had stored in their remarkable and deliciously cute brains". Needless to say, he watched Ada walk out, biting at his lower lip, but making sure that he was the only one that knew.

The girls were getting smart though, and though, still a little oblivious to the actual going ons, they knew that the two couples were doing things that led to their father being uneasy. Arisa, the sneakster that she was gave Merri the "signal" and she quickly got up, excusing herself for the bathroom. In reality, that was no where near where she was headed.

Knocking on Jacob and Addie's door first, she could hear things that didn't seem like normal "playing" the kind that she knew, so she gave a scream as she kicked at the door, interrupting the two. "THAT'S GOING TO HURT THE BABY!!!"

Addie immediately responded to this, though the doctor had assured her many times that it wouldn't hurt the unborn child.

Next was Nuri and Bell's room, they shared it as soon as everyone moved into the new castle. Banging as hard as she could on the door once again, she screamed out, " THAT'S GOING TO MAKE A BABY!"

She then quickly ran off, going back to studying.

Needless to say, everything was rather quiet at the mansion, or castle, that was the Noah's home.

Soon enough, dinner was ready and another day, just as the other ones in the past few months went by as...smoothly, as possible. Dinner came and went, and Addie and Bell watched the girls, while Ada and Gil had their own alone time. This went back and forth everyday, the days becoming, strangely enough, routine, though soon enough that would obviously change, as the exorcists grew closer, Charles was still out, and the days until the due date came closer.

((i died hahahahah i love merri hahahaah))

jaocb was a bit annoyed with his 'playtime' being interrupted, but he tried not to let it bother him at the moment, however bell and nuri were worse off. they were both awkward as they sat in the room, wondering what it was gil and ada had told them they were doing and how much the girls actually knew about baby making. bell's hair was still disheveled and messy and as she sat there, trying to comb it out, she debated chopping it all off, then put the thoguht out of her mind because she knew nuri liked to pull it during sex.

jacob held addie's hand and kissed her cheek before getting up and checking the fridge. "kitten there is no rum raisin ice cream...should i run out and get it now in case you want it...at 1:27 am?" he asked, knowing from experience he wasn't going to get much sleep again tonight. it was a Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings addie always craved ice cream or salami at weird hours.

arisa and merri had caught on to the routine, and now they were switching things up a bit. this time arisa left, leaving merri with jacob and addie nuri and bell. she snuck off to her parents room and cracked the door open slightly. cabbage had been following her and the kitten ran in the room before arisa could grab him, trying to be a spy and not get caught. the kitten jumped up on the bed as arisa lost her balance and fell through the now open door.

"mrew~" cabage brushed up between gil and ada, who were only half covered in the bed at the moment.


"s**t!" iku shouted and turned around quickly, lifting the gun and aiming it at esther, not realizing who she was immediately. as soon as she recognized her 'partner' she lowered her weapon. "sorry....you scared me....what with how easy the noahs were able to get inside i am on edge....and with no sign of that jackass charles lately...well i just don't know what to expect" she sat back down and let esther look at what she was doing. "if we move out soon we might be able to catch the reasoning of the disappearances before the next unit is taken. the corpses all were mangled...so this isn't likely to be the work of the akuma...i am willing to bet its the noahs....and by my calculations they should be in finland...where in finland is harder to figure out, but since the order there is weak and not very attentive...i think they may have run into hiding there..."

The surprise of the cat in the room, Gil gave his usual girlish shriek. Luckily, his wife had gotten accustomed to him running at the sight of a cat, so the window was always open. Grabbing a pillow, he didn't seen notice Arisa having fallen in, he just covered himself up, and jumped out of the second story window.

Then there was silence as Ada and Arisa stared at eachother for a long while. Soon, that was followed by an embarrassed Addie scream, having seen her father running outside, with nothing but a pillow. She'd forgotten all about the ice cream, and Jacob was probably going to have to get it later on that night anyhow.

Gil, of course, had heard his daughter's scream, which by comparison didn't sound as girly as he screamed when he saw a cat, even if she was a female. This was mostly because Gilbert had lost a bit of his manliness as of late.

