This argument is between me and myself, with some interruptions from I.
Me: Friends drive me crazy.
Myself: Ah, but is crazy real? I mean, there are many ways to divide the people in this world, but they're all based on state of mind.
Me: True. But crazy can't be determined if you don't know the person
Myself: Yes, and first impressions can be a misjudging. What happened?
Me: My 'friend' found a whole new group of friends and now hates people who are friends with me.
Myself: Friends come and go, but new friends are always possible.
I: This is Stupid! She hates our guts, so forget about her!
Me: Forget about one of my BEST friends?
I: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Myself: What Me is saying is that it's hard to let go. But Me, you should. You can't force her to be friends with you. I know, it's hard. But you're so young! Have a little confidence in yourself!
Me: It's hard to be confident when people are always shooting you down
I: THEY DON'T MATTER! Forget them! They're not you! They don't know what or who you are!
Me: You say that, but you're not me, I. It's hard for me to live in a world of judgement.
I: Pff. You can live a life of worry, or you simply don't care what people say and love life. And I am you, by the way. Don't make that excuse.
Me: Okay.
Myself: So everything's okay?
Me: I didn't think you were still there.
Myself: I'm one third of the same person as you. I'll never leave.
Baddicus B itch Community Member |