Elphaba the Renthead

Dressed in some of the nicer clothing she had looted, as well as a few items she had taken off of the enemy pirates after the battle, Arianne walked slowly down the streets of Tortuga. Laughter, yelling, crying, screaming, hiccuping, brawling- noises and actions of every sort could be seen and heard everywhere she turned her head. It was overwhelming, but Arianne fingered her pendant and held her head high.
She heard music and laughter coming from a brightly lit tavern on her left,and she walked inside slowly, looking around. There were no fights breaking out, and everyone seemed to be getting along.
Sitting down on a stool, Arianne kept her back straight as a lad came over to her, probably only about twelve or so. "What would you like today, Miss?" He asked her, grinning a toothless smile.
"Some of the shepherds pie, if you would." Arianne replied after a moment of thought.
The boy grinned again and walked away, presumably going to get her order. When the food came Arianne started to eat, subconsiously swaying back and forth as the lively music played. It was only when a shadow fell over her food that she looked up, to see a cocky young man standing above her.
"Would you like to dance?" He asked, lip curled in a cocky half-smile. Arianne quickly shook her head in denial, and then cried out as he lifted her to her feet by her elbows.
"Excuse me, sir, but I said I would not like to dance!" She yelled loudly, stomping her heel down on the man's foot.
His face twisted up in pain, but he didn't let go of her elbows. "'Course ye do, everyone wants to dance with good 'ole Captain Jack."
Arianne's eyes narrowed in her fury, and her lips twitched as she yanked herself away from him. "Leave me alone!" She cried out once more, turning around and starting to walk away. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she whirled around to stare at him.
By this time the musicians and the rest of the patrons of the tavern had taken notice of what was going on- this tavern was known for it's peace, something rarely found in pirate cities. The music had stopped, and everyone could hear her next words.
"My husband was murdered. If you touch me one more time, or if you force yourself upon any other girl and I hear of it, you will have hell to pay. I will hurt you just as much as I am going to hurt the man who murdered my Gareth, I can promise you that. Now leave me alone." Her voice came out only slightly over a whisper, passion and cold fury resonating in her words.
He jerked his hand away from Arianne and she turned toward the door and walked out, going back to the ship to resume the chase for the murderer of her husband. She would have revenge.

I strolled down the street in silence, watching all the mayhem fester around me. It was certainly interesting – like the pub had spilled out onto the street and multiplied itself one thousand times. Everywhere I looked there were pirates and scallywags, wenches and mead. Many people had offered me a pint already but I’d had my fair share at the start of the evening and preferred to stay sober enough to actually remember all the hilarious goings-on around me.
I cringed away as a gunshot rang out in front of me, preferring not to be hit by a small and hard round object, but just as suddenly as it went off there was a loud banging sound. The decrepit old gun had burst open and caught on fire. The man holding it yelped and threw it in a nearby barrel full of some liquid (thank god it wasn’t liquor!) It filled the street with a thick white steam.
I coughed as I found my way out of the haze. As my vision slowly became adjusted I saw a hazy figure standing in front of me. Slowly it came in to focus and I found that it was a man, and a damn handsome one at that. His skin was tanned, his hair wind-blown from months at see and he had eyes that shone so brightly in the full moon’s light. They twinkled with mischief as they caught my own, so strong and so warm . . . so familiar. I was caught in his eyes, frozen where I stood as he walked towards me.
He took my cheek in his palm and I melted into it. He must have had me in a trance, his hands felt so much like home. He then touched my earrings gently and said “You kept them, Gabrielle . . . “
My eyes widened as I was momentarily taken back to Marseilles and the sick little boy with the warm hazel eyes and the moon at his back. “Luc” I whispered, breathlessly, “I thought . . . “
He shook his head and smiled, “You thought wrong.”
I grinned, took his free hand in my own and began my walk again – my heart beating considerably faster with this sudden and unthinkable reunion. It was just like old times with my first crush, but he was no longer a child. He had grown into a man to put other men to shame with his chiseled body and rugged good look and I marveled at this fact. The last time I had seen him he’d been so frail and brittle.