Embarrassed and cold, he sat in the bushes, until Ada came to save him once again.


Esther never having thought she'd actually like Iku, gave a huge smile at the mention of Finland. She in fact had the same idea and assumption on the matter, and patting Iku's back, nodded a bit excitedly at being able to get her daughter back with the help from the ex-Noah.

ada stared at arisa for a long while, then making sure she was covered, she tied the sheet around her chest and lifted her daughter, grabbed an extra sheet for gil, and marched into the kitchen. "you are supposed to be watching the girls...not sending them to spy on us..." she said then gave nuri a knock on the head since he was laughing his a** off at gil. she stepped outside and threw the sheet to her husband, then returned to her bedroom, a red faced gil following behind her. jacob made a whipped motion for nuri to see as gil tailed his wife. they closed the bedroom door only to have gil shriek again and a moment later ada walked out and dropped cabbage on the table with an angry twitch, then returned to gil again.

later that night when everyone was in bed jacob was sent out for the ice cream. he hopped on his motorcycle and headed into town, a 45 minute ride, to get addie's dessert. while in town in the shop he froze, rage stiffening his movements as he spotted iku in a crowd of people. she was with another woman jacob didn't recognize, but he knew the uniform she wore was that of a generals. he hadn't been spotted yet and he debated attacking right then and there, but he knew it was better to wait for back up, besides, if addie didn't get her ice cream she'd beat his a**.

he snuck out quickly, making his way back to his bike with the ice cream, cursing under his breath the whole way. as soon as he got home he got addie her ice cream then ran down the hall and woke gil up, draging him intothe living room so as not to distrub anyone else int he family at the moment.

"gil...iku is in finland...i saw her in the town..."
iku looked around the little town she and esther had landed in only hours ago. "this is so low scale for them...i mean i know they have been playing overty for a while but come on...." she seemed disgusted with the town

Gil, who was asleep at the time, normal people slept at 1 inn the morning after all, but after Jacob's statement, he woke up right away, sitting up straight.

"....Iku!? Are you serious...? She didn't see you did she? Was she alone..?" He asked, leaning close, and whispering so as not to wake anyone else up.

It had been a while since the last battle with the exorcists, and though no one had lost their skills, none of them expected to be found, after all they were living the life of a normal family in a home. "The Earl is going to want to know."


Esther gave a shrug, and looked around as well. It was late when they arrived, and the small town was all but dead, except for a few people running errands. Some men were in the corner of an alley, talking about how they were hiding from their own pregnant wives, and some prostitutes swung around, but other than that, no one really was around.

As they traveled to the inn they were to be staying in, Esther who had been quiet for the entire walk, finally spoke up. " I think this place..has it's own little thing going on though..not something I would expect the Earl to have anything to do with...but perhaps they are hiding out in the outskirts of town, rather than in the actual town itself...just because the last exorcist disappeared here...doesn't mean that they are in the center of town.."

"true enough i suppose" iku agreed as they went to rest for the night and plan for the morrow.


"she was with a general...i didn't recognize her but if i had to wager a guess..." he looked to arisa's and merri's bedroom door, and gil followed his gaze. he sighed, figuring as much. "gil i don't know what to do...telling anyone would upset them....especially ada and addie....ada would fly off the handle and addie...if she gets too upset this late in her pregnancy she could go into early labor.." jacob bruied his face in his arm as he flopped back on the couch, frustrated with the situation. "we can't move everyone without explaining it to them...and staying here is dangerous....and i can't get izzy to shut the ******** up ever since we saw her....i almost attacked but he started going off at me and he won't stop...its giving me a headache..."

Gil sat, just as Jacob did, the two seemingly rubbing off on each other as of late. Suddenly looking up he nudged at his near son in law, and knowing it wasn't one of his greatest ideas, he suggested it anyhow.

"..We can always go...try to take care of it...? Lead them..away...from this area at least...?"

