<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/cute%20blonde%20anime%20girl" target="_blank"><img src="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o129/rikuu_uchiha/RPG%20character/girl/cutey.jpg" border="0" alt="cute blonde anime girl Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
A girl known by the name of Aiko Usagi wasn't any average girl. She had beautiful blonde waste length hair, she was a very quiet person who never had anything to say, she wouldn't even open up to her parents. She admired one band who touched her heart, A band known as An Cafe. Her only idol was Bou, the ex-guitarist of Ancafe. At school, everyone avoided her. Aiko always wondered, what her purpose was to live. By the age of nine, aikos parents dropped her off in the middle of know where...without a sound...alone at night in the snow. She became so overwhelmed with sadness. She thought she brought unhappiness to everyone around. Instead of looking to find help, she wandered off into the night snow to live on her own. By the age of 10, managing to live on her own still. She had grown Chronic stress and had no clue of what she was in for.
9 years later ~<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/blonde%20anime%20girl" target="_blank"><img src="http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss149/akeeper97/memad.jpg" border="0" alt="blonde anime girl Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
"So...cold." Aiko whispered. She held on to her locket of a picture of her mother and father. She knew they had left her, but she still had hope that they would come back for her. "This day....was the day my parents had left me." Aiko had started to tear up. She couldn't help but to cry hysterically. Know one could here her, at least that's what she thought. Aiko looked down and held tight on to her locket, and slowly cried herself to sleep.
Aiko woke up and noticed foot prints around her, and they weren't hers. She tried not to mind them and went off to find food. "Eh! The last bit of berry's left!" Aiko grew a smile, and grabbed the berries to eat. "Hello?..Hey you their!" A familiar voice that was bearly forgotten peered behind her. Aiko turned around and looked up helplessly. She was growing quickly out of her clothes and they were skimpy and tight. She looked up to find a very familiar face. She blushed and looked down right away and covered herself. " How long have you been living like this? " The familiar voice of a man had said. " Please tell me your name. " Aiko tried to speak. "Ai....Aik-k...Aiko." She stuttered. " My name is Miku. Please let me take you to a warm house nearby to at least get you in some new clothes." Miku said thoughtfully. Aikos eyes opened wide. "M-Miku?...Are you in any band by any chance..?" Aiko asked determined. "Yeah...An Cafe to be sure." Aikos eyes opened even wider and looked up at the familiar face...it WAS miku. She thought she had been hallucinating and ran as quick as she could. " Aiko-Chan!" Miku screamed, and ran after her. He stopped and saw she had been lying on the floor, as if she was sleeping. "..Aiko?" Miku turned her over and took his jacket off to cover her. He picked her up with no hesitation, she was scarily light. "Aiko , you will be alright. Dont worry." Miku ran to his cabin quickly.
Miku ran into the house pushing back the cold wind behind the door. He had aiko passed out on his back. Kanon, one of the band members had looked up from the table. "Ah! Miku, you dog! Who is this?" Kanon looked up and made a big grin. " Your disgusting..." Miku said seriously and gently set aiko on the nearest couch. "Where is everyone else?" Miku asked questioningly. "Ah, they went to stay at Bou's house. They do every weekend, remember?" Kanon exclaimed. "Anyways, who the hell is she?" Kanon became a bit more serious. "A girl i found alone in the snow. I don't know why the ******** she would be outside in this temperature with what shes wearing." Miku said worringly. Kanon walked up to her. "Oh common it cant be that bad." Kanon lifted the jacket up to see what she had on. "HOLY SH-" Kanon stopped. Aiko had a long sleeved white and blue school girl shirt ,and a short skimpy tight blue skirt. "This might be a problem, what are we going to do with her?" Kanon looked up to miku with a expressionless face. "We'll just have to let her rest for now, and wait till morning." Miku looked down and stroked aikos pale cold face. "Take her to my bedroom, i have to take a shower." Miku ordered. "O...k?" Kanon went and grabbed a t-shirt and boxers out of his drawer. He Went to Mikus room and left the clothes on the bed. Kanon went back to the living room to get Aiko, he picked her up and carried her silently to mikus bedroom. He lightly set her in the middle of the bed and stared blanklessly into space. He snapped out of it and started to take Aikos shirt off. Kanon had some hesitations because it was so tight. He grabbed a pear of scissors and cut the shirt off himself. His eyes opened a bit. Aiko was clearly a teenager and the sportsbra she wore was way to small. Her breast seeped out of her sportsbra she wore since the age 9. Kanon was slightly excited but maintained himself.
