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Short Stories
A man and a woman sat on a bench in the park. Both around their early twenties. There was something wrong and the man could sense it. The woman didn’t look at him, just stared off to the trees. The park was full of people playing and laughing but the man felt cold and sad watching her. A slight breeze came by and and gently blew the woman’s long, luscious hair. The man was stricken hard by her beauty and knew that he wanted her to stay with him.

“Audrey,” he said. She looked at him. “What's going on?”

“...I don’t know.”

“Recently, you’ve been acting different.”

“I’m sorry,” she turned to him and smiled weakly. “I’m still the same.’

“Don’t lie to me. I want to know what’s been going on. I feel I’m only just partially going out with you. You never tell me anything about yourself.”

She looked away again and this hurt the man very much.

“I thought you were someone that I could love,” the man said. “Why don’t you open up to me?”

The woman looked back at him with watery eyes for why the man didn’t know but felt powerless to help.

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t quite understand it myself.”

“Try to explain it then.”

“Well, okay. Lately I’ve been having dreams of a man instead of you. A man I can’t seem to remember but really want to and for some reason I feel that during those dreams I’m free. When I come back to reality and I find out I’m going out with you...”

“You don’t want to talk to me because of some dream guy?”

“Hey, don’t make it sound stupid.”

“But it is. You said you don’t remember that guy, he’s probably just something your mind made up. You ideal man. You aren’t ever going to find someone that great.”

“What are you saying?”

“This isn’t a strike to your self-esteem. I’m not saying that you aren’t pretty because you’re beautiful. I’m not saying that you aren’t smart because you are. I’m saying that trying to set your standards to something you’ve never seen before is ridiculous.”

“I think I’ve seen him before.”

“Oh... an ex?”

“I don’t know for sure.”

“Come on Audrey, I need you to have a clear answer.”

“I think we should break up.”


“Maybe not forever. It’s just that right now I need to have some time to think things over.”


The man got up hugged Audrey but she did not hug back. He glanced at her distant eyes again and had to look away. Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked away from her feeling cold.

Audrey sat by herself on the bench in the park for the rest of the afternoon.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 25, 2009 @ 06:58am
The lonely Audrey sat on the park bench staring into the green nothingness before her. She nonchalantly dug into her mesh purse for a bottle of sleeping pills. She twisted the cap while staring at the perscription for her grandmother on the bottle. The woman let her head fly back as she gulped down two pills. She could now be with her dream guy.

commentCommented on: Wed Nov 25, 2009 @ 07:05am
that sounds good and it adds to the emotion that comes from the story but i don't think there was enough character development yet for the reader to care that she's killing herself to be with this guy. ending the story that soon leaves me with a lingering feeling because we (as the readers) know nothing about the dream guy. it sounds kinda too easy too. it doesn't seem like an ending i would use. plus without enough character development on audrey, ending it there would make it seem like she is a weak character.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 25, 2009 @ 07:13am
Its more of a commical ending where she ditches the guy just to go to sleep and meet with a dream guy that will never exist.

That could also be sad, seeing that she cant deal with reality

commentCommented on: Wed Nov 25, 2009 @ 03:37pm
wow...... i like it. it sounds kinda like me ..... sad IM A BAD PERSON crying good writting tho. transfixing smile

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