He assumed Jacob understood. If they could start a fight with them, and run off, then of course, they would lay chase, and it would give them enough time to take the family and run once again. "...we could do it tonight...it's only 1 in the morning..we'd be back before anyone would wake up, or Addie would finish that ice cream of hers."

jacob looked at the clock. it was 1:08am. "she passed out two minutes ago with the tub in hand..." jacob said, letting his attentive side for addie show through a bit in his tired state. "the earl will be pissed....and if we are going, we are getting nuri too gil....no chances on this one....we either kill them or lead them away...far far away...." jacob's eyes were serious, an unusual thing for him to be.

they woke nuri, informed him ,then the trio left, heading two cities over, making sure the news would reach the exorcists who rushed to find them. they ran out into farm land and fought the exorcists. gil acted more as back up for nuri and jacob (gil doesn't have powers still hahahaha) and they started the fight. jacob went at iku with everything he had. he merged into jai and fought hard, using the fire to deflect bullets from her gun and sending them off on false trails. he grabbed the girl by her neck and choked her out, only to recieve a blow from esther. he dropped a coughing and gasping iku as his arm was cut from the weapon the general used. nuri was up against the general, but she was fast and able to gaurd iku.

"damnit!" jai formed the red and blue flames and merged them into the black matter fire again, aiming at iku's heart

Esther wanted to help Iku out, but the red haired Noah, who's name she didn't know, had thrown her far away from the other three. Sprinting as quickly as she could, her weapon at hand, she attempted to pierce this Noah, long enough to distract him and go for Iku, her screaming loud and ringing in her ears.

"DAMMIT! MOVE we don't want you anyway! Give me the woman who stole my daughter!"

Nuri, fending her off as best he could, grabbed her weapon, though it burned his hands, they were stronger now. Ever since the machine had been destroyed, and they had moved away, the black arm that he had been infected with, was almost fully healed, and he found his arm strangely, stronger than ever, so the pain of a small bit of innocence in a weapon, was nothing but a splinter on his hand now. Saying nothing in return to the woman though, he took the weapon, and threw it aside, finding he couldn't break it.

Gil, who wasn't one for standing by, ((I know! D= WE NEED TO KNOW....or we can make up powers for him instead of following the original Tryde...all our powers have changed from the original anyway..=0 )) took Esther by the arm, and threw her aside. He, personally, didn't mind the screaming from Iku. He wasn't one to torture females, he was one of the last men with any sort of chivalry, but even he knew Iku deserved it.

"NURI!! Break the weapon!"

"NO!" Esther shook herself off, and got up, reaching for her weapon. Once she got it, she, once again, took a swipe at Nuri, instead getting Gil in the chest, a mid-deep wound, causing him to fall over.


jacob dropped iku and ran to gil's side, lifting him quickly out of the way of a second attack from the exorcist woman. "damnit ada is gonna beat my a** now gil!" he said and rushed headlong at the exorcist woman, forming a black fire ball. he went to plunge it into the woman but iku shot at him, missing by a hair, but stopping him in his tracks. "******** IT!" jai shouted angrily and the black flames began crawling up his body again, the red and blue flame marks appearing on his arm.

gil ran quickly and pulled jaocb's hair as hard as he could manage, seeing that jaocb was about to lose control again, and without addie and bell around to help this time he didn't want to risk not being able to get him under control again. "not now jaocb" he said weakly as pain from moving so much shot through his body. jai turned and caught gil, calming down a bit, but still letting the black flames surround him as the blue and red markings faded away slowly.

"this was a bad idea" he whispered to gil, then set the man down again, aiming at iku since he saw nuri was still occupying the general. he moved quickly, burning the ground with every step he took. he swung and kicked at iku, who dodged and shot at him. he grabbed hold of her wrist, the black flames searing her skin and leaving a permanent burn mark on her, causing her to drop the gun as she cried out in agony. jacob kicked the gun away from her then threw her in the opposite direction, his rage screaming out through the strength of his throw as she soared threw three trees.

he walked over and picked up the gun then formed a black matter fire ball, destroying the gun, and the innocence it held inside of it. lets see how tough you damn exorcists are when you don't have your toys..." he said then tuned back to iku. he went to attack her again but saw something in the shadows. a few more exorcists had caught up to them, probably from seeing the fight. now esther and iku had a little team of five, and two of them looked to be part akuma as well.