Kanon decided not to even touch the bra. The shorts were too tight as well to take off, he cut them off too and disposed of the old clothes. Right as he was going to put her in the T-shirt, Aiko started to yawn and stretched. She opened her eyes alittle and found herself in a bedroom. "Ehhh....Where am i?" Aiko said confused. "Im here to help, ok?" Kanon said looking away blushing. Aiko looked down and found her self with only her underwear on. "EHH!!!!!!" Aiko curled up into a ball and covered herself. "Gomen Nesai!" Aiko squeaked. Kanon tilted his head side ways. "Arent you going to slap me and think im a ***** of some sort like girls your age would normally do?" Kanon said confused and looked a bit worried. "Ah i must had put you through so much trouble, i will leave as soon as possible!" Aiko squeaked again and looked up to see kanon, the bassist of Ancafe. She squinted her eyes to see if her eyes were lying to her. "KANON-SAN!?" Aiko jumped up and looked suprised. "...Yes?" Kanon said confused. "Oh...wow....ive been blessed..!!" Aiko exclaimed and grew an expressionless face. Her over excitement was too overwhelming for her and she passed out. "Eh! Uhm, are you okay?" Kanon said worried, and poked her.
"Ok im back, is she awake?" Miku came in drying his hair with a towel. Kanon looked over and started to fret. "UH...MIKU ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Kanon said frantically and jumped away from aiko-Chan. Miku looked up and had pure anger and disgust on his face. "WHAT THE ******** KANON! I LEFT HER WITH YOU FOR 35 MINUTES AND I COME BACK AND SEE YOU STRIPPED HER, AND CONSIDERING HOW HELPLESS SHE IS YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HER YOU ******** b*****d!" Miku freaked out and started to shove kanon violently out of the room and slammed the door shut. " I wasn't trying to take advantage of her! She had blearily had any clothes on and i was only trying to put some clothes on her!" Kanon yelled back defending himself. "Don't pull your s**t of excuses on me! It was obvious what you were trying to do, and i saw it with my own eyes NO MISTAKE!" Miku ran to aiko and blanked out everything kanon was saying. Suddenly aiko started to toss and turn. She was having a nightmare of her past and tears started to run down her face. Miku tried shaking her a bit and repeatedly asked her if she was alright.
Miku stayed by her side the whole night and by 3am he drifted asleep next to her. Aiko tossed again to mikus front and held on to him tightly still asleep. Miku jumped and pulled her away, he didn't want to do anything he would regret. Miku stroked aikos face once more and went to sleep in Terukis room. The next morning Aiko woke up and stretched. She found a blanket over her and smiled. She suddenly knew something was wrong and jumped up. She frantically jumped out of bed and out the door to the living room. There she found A group of guys. Yuki (The keyboardist), Takuya (The Guitarist), Teruki (The Drummer). Aiko looked up at them and fell over. Before she could drop, kanon quickly came behind her to catch her fall. Aiko turned around. "Arigoto!" She bowed her head, squinting her eyes. She knew she was in the house hold of Ancafe and was too astonished to even freak over it.
Everyone's eyes opened widely in confusion. "What the-" Exclaimed yuki. "Yeah i know, theirs a female in the house! Got a problem?Her name is aiko, dont dare disrespect her" Yelled kanon. Takuya looked around sweetly. "I will make breakfast!" Takuya volunteered and smiled at aiko welcoming her. "Who the hell is she?" Yuki yelled, demanding an answer. "All i know is her name is aiko, and miku found her all alone in the snow!" Kanon yelled once more. Everyone got a good glimpse of her and their eyes opened even wider seeing that she was in her underwear. Aiko blushed and ran back into mikus room embarrassed. "BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!" Aiko scolded herself. She looked beside her, lie a clean pear of clothes kanon left. She threw them on quickly. Suddenly a knock on the door, "Breakfast!" Exclaimed teruki. Aiko jumped up and hesitated to twist the door knob. She was too embarrassed, but she took a deep breathe and managed to get herself into the kitchen where everyone else was. They all of course looked up at her, not used to a girl in the house. "So, hum..how old are you aiko?" Yuki asked. "Uh...eighteen" Aiko looked away. A door down the hall was opened and aiko was the only one who jumped. Kanon walked up to her and took her to the living room. Miku walked out of the door into the living room. "ah, i had the strangest dream th-" Miku looked up and realized what had happened wasn't a dream . . .
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My name is:Linsdey Lohan
My Mama/papa is:Kita And Miku
Ever since that b***h, kita adopted me i am the most demented child you will ever meet! biggrin SAVE MEEE!!!!!! -licks a**- :3 arent i charming???

My name is:Linsdey Lohan
My Mama/papa is:Kita And Miku
Ever since that b***h, kita adopted me i am the most demented child you will ever meet! biggrin SAVE MEEE!!!!!! -licks a**- :3 arent i charming???