We must have walked around the whole of Tortuga talking about our lives since Marseille. He seemed very impressed by my impulsive escape from the port city. “And with his own cane, too!” he said with mirth. When we’d been younger he might have been the only one who hated my father more than me after he’d seen the bruises around my neck. And though my old job seemed to disturb him he thought my revenge was also very amusing – though I could expect nothing less. He’d always tried to protect me in Marseille. He failed, but he did try.
I giggled as he told me of his many plights with women on his “unsavory merchant voyages” (he thought ‘pirate’ sounded undignified) which always seemed to result in one drunken robbery to another desperate, ugly broad stalking him. We picked up right where we left off and I loved it.
By midnight we had made our way out of town to a dark, sandy cove on the far side of Tortuga. I stood at the edge of the water, letting the waves lap over my bare feet as the breeze blew my hair this way and that. Luc sat behind me, his knees to his chest as he gazed up at the moon.
I closed my eyes and inhaled the salty smell happily. It was like a dream. “I still can’t believe it Luc . . . When you gave me these I thought you had died.” I said, gently touching my earrings.
I could hear his voice carried on the wind as he replied, “No . . . my father sent me to my cap’n. He said it was the only way I could help my family, but I think he just didn’t want to watch me die . . . But it worked. At first I was worthless on deck, but slowly I got stronger. There’s something in the sea air that gave me back my life.”
“Thank god for that.” I whispered with a smile as a happy tear slid down my cheek.
Then there was silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one as we enjoyed the company of each other and the moon.
It was I who broke it when I asked, “Did you ever miss Marseille though? I mean, your life wasn’t like mine, surely you must have missed all the others and the food at sea just isn’t like one cooked over the fireplace. If there’s one thing I miss it’s the food. And of course your family. They didn’t hate you like mine hated me, after all, and . . .”
I stopped suddenly though when I felt his arms slide around my waist and I closed my eyes, my heart once again beating faster.
“I missed you, Gabrielle . . .” he whispered, his breath hot on my neck as he kissed it. “It was torture having to leave you behind . . . thinking I’d never see you again, and yet here you are. . . ” he said, slowly kissing my neck all over, brushing my long hair away.
Shivers ran down my spine as I turned to face him, “Yes, but the captain has ordered us to be back at the ship at dawn . . .”
He stroked my cheek as he said, “Then give me tonight, Gabrielle”, his eyes so intense and the heat of his body pressed against mine almost made my heart stop and before I knew it we were kissing. It was like we were in our own world – in heaven – as we slowly made our way down to the sand, our bodies becoming one with the wind and the waves underneath the pure moonlight . . .
Suzu Yuudai

Fiona wasn't sure what she'd been thinking when she joined Jamais at the tavern. The woman was quiet and usually kept to herself on the ship, but then again she was the only crew member that had entered this particular tavern, so maybe she was just drawn to the familiarity. And she had approached first...so maybe she was nicer than her demeanor let on. Jamais had also offered to buy the first round of drinks (she needed something to take her mind off the thought her brother might actually be dead), so Fiona saw no need to turn down her company. Besides, even though she'd dressed herself up a bit, it was more to simply relax and feel more like a girl again rather than to stride around the port looking for fun.
But the two had hardly started on their drinks when Fiona's head whipped around at the sound of a door slamming open (many of the other patrons simply continued what they were doing...such events were rather common here after all). A young man, probably only a few years older than her, stood in the doorway, breathing heavily and scanning the room. As soon as their eyes met, he made a beeline in her direction.
"Miss, you've got to help me," he begged on approach, voice tinged with a slight accent that Fiona was not familiar with, "I just managed to escape and...well I swear I've done nothing wrong!"
The hope and desperation in his face and voice struck a chord inside Fiona, and she quickly glanced around for an idea, not knowing how much time she had until his persuers showed up. She realized the bar she and Jamais were sitting at provided excellent cover, and she quickly ushered the stranger behind it, dropping several coins on the counter when the owner shot her a disapproving look.
No sooner had Fiona settled herself back in her seat next to her crewmate than two rather dubious men barged their way in. Fiona did her best to not watch them too much, and was pleased when they left without speaking to too many people, apparently convinced their quarry had not entered.