"you have got to be ******** KIDDING ME!" jacob said, clearly aggrivated by the turn of events. "NURI!" he shouted, almost yelling at him, then he ran back to gil, nuri helping him, and they quickly left the scene, going in the opposite direction of the castle. as they ran jacob ranted silently to izzy in his head about how ******** up the situation was. 'at least you got iku back jacob' izzy tried to comfort him "i didn't get to kill her..." he said, clearly aggrivated by the fact.

meanwhile back at home addie had woken up, probably wanting more ice cream. she could hear arisa outside in the living room, crying quietly. arisa had woken up, having a bad dream about her father fighting the exorcist lady that was nice to her at the order. she sat in the living room, on the couch, holding her knees close to her. she had gotten so scred that she'd emrged back with merri again on accident.

"..Let's not worry about that right now, that wasn't what we went out here for." Gil said. he hadn't heard what Izzy had said, obviously, but Jacob had responded out loud. "I'll be fine! Let go!"

Getting away from Jacob and Nuri, he stopped himself, and turned around. The exorcists were getting closer, and though he couldn't use his Noah powers at the moment, he knew plenty of other things that could stop the exorcists. For example, after Kaito had died, Gil was left in charge of the Teeze that had been left behind. He couldn't summon them out of no where like the past Noahs of Pleasure, but with one call, they'd appear out of seemingly no where, and that's what happened in this situation.

"TEEZE!!" He shouted out, they were never too far away from where he was. A swarm of black appearing from the dark blue of the night sky, their tiny gnawing mouths ready to chew at whatever ordered, the object he ordered, the exorcists of course.

Gil stood by, making sure that the exorcists were surrounded, before he continued running. "That should give us a head start." He said with a grin.

Chewing and biting at whatever they could, the teeze quickly devoured the akuma exorcists that had appeared, and one even managed to chew out one of Esther's eyes. She refused to go down that easily, however, and covering the gap in her face, she continued to chase them as far as she could.

Esther's daughter, the one she was working so hard to get back, was in the Noah home, being comforted by the daughter of the one who had stolen her.

Addie sat beside Arisa, and hugged her gently, letting the little girl cry on her. She was surprised, because Arisa didn't usually cry in front of others, and she guessed that if it had been a bad dream, it must've really scared her. "Arisa....? Come now...what's the matter...? Did you have a bad dream...? "

She couldn't carry the little girl, lifting too much wasn't recommended for a woman in her state at the moment, but she helped her get up, and brought her over to the kitchen, making her a glass of warm milk to help her calm down. Once she drank it, they went back to where they were before, and Addie pet her hair gently, waiting until Arisa wanted to talk. "You can tell me...I am your big sister after all right..?"

She'd never mentioned it to Arisa, but they technically were, and though she'd never had a real moment to bond with her younger sisters, she always watched out for them.

arisa looked up at addie. she was starting to calm down, in the presence of the older girl, but she was still pretty upset. "y-your my sister?...i thought only merri was my sister.." arisa said and sipped the milk slowly. "i...had a dream that papa was fighting the other lady...the one who said she was my mommy...her name is esther i think....i don't want them to fight....i don't want her or papa to get hurt..." she clutched the glass tightly in her hands.

jacob nuri and gil had doubled back in the shadows, letting the exorcists run by them towards the next town over. they traveled quickly and quietly back to the castle and entered through the front door, all of them freezing when they saw the kitchen light on. "********" jaocb whispered as he heard addie talking to arisa. he looked to gill with worry, seeing the manw as still bleeding pretty heavily and knowing if they got caught they'd be in for hell and emotions. "if i ******** get hit for this gil" he whispered angrily as they tried to sneak back to their rooms

As Arisa talked to Addie, she listened closely, nodding to show that she understood. "...Arisa...it's just...you're important to both Ada and Gil, and Miss...Esther. I understand you don't want them to fight...you just try to not worry about it...Mom and Dad will try to fix everything as best as they possibly can."

