Yay for homo-ness-less-ness needs...And remember. BE NYAPPY! biggrin (any diarea explosives-ness, seijures, bladder infections, ******** happen while reading this fan-fiction i suggest you get off your lazy asses call a gay doctor to mess with your testicles...dont have testicles?well i guess your screwed :3...)
AN CAFE ch.1 - SLEEP over
Bou: Ehhhh so bored -3-''' -calls kanon- biggrin
Kanon: Hellew? O.e
Bou: Hey what'ya up to?
Kanon: Well im kind of 3-waying with Miku and Teruki ...
Bou: KANON! can i possibly join >:3
Kanon: Bou if the press was listening in right now your career would go down the crapper before you could say "IM-NOT-GAY!"
Bou: Yeah this hobo slapped my a** earlier...and asked me for a thong.
Kanon: YEEEAAAHHH...wanna join the 3-way...CHAT
Bou:Ehh, why not?
Kanon: -puts bou on three way now a 4 way- (lucky b*****d)
Miku: I wish i could tell bou how i felt...
Teruki:Well he is a pretty man O_e
Bou: EH? O__e
Miku: BOU!? -embarrassed silence-
Kanon: HAH thats what you get for hacking into my neopets account!
Teruki: That was pure KARMA -points and laughs-
Miku: Shut the hell up before i post your nude baby pics on myspace D:
Teruki: dammit! ...
Kanon: Hey im having a non-sexual related sleepover part at my house!
Bou: REAAAAWWY!? can i come?
Kanon: Miku, Teruki, And yes you too Bou are going to be there.
Miku: Uhmmm i cant i have to...
Kanon: Dont give me that s**t i will drag you by your hair to my 5-mile away-house , whats your pick? e~.~e
Bou: Yay karma?
Teruki: Ok ill be there
Kanon: Ok i will see you there smile
........Let the non-sexual (lies) sleepover begin >:3
Bou: HAI HAI ^3^
Kanon: Welcome
Miku: Uhm hai...
Teruki: somebodys very selfconcious, hey Kanon!
Kanon: Hey :3D
Bou: To Kanons room biggrin
Teruki: -races bou-
Kanon: Miku.
Miku: huh? o.o
Kanon: Dont be a b***h? For tonight atleast?
Miku: HEY IM NOT A... wait nvm O_e
Kanon: ^^ -races Miku-
Teruki: hah i won >:3
Bou: you wish U:<
Teruki: dont question my sexy U:< -smacks bou gently on the head-
Kanon: well everyone unpack biggrin yay non sexual sleepover
Miku: yeah...yay
Bou: Mikuuuu-Sama! -glomps miku-
Miku: eh!?
Kanon: haha i know what to do! -poors bucket of water over bou and miku-
Bou: yay water?
Miku: AHHHH!!!!???!??!?!!?
Kanon: is there a problem? xD (men get boners when water touches there man hoochies)
Miku: go eat a twinkie you f**!
Kanon:Thankyou? lol -eats twinkie-
Bou: Miku can you please take your cowboy belt off?
Miku: its not my cowboy belt -///-'''
Bou: eh? o3o
Miku: BOU ITS A BONER! getting off would be a smart idea
Bou: EEEEEHHHHHHPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Jumps off and giggles-
Teruki: OH LOOK A CLOSET biggrin anybody up for 7 minutes in heaven? biggrin
Kanon: Yes as a matter of fact i cleaned it up enough so your able to see the floor so dont be a b***h and wuss out ):< *cough-miku-cough*
Miku:Fine i will do it -grabs a hat, writes name on paper and throws in hat*
Kanon: -puts paper with name on it-
Bou: -does whatever kanon just did-
Teruki: -dido- (lol)
Kanon: -takes hat from miku and pulls out a name- MIKU!
Miku: O___O you changed the names didnt you because i-
Kanon: BOU! HAHAHAHAHA wow how ironic eh teruki?
Miku&Bou: -enters closet-
Kanon: Slams door behind them.