Fiona saw the tip of the man's hat poke out from over the counter moments after they left, followed shortly by his questioning eyes. "They're gone," she told him, and with a smile, he hopped over the counter before seating himself in the chair next to her.
"Thank you, milady," he told her with a rather charming smile before taking her hand and kissing it lightly. Fiona couldn't help but blush at that action. She had plenty of male friends back home, but they were all street kids, so they didn't exactly have high bred manners, and whenever she did encounter someone of the higher class...well they hardly spared her a second glance unless she was running off with something that wasn't hers.
"I....you're welcome..." she replied, cursing her voice for the slight squeak it had developed. Now that she could actualy get a good look at the man, he was rather handsome and dressed up much nicer than many of the people that she'd seen in this port so far. Suddenly she was quiet pleased with her choice to don skirts again, clean up a bit, and tie a bandanna over that scar of hers before stepping ashore.
He gave his thanks to Jamais as well, and Fiona was a bit miffed to see the indifferent look she gave him. Maybe that was the main reason why her attention focused on him more and more...he was a much more pleasant companion than her crew mate was being.
It turned out that his name was Kalev, "the son of a nobleman of one of the smaller, western European kingdoms," he announced after glancing around to make sure not many people overheard him. According to the rest of his tale, he'd been captured by pirates when on a diplomatic visit to Scandanavia, and had seen a chance to escape from the ship when they set in at Tortuga. "And well...here I am," he said with a bit of a shrug before sending another grin Fiona's way. "Now what about you? That tartan gives you away as being of Irish descent, even if those pretty hair and eyes of yours didn't announce it already."
Fiona tried not to stare, ignoring the snort of disbelief from Jamais behind her. She'd refused to take her tartan off except to sleep, and this was the first time anyone had ever commented on it, let alone recognized it; she was also obviously flattered by the compliments on her looks, which probably aided in her spilling nearly her entire life story to him and as to why she was so far from home. She left out the fact that she was a pirate though and modified quite a few of her most recent "adventures", not wanting to chase him off if he assumed she was like the men who were after him.
Kalev's eyes gleamed as her face grew downcast as she mentioned once again how worried she was about Aran recently. "Don't fret, milady," he told her comfortingly. "Our kingdom has excellent relationships with England. I could put in a few words and maybe-..." He suddenly trailed off. "No...forgive me, I shouldn't get your hopes up."
Fiona tilted her head slightly, hopes already high in the fact that he seemed willing to help her in some way. "No...go on."
He sighed. "Well...I was going to propose that I could put in a few good words with our rulers or ambassadors and at the very least find out if your brother is unharmed and what ship he's stationed on. I can't guarantee that we'd be able to free him from service but," he shook his head. "I don't know when I'd be able to do that. First I need to get out of this port, and for that I'd need money. Being a former prisoner away from home, I don't exactly have access to my family's wealth."
Fiona bit her lip, unsure of what to say next. "How much would a small ship cost?"
He gave her a miserable look before naming a price. It wasn't quite as bad as she thought, and while it would clear out nearly all of her treasure...
"What if I could pay for the ship? I've got....funds." She felt a hand grab her arm and give it a quick tug, along with a muttered, dissaproving word from Jamais. She could practicaly feel the other woman's gaze glaring at Kalev. She jerked her arm out of her grip and shot her own glare over her shoulder. It was her treasure, she won it fair and square, she could do as she wished with it.
Kalev was staring at her in surprise. "I thought you were, forgive me for saying so, from lower society?" He asked, "How could you afford that much?" Hanging her head she explained that the trinkets she was wearing were not her few remaining possessions, but she was in fact a pirate. He seemed to hesitate, but then relaxed. "I see I've got to learn that not all pirates are worthless scum." He stood up and gave a small bow, offering an arm to her. "I would be most appreciative of your offer and would be more than willing to escort you to your ship to retreive the funds."
Delighted that she wasn't rejected, Fiona accepted his arm, not even sparing Jamais an acknowledgement of farewell as they left the tavern.
* * *
"I think this is enough," Fiona told Kalev as she handed him a second bag stuffed with gold and gems. "I'm not sure about a crew though, but definately the ship. You might be able to find some people you can promise payment upon arrival home though or something..."