She gave a small laugh, realizing the little girl didn't know that Gil and Ada were her own parents. "...And yeah. We have the same Mommy and Daddy..you never thought of it? Ada is my mom and Gil is my dad too. So that makes you and Merri my little sisters. And we're your family, as long as you have us, we'll protect you, and try our best to make sure that you're safe."

She didn't know much else to say, knowing very well that, as long as either side was alive, they were going to fight over Arisa. She loved the little girl as a sister, and didn't want her to be taken away, yet at the same time, she felt bad. She knew that, although Esther was the enemy, she also was the girl's mother, and being an 'almost' mother herself, she could imagine how tough it must be to not have that part of your life.

Trying to think of something else to say, she heard a stumble, and saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She could see, in the dark, Jacob's white hair, and the gleam of blood on, what she could tell was Gil. She didn't want Arisa to worry, not right at this moment, but she made sure that Jacob knew that she had seen them, and that they were in trouble.

arisa split into herself and merri again as she tiredly walked back to her room, lead by addie. jacob stood in the shadows with the other boys, waiting for arisa to be out of seeing range. the little girl hadn't seen them but the cold glare addie sent jacob made him quiver in fear. "i'm ******** ******** is gonna scream and cry.....and hit....and let me tell you she does NOT hit like a girl gilbert!" jacob continued whisper yelling at the man who was still bleeding as they carried him to the infirmary.

bell and iku followed the false trail over to two other towns before giving up for the night on the cold trail and slowly making their way back. on the way iku, who had lost her innocence and was leading esther, who had only one eye now, spotted some blood trailing with them. "esther...." she pointed it out and sent the golem to follow it as she and esther went to their hotel again.

jacob waited in the medical room as he avoided addie and nuri worked on gil's wound. "********-"

"enough jacob....we get the point....you didn't have to agree to this mission if you were so concerned you know" gil said before nuri applied rubbing alcohol to his open wound, causing him to flinch in pain

After Gil was fixed up as best he could be, his chest wound wrapped in a lot of bandages. He tried to sit up, but a shot of pain shot through his entire body, and this told him that he wouldn't be able to sneak back into bed with Ada. Just as he lay back down, Addie appeared behind Jacob, having, somehow, snuck into the room going unnoticed.

"What..the ******** were you doing...?" She asked, her voice cold. This was the Addie that appeared just before upset crying/hitting Addie. "...you all go out..and decide to go get hurt at 1 in the ********' morning. If my DAD wasn't so hurt, I'd seriously hurt everyone of you right now."

Walking over to her father, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, just as she pressed her hand against his wound, making sure it hurt. Then walking over to Jacob, she kicked him in the shin as hard as she could, which was pretty hard. Just as Nuri's hand had seemingly gotten stronger after the blackness from the aura disappeared, both her legs were stronger as well.

And then it started, the water works. "Y-Y-You would LEAVE!? YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED! ALL OF YOU!" The medical room was a sealed room, and no noise could be heard outside of it unless the door was open, and of course Addie had closed it. Taking a medical text book from the shelf, A particular heavy one I might add, she began to hit Nuri and Jacob repeatedly. "MORONS! IDIOTS! Y-YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT! WHAT IF YOU HAD DIED!? You can't sneak out without telling us and think you're going to get away with it!"

