Jamais Changeant

Pissed don't even begin to cover how I feel about now. We take off in some sort of huff with not even a look back. I didn't have time to worry about the fool guy who'd hurt poor Fiona so. I'd tried to warn her, it isn't my fault she was too naive to listen. Besides...I was still a little peeved about how she'd gotten my cover blown with Lamont. I had to save her fool a** though... Why did I save her again? I think there must be somethin' wrong with me. First I blow a mission over a pretty face, then I help out some ignorant chick I hardly even know, now...now I'm dressed like a princess on a pirate ship.
So I start to change slowly. To tell the truth I was still day-dreamin' a bit. I know I probably wont see Lamont ever again, but I keep thinkin' of that smile of his. I barricaded myself in my quarters and just kept stoppin' and starrin' out the porthole. Just starrin' at the clouds as we meandered in the sea. That is 'til I hear the shoutin' up above. And then I hear the boots clatterin' on the deck and I know somethin' must be up.
I'm only half out of that fancy outfit I had on, but I didn't have time to change completely. I scrambled 'bout my room pullin' on the best fightin' clothes I could. I could only put on part of my mask and I know it ain't to smart to have one of my shoulders exposed, but I had to get my butt to the arms room. I already had my rapier, but after gettin' shot once I realize fire arms might be a good thing to start carryin'.
I race down there. Run across one of them other pirate wenches on my way and accidentally knock her down. I think her name is Gabrielle. I'm about to help her up when she makes some snide little snoot remark 'bout my appearance. I ain't got time to mess with her though so I continue on my way. I didn't think much of it 'til she tries to take the gun I grabbed off that pirate. The very gun that'd shot me.
She gets this look on her face...I know the look. That 'I'm better than you' look that gets my blood boilin'. Anyways she tells me she thinks it's hers. As though I don't know the very gun that shot me. Well she's the one that got me pissed. I keep a firm grasp on that rifle and stare her down whilst I shot back; "I believe you're mistaken."
I think I shook her a bit, but the broad's still got the nerve to say that she got it first. I almost laughed. I couldn't help myself as a cruel smirk broke my expression and I responded; "As I recall, I took it first. When I stabbed a man through the chest with this rapier." It wasn't a threat...I made sure she knew it was a promise by liftin' my rapier towards her while still holdin' on to the rifle.
The fool keeps tryin' to stare me back while puffin' about, how dare I and what-not. It's like she thinks that we got time to argue. But I'll be damned if I was gonna be the first to back down. I don't give two cents if we're supposed to be on the same team. I never been one much for team playing. 'Specially not when the mates insult and try to steal from me.
Just as I'm 'bout ready to break this ridiculous pissin' war up I hear the door open. I don't have time to react when none other than meke little Fiona storms in. My eyebrows arch in slight surprise when I hear the force in her voice. Sometime between shore and gettin' back on the ship the girl must've grown a pair.
I knew this ought to make me madder, but I can't help but appreciate that a bit. And don't think I don't notice how hard she shoved little miss gun thief either. Gabrielle tried to save face by insultin' me again before she gives up the rifle, grabbed another gun, and stormed out.
Then I heard shots fire above. This s**t had distracted me too long. I turned and ran up the stairs to join in the battle. I passed Fiona on my way to my post and couldn't hold back the little appreciative smile that touched my lips.
Suzu Yuudai

I'm sick of this life....SICK of it! Fiona thought angrily as she kicked a chest in her cabin. A chest that used to be filled to the brim with her share of her plunder that she didn't want others getting their hands on...except now most of it was in someone else's hands. Once she had calmed down enough to change back into something more practical, she'd securely locked every remaining spec of treasure inside. It seemed fate had been out to screw with her ever since she signed on to be a member of this crew, so she was determined to walk away with something good out of it.
"I don't know if I can take it anymore," she whispered to herself, fiddling with the hem of her tartan, the one item of her former life that she'd insishted on keeping, beleiving it kept her connected with Aran.
"ARGH!" With another sudden outburst of anger, she gripped the tartan and yanked it off. Unlocking her chest, she shoved it inside before slamming the lid shut again. According to that other pirate, her brother was dead. What was the point in hoping for anything different? Her experience with Kalev had taught her that.
And if Aran wasn't around anymore, then what the hell was preventing her from starting a new life? Why not actualy embrace the freedom of being a pirate, instead of fretting about it all the time?
Fiona was upset in more ways than one, and it wasn't going to do her any good to remain cooped up in her cabin. She needed some fresh air and she needed it now.
She'd just reached the deck when she noticed....something. It was too far away for her to make it out, but all she needed was the worried shout from the lookout, and back into the depths of the ship she ran.
Another battle? Great...I can show everyone I do have a spine, she thought to herself, delighted at the chance to prove her new resolution. But of course, she still hadn't found a proper replacement weapon.
As she reached the entryway to the arms room, she heard what sounded like an argument. She wasn't really sure what came over her...it probably had something to do with the mood she was in. "Didn't you two hear the call? Or are you just going to squabble like two noble ladies over a fancy dress?!" She yelled at them bitterly as she shoved her way past them, bumping shoulders with Gabrielle a little harder than what was probably needed (while upset, she did still feel a bit of appreciation towards Jamais, and didn't want to get any more on her bad side than she probably already was).
Retreiving the first durable bit of weapony that she saw, Fiona didn't bother to see the aftermath of the argument. Bolting back up onto the deck, she stood at the rail and watched with narrowed eyes at the approaching danger drifted ever closer. Just try it, Fate. I'll take whatever you throw at me this time head on. I'm not the same street waif who signed on this ship.
Elphaba the Renthead