Using his free hand, Kalev reached out to take hers and kiss it again. "But of course you have at least several months sailing experience, yes?"
She blinked at him, confused. "Yes but...I don't see what that has to do with..."
His shoulders slumped slightly. "I was hoping you would be coming with me."
Confusion shifted into shock and then into delight. "Really?"
"Of course. I mean...even if I were to track down your brother, I wouldn't have any way of informing you if you remained here," he pointed out, gesturing towards the ship behind her.
She knew it wasn't proper, and he might be appaled by her behavior, but she practicaly flung herself at him, hugging him tightly. Luckily she felt restrained enough to not kiss him, but the thought did pass through her mind.
Kalev chuckled, and waited until she pried herself off. "I beleive that is a yes then, milady?" He shifted the straps of the bags back to a more comfortable position before he pointed across the bay to a rather ornate looking building. "See there? I found out that that is the place of a well known and sucessful ship builder here. I will head over to start working out a deal with him while you gather the rest of your things. Do you think you will be able to find your way there?"
Fiona nodded, still somewhat in a daze before waving him off and scurrying back onto the ship. Hopefully she'd be able to stick a note on Captain Ainoa's door instead of having to confront her face to face about leaving...
* * *
By the time everything was over, Fiona could barely keep herself from shaking. Jamais had been trying to warn her from the get go, and she'd just shrugged her off. And now? Now she had simply what she wore left as posessions (although some were nice enough she could probably sell if she really needed anything, especialy if Ainoa wouldn't let her come back), had a few new bruises and scrapes, was back to feeling despair about Aran's state...and had had her heart broken.
Kalev had been the first man she'd fallen for...and that allowed him to string her along like a fool. Where's that common sense you should have developed living on the streets and dealing with men like him? she chided herself inbetween appologies to her crew mate.
Before they boarded the ship, Jamais did ask her quietly if she was alright. She was obviously still quite peeved at her about the whole fiasco that had just happened, but that tiny bit of concern did cheer Fiona up just a little bit.
"Yeah," she replied, a grin on her face and continuing jokingly, "I'm looking forward to not having watch duty tonight though. It's been one hell of a night."
But to any observer, the tears running down her face marked that smile as false.
Blaze Lefeu

I stepped off the boat with the others, though not nearly as excited as them. We weren't in this town fer a raid like the last time. Fact, we weren't here to do anythin' worthy of a pirate. I s'pose it was nice to get off the ship fer a bit seein' as how my sea legs were still comin' in slow. A few of the other girls were dressed up nicer than I'd ever seen them. Seemed they'd taken well to the pirates life.
I hadn't made friends with no one per say so I found my way to the nearest tavern I could to waste my time away 'til we could get back to sea. I recognized another of the crew in there. A girl I'd noticed stowin' herself in the treasure room durin' the battle. She didn't seem the type to aspire to be a killer...yet I'd seen blood on her weapons. Intriguing. I wondered what inspired others to do this kind of...work.
I joined her in a stool and bought us some drinks when some shoutin' and a door slam interrupted me from speakin' to her. A man rushed right towards us, gave us some big puppy eyes and asked us to hide him. My new "friend" jumped right to findin' him a place to hide behind the bar. A pair of goons ran in, obviously lookin' for him. We stayed quiet. Her cause she wanted to help him, me cause I didn't care one way or the other.
When the danger had passed he hopped out and immediately started layin' on the sweet act thick as syrup. He had a real nice smile, I'll give him that. And my crew mate...well she fell over for him like a puppy for a bone. He laid out some BS proposal for her. I think he saw the look in my eye cause he was quick to start pullin' her away. I tried to keep close, but he was a slick little snake and somehow got her out of the bar.
I was gonna go look for her, but it seems the good lord had other plans fer me. I saw a pair of familiar faces. Old "customers" of mine. High-society folk with too much money and not enough brains. They didn't look surprised to see me and I soon found out why.
They knew I was gonna be there. Don't know how, don't really care. But they had a job for me and I figured I might as well make my time on land useful. The target was a local lord. Some rich boy who'd pissed them off some way or another. I didn't rightly care too much for details.