Bou: -flinches-
Miku: ehm.......
Bou: what do we do in this game miku-sama? (says innocently)
Miku: -shoves bou into the nearest closet walls and kisses pationately-
Bou: -eyes open widely-
Miku: -takes breathe- opening your eyes while kissing isnt polite bou..
Bou: Gomenesai
Miku: -unbuttons bous shirt quickly-
Bou: what are you doing?
Miku: Doing something i should have done the minute i found out i loved you.
Bou: ..... miku-sama loves....bou-sama? =3o
Miku: -passionately kisses bou once more and unzipps bous skirt-
Bou: Miku i think this is getting out of hand >/////<
Miku: -kisses bous forehead- too late for second thought now
Bou: but kanon and teruki are-
Miku: -slowly starts to pull off bous manly thong off-
Bou: NO! -smacks mikus hand away-
Miku: Bou? -Looks up at bou curiously-
Kanon: -opens door-
Bou: EEEEEEEP >< -grabs miku to cover self-
Miku: -blushes-
Kanon: WHAT THE ******** MIKU!?
Teruki: oooh hes gonna get it -hides under kanons massive bed-
Miku: what!?
Bou: Stop screaming!!!
Kanon: Didnt bou tell you that he was with me!?
Miku: WHAT!??!?!? -looks at bou expressionless-
Kanon: I thought you two wouldnt even go near eachother! Well it seems miku is a horny sex affender who rapes unwilling little girly guys!
Bou: -crys- STOP THE MOTHER ******** YELLING YOU IMMATURE LITTLE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teruki: holy s**t O__e
Kanon: OH SO YOU DRUGGED BOU TOO HUH!? -grabs miku by the neck and slams him against the door closing it leaving bou in the dark-
Miku: Kanon stop! I didnt know i swear!
Kanon: bull s**t you didnt! -punches miku in the ... p***s?-
Miku: falls to ground helplessly-
Bou: -runs out of the closet and runs infront of miku-
Kanon: Bou? what are you doing he almost raped you!
Bou: He didnt almost rape me kanon your being a skank nugget DX
Teruki: a what nugget? o___e
Miku: Bou this wasnt your fault! dont pressure this upon yourself!
Bou: Its not pressure its free-will dammit!
Kanon: -falls to the floor-
Bou: KANON! hurry someone get his meds! or SOMETHING
Teruki:-jumpd out from under the bed- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?
Bou: When too much stress is revealed he could have a close heartattack JUST GO IN THE DAMN MEDICINE CABNET!
Miku: -runs into the kitchen and grabs the perscriptions-
Bou: -rips out of mikus hands and shoves in Kanons mouth-
Miku: Ok now what the hell!?
Teruki: I thought this was a sleep over not a dramatic lifetime movie Dx
Bou: Same v.v teruki...
Teruki: eh?
Bou: pick up kanon and put him in the bed your the oldest...
Teruki: SON OF A!
Miku: Whos got karma now? -sticks toung out at teruki and grins-
Kanon: Eh -coughs hysterically- woah what the hell?
Bou: -kisses kanon passionatly-
Miku: -Looks away spitefully-
Teruki: Harsh :/
Kanon: What happened wait didnt you k-
Bou: -covers kanons mouth- Im bou your kanon hes miku and he is teruki and i dont want to hear another word about it!
pretty gay huh? well stay tuned for next time: THE NEXT MORNING :3
p.s.(nothing in here happened in the band ancafe thats why its called a fan-fiction you pancake n****e) :3 bai bai
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II kita II
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My name is:Linsdey Lohan
My Mama/papa is:Kita And Miku
Ever since that b***h, kita adopted me i am the most demented child you will ever meet! biggrin SAVE MEEE!!!!!! -licks a**- :3 arent i charming???

My name is:Linsdey Lohan
My Mama/papa is:Kita And Miku
Ever since that b***h, kita adopted me i am the most demented child you will ever meet! biggrin SAVE MEEE!!!!!! -licks a**- :3 arent i charming???