Arianne was grateful to be back on the ship, away from the hustle and bustle of the port. She was contemplating heading back to her bunk to rest for a little while when she heard a shout from the Crow's Nest. "Something is approaching on the horizon, cap'n!" The young boy who was stationed up there cried out.
Rushing to the edge of the deck with the rest of the crew, Arianne squinted and peered out over the water, trying to block out the reflections of the sun. It looked like just a small black blob on the horizon, but as it drew closer she felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach. It was a ship, and though it was too far away to make out the flag, Arianne's instinct told her who it was.
It was the b*****d that murdered her husband. And she was going to get revenge.
She heard the Captain shout out orders to people, and as she turned to run back to her bunk to grab her sword, she caught the eye of Gabrielle. Arianne waved her hand to beckon Gabrielle over- the two of them could fight together once more- but the Captain had already caught Gabrielle's attention, handing her a gun and pointing aloft to the ropes. Arianne watched her friend shimmy up the ropes, pointing the gun at the oncoming ship.
She sighed- now she would have no one to fight with, for she had not made any other friends so far. Running to her bunk she grabbed the sword she had looted the first day. Though it had not seemed to fit her then, it fit perfectly in her hand now.
She raised the sword above her head and gave a loud cry, running out to the deck, ready to kill. She had come a long way since she first stepped on the ship.

I stood at the rail of the ship, my head propped up on my hand as I continued to stare in the direction of Tortuga, absent-mindedly wiping the railing with a wet cloth, the waning moon still bright as it illuminated the serene black seas. It had taken just one night to set my heart on fire for the first time in what seemed like forever and it had ended far too soon. I missed Luc something terrible and wondered if I’d ever seen him. However, that one night from him had been worth the scolding I’d received from the first mate for being late. Scrubbing the rail seemed like nothing compared to what I had gotten in return for it.
I sighed and closed my eyes and the balmy sea breeze kissed my face and I imagined him there with me, his arms once again around me, his lips on mine - as warm and wet as the air. I opened my eyes again slowly, still reveling in the thought, when I noticed something off in the distance. It was a ship most definitely and . . . it seemed to pursuing us. Why that was I could only guess but my heart sank when I saw it and an ominous feeling overwhelmed me. The ship seemed to be riding on the front of a never-ending expanse of black clouds that made the glittering waves behind it turn dark and menacing and the wind was on its side.
Damn. It was coming on fast.
I threw the cloth down and cried, “Pursuer off the starboard bow!” The first thing that came to my mind was that I had to find Arianne. I’d taught her a thing or two about how to use a sword (not that I was some expert) but I still worried about her when it came to things like this. She may have a tough spirit inside her, but it was useless if someone stuck her through.
I ran to my bunk to pull my sword down from the shelf where I had stuck it for safe-keeping only to find that it was missing. I cursed. First my daydreams had been interrupted and now this AND Arrianne wasn’t here. I wondered where else she could be. Was she up in the rigging? I honestly couldn’t imagine and there weren’t many other places she could be unless she’d gone all the way down to the room where all the weapons were kept for some unknown reason. Sounded like a good guess and in any case I needed my gun with me now.
I turned the corner fast and practically knocked over one of my other crew mates. Jamais. She looked a mess with half of her clothes hanging off her body. I couldn’t help but laugh as I quickly stood up and brushed off my knees. “Lookin’ sharp, Jam, dear,” I said with a little smirk on my face before rushing into the armory room. Perhaps I’d taken some of my frustration out on her, but I couldn’t be bothered to think about that now.
I looked around quickly. There was no Arianne but I did see my brown rifle. I walked over quickly and picked it up but just as I did another hand grabbed onto it. I looked up only to see Jamais staring down at me. I huffed and said, “I believe this is mine.”
She made a snide comment and I rolled my eyes. I honestly didn’t have time for this. It was my gun and . . . then I realized it wasn’t my gun. Mine had my name etched onto the butt but I didn’t see my name anywhere. Even so, I was too ticked off by all the things gone wrong I just didn’t want to give this gun away and fight unarmed. “Look, I took it first so I’m the one who’s going to be using it.”
Her next words about taking it from a man she’d stabbed through soundly an awful lot like a threat to me and my eyes narrowed. “How dare you . . .” I said in a hushed tone, refusing to be intimidated as she raised her sword to my chest. Mine or not, nobody threatened me like that - especially not someone who was supposed to be my ally. Our eyes locked in what must have been the stare-down of the century before the red-headed pirate Fiona burst in, brushing against my shoulder and all but knocking me down. I pushed the gun back at Jamais and said, “Fine then. I hope it explodes in your face and gives you a reason to wear that ridiculous mask.”
I didn’t have time for this anyhow. I grabbed a black pistol instead and raced up to the quarter deck. The ship was upon us now; thunder rolling as lightning lit the angry sea. Luckily running around the streets of Marseille had given me excellent night vision. Arrianne’s dainty frame was still nowhere to be seen.
Where could she possibly have gone to?? She was like my good luck charm. I’d never gotten into anything serious when she fought next to me. I was about to call out her name when I saw her come out from behind the main mast, a sword in hand. I jumped off quarter deck and was about to run to her and figure out some kind of plan – hoping her calmer manner would take away some of my frustration when another gun was shoved into my face - my name carved into the butt.
“Who the hell . . . ?!” I said, turning quickly, my eyes on fire and ready to wail on someone. Then I saw who it was.
“Captain . . .” I said, my anger still bubbling underneath the surface as the Captain looked down at me, almost disappointed.
“Next time ye want to leave yer weapons layin’ about think twice. Yer lucky I didn’ leave ya in Tortuga. Now, up in the ropes and shoot down some of these bastards.” She began to walk away before calling back, “If ye do well I may return the sword too.”
I threw my hands up in the air, using all my willpower to not to smash the gun on the floor as I cursed my captain silently. Slowly I ascended into the ropes. No Luc, fighting with Jamais and Fiona, not being able to fight with Arriane and now the Captain had branded me no good for who knew how long. This was not going to be a good night.