The stress from screaming and what was going on caused her to have a sharp pain in her stomach, and she had to pause, holding it tightly. "******** hope you feel bad, you made the baby upset too. ******** you"

jacob flinched as he was hit over and over again, but the second addie was in pain he was at her side, arm wrapped around her waist and a worried expression glued on his face. "i'm...i'm sorry...." he said quietly to her "there was something i needed to take care of....i didn't want you to worry or be upset...i didn't mean to-" he stopped, not sure how to explain to her without explaining who was in the area. "i didn't want this kitten.....i didn't mean for gil to get hurt....don't blame him and nuri...." he quietly lifted addie and carried her back to their room, laying her in the bed and sitting beside her, running his fingers through her long blond hair. "i'm....sorry" he said again, then smiled tenderly at how beautiful she was, even when she was angry or crying.

gil looked to nuri. "...well....i think we got off easy...remind me to thank my grandbaby -twitched at the thought it made him sound old- whe its born would ya?" he asked with a slight smirk before the door burst open and ada stormed in the room. "what the HELL!?" she looked at the wound, then nuri, then grabbed a small metal table near her and changed it into a club and started swinging at the red head. (poor nuri taking all the beatings) "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO GIL?! IT IS 1AM!!!!! I WAKE UP TO MY HUSBAND MISSING FROM MY BED AND I FIND HIM IN HERE BLEEDING ON A TABLE?!?!?!!" she was clearly pissed, and more upset than addie oddly enough.

ada hadn't closed the door so bell heard the yelling and jumped out of bed to see what had happened. she stood in the doorway of the infirmary and stared. ".....are you ******** serious?" she asked as she saw ada attacking nuri violently beating him, and gil on the table, wrapped from wounds. "nuri what the hell did you do to him?" she asked and used ehr innocencce to bind him so ada could beat him without him running away

"AH AHHH! I WANT ADDIE! ADDIE WAS NICER!" Cried, covering his head, and trying to prevent from getting even more hurt than he would have if he didn't protect himself. "S-STOP I! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! DAMMIT STOP!"

Gil couldn't help but snicker, knowing that he was getting his from making fun of him earlier for jumping out the window. After a long while though, Nuri lay on the floor, bleeding from the head, and going in and out of unconsciousness, so Gil called to Ada to stop.

"Ada..Ada stop stop! he didn't do anything, I swear. There was a breach of security, and we had to take care of it is all, we didn't want to wake any of you up is all.." He said, not telling her everything. He was sure that she would be even worse off if he told her that it had been that woman who called Arisa her daughter. "It's a minor cut is all...I'll be fine." He reassured the two of them.

Addie lay in bed, holding onto her stomach, and slapped at Jacob's arm. "DON'T smile at me...what if my Dad had gotten more hurt? or Nuri...or.....you..? " She was fairly upset, and she rolled over on her side, facing away from him, still trying to calm the baby living inside her that upset and kicking around from side to side causing her a lot of pain right now.

"i-.....i know that addie...i know how dangerous it was....but what if something had happened?...what if i didn't go out and do what i needed to and later on it caused you or the baby to get hurt....whats worse...me or your dad or nuri having gotten a bit beat up...or losing the baby or you...or arisa...or anyone we care about? and i can't help but smile at you...you make it too easy to see that i'm a lucky a** man dummy" he said and knocked her lightly on the head (awwww...yukito!!!)

She puffed her cheeks out childishly at the knock on the head, but she couldn't help but smile too as she rubbed her head. "..You're a jerk..."

Sitting up, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and shook him around. "You take advantage of my severe liking of you....but if anything happened to any of you....just...tell me next time alright..? I'm more upset if you don't tell me than if you do...I won't take any excuses. None. At all."

She stood up and away from the bed. It was 1 in the morning but she was usually awake considering the pregnancy kept her awake alot during the night and asleep through the day mostly. Giving a small stretch, she felt the sharpened pain once again. Grabbing at her stomach, she had to sit down again, the pain a bit tighter and sharper than before. Looking to Jacob, a scared expression on her face, she tried to push it off as nothing, changing it quickly to a smile, but she could tell it had started...

Just as Addie had begun getting labor pains, there was a loud banging on the door, that only got louder and louder with each "knock". Though Esther and Iku had gone back to the hotel, the akuma/exorcists had received the signal from the golem that the two had sent out, and had gone to check it out.


Another shock of pain, and Addie tried to breathe calmly,as she looked over to Jacob, hunched over in pain, clinging to his arm, "..I don't think this is a good time to tell you this...but I think the baby's coming.....now."

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