The lady stuck her nose up at me after they explained who they wanted taken care of and made some comment as to my pirate look. In my line of work I was no stranger to havin' to disguise myself. She suggested I dress like a lady. I scoffed and asked where I was s'posed to get me some fine dresses. Well...they took care of that with a quick trip to her closet. They even cut and styled my hair to fit the part. I felt like a damn princess when they were through with me. I wouldn't have no trouble gettin' close to that rich boy they disliked so.
They pointed me towards his livin' quarters and I was off. When I got there, the place was empty. I waited out front for a bit until I heard a screechin' come from above. I ducked just in time. A big ol' hawk swooped over my head and let out another screech. I turned to see it land on the shoulder of...of...a real man.
I tell ya. No man's ever made me go weak in the knees, but one cocky smile from this chiseled rough-neck had me forgettin' my own name. I never believed in magic, but damn. He apologized...said he was only bein' cautious cause he knew he was bein' targeted by a couple of sore clients.
My jaw nearly dropped off my face. This was the rich boy? I knew I should just take care of him like I was s'posed to, but he fell for my disguise so easy. And it was so easy to talk to him. He took me inside and we talked for what only felt like minutes, but I soon realized was hours. I realized this when the knock at the door came. He started frownin' and peeked out silently. A curse escaped his lips as he opened the door and asked whoever it was what the hell they were doin'.
I went to see what was what and saw who it was. It was Fiona's boy snake. He muttered somethin' about just needin' to use the place for a minute and soon he'd be out of the way forever. He didn't recognize me the way I was. My target...I mean...damn...his name was Lamont. He wouldn't hear the snake's pleas. Sent the fool packin' without so much as a wave. Wasn't long after that my friend came with a sack of gold and a smile wide as the sea plastered on her lips.
Well...Lamont recognized her for one of the pirates that just docked right away. He thought she was the hired hand sent to take him out. Started threatenin' her and, much as I didn't want to, I had to jump in and fight him away. He sure was blown away when he found out he'd been drinkin' tea with a pirate sent to kill him. I wanted to apologize, first time ever...but it took all my self-control just to get Fiona out of harms way and back to the safety of the ship.
I don't know what or where he's gone to know, but he musta been somethin' special. He was at least the first target I'd ever let walk...

Water Rained down on Marianna. Hot water. She melted in the warmth of her shower. A life at sea made you forget the beauty of simple cleanliness. But it had all been worth it. Everything she'd wanted she had found. Escape, Luxuries, Adventure, and most of all, memories, memories to replace the life she once had. She hummed softly and began to dry off. They had docked at a British colony near the Mediterranean, a vital trading post in the empire. Therefore luxuries were rich and if you searched hard enough there was a fortune to be had through someone else's ignorance.
As she perused the streets eying the trinkets and garments something stark white caught her eye. It was a boy, a boy with hair like the frothy surf. He was so captivating she forgot herself and began to stare as he unloaded his wares. He was so captivating, just his face and his...oh s**t. She'd been caught. Quickly she pretended to try on an obviously fake silver necklace. She eyed him out of her peripheral vision, gah' damn now he was pointing at her. She put down the necklace and felt something on her skirt. She pulled out her blade and held it against the pickpockets throat.
"I don't think this belongs to you, you should have known better than to steal from a pirate...
Perhaps next time just ask, because next time you might end up dead"
She handed the boy a few coins and smiled.
As she stood up the white haired boy was now facing her smiling.
"Aren't you an interesting lass. A pirate giving charity, who'd have guessed."
She Giggled. "Well I guess in a trader's line of work one wouldn't enjoy a pirates company would you?"
"Haha you've got that right but I guess I can't be so vague, because I wouldn't mind your company. My name's Achiles, I'm a Greek Trader."
"Hello I'm Marianna, a traveler of sorts, and as for your offer I'd love to, I've never been to this port before and its all so new to me I'd love for you to show me around. I'll meet you in Piazza at sundown, don't keep me waiting I've been told I've got a fiery temper"
"Don't worry I'll be waiting." He smiled that perfect smile again.
She spent the rest of the day getting ready for her night, she had bought new garments just for tonight. She'd even purchased these glass lenses that sharpened her vision and helped hide her scars from her last fight. Tonight was going to be a night neither she nor Achiles would soon forget.