The Fog Rolled over the bow of the ship in long thick curls, the mist was so thick it was impossible to see more than three steps in front of your face, not as though it mattered the sea was soft and passive at 2:30 in the morning. The graveyard rounds, little to do 'cept stay awake and daydream
Marianna tried to find something to distract from her boredom, too bad the only thing on her mind seemed to be Achiles. Sigh. The Fog rolled across the boat like his white curls, the stars seemed to sparkle like his eyes, and his body was like...well there really wasn't anything around that was like that, there was nothing quite like his body. Hehe. As she looked up at the stars she even saw his body in all his perfection. Sigh
He really was beautiful, the sea was so calm and the fog so filled with sea salt it began to lull her to sleep. It was so calm she began to hum a melody.
"Upon a Darkened Ocean Night
In the Silence in the light
Star make bright my hears desire
And ocean carries my tune to him
Achiles, Achiles
star of the Grecian fleet
Achiles, Achiles
Star of my heart."
as she sang out the final notes it seemed to echo across the waves.
He really had been something special, Achiles...Sigh.
"Achiles, Achiles" the sea continued to echo, and the waves began to grow still. Quiet laughter rand across the waves
"Achiles, Achiles," something was wrong, the sea had grown silent, the fog had become a cave the only thing that resembled the ship were the planks beneath her her feet. A Shiver ran down her spine. The salt, the sea salt you tasted in the air was gone, she was gone. She tried to cry out but her vote dried it was like something had numbed her senses. She began to run but she didn't feel like she moved, as she tired she sank to the planks, defeated. Finally she heard the thump of footsteps and whirled around.
"Be Still." It was a girl, with dark tan skin and blackened hair. Her Empty eyes held no passion or empathy.
"You have wronged someone Marriana Cervante, and he has asked for a boon from the Sea Spirits. Be Still! Your questions will be answered. Fernando Cortez. When he first set sail upon the sea he caught the eyes of my mother, she took his heart, he was never truly yours. When you fought him you humiliated him, destroyed him inside and out, in his desperation he crawled back to Mother. The road ahead of you will be treacherous but you may prevail. Your love and passion rivaled that of a sea goddess, it is your love that defines you. Take this, it may help you." she dropped the necklace she had stolen from Fernando and tossed into the sea, it had become stained with rust but the brilliance of it was still shone through. "I am Maia, Fernando's daughter, he was wrong to have hurt you so and I am sorry he was more monster than man. If you ever need me, call my name and throw this into the sea and I will aid you, even against my mother I swear by the sea and the stars. Goodbye Marianna Strong Heart." and with that her body became water and fell through the planks. As she looked down where Maia had stood the realization of what had happened she suddenly felt light headed, as she faltered and began to fall someone sprang from behind the box to catch her. His White Curls grazed her tan skin, and he smiled.