This is a personal dictionary of S.E.M's original thoughts on words and phrases. It shall be updated whenever I, the owner of this particular blog like thing, feel nessicary. All of the following are interpretations of myself or my ideas on a subject. So copyright restrictions, bitches :'D
~ © Sem Productions All Rights Reserved.
(I don't own the words that are to be defined, though I support the explanation of the words. These are simply what I think they mean, so please don't flame me if what I think something is isn't what you think it is *That's the reason I copy right* (btw, I'm kidding about the copyright thing. Sorta. ))
Amour: Spanish/French for our word of 'love'(explained later).
Attorney: A lawyer or someone who takes pleasure on stealing your cash! Usually involved with civil and some non civil court cases.
Allotted: Separated into pieces amongst a group
Absolute: Something is whole, or fully filled/explained/ect.
Across: Something on the opposite side? (hard to explain)
Afterlife: A belief that there is something after you die, such as another life beyond the one that you know. An afterlife would be that life after death.
Awe: State of shock or belief that something is 'cute' or appealing.
Attractive: Something that people judge with other people when choosing a mate. My personal definition of this word is "Someone who's inner beauty or inner attitude can show and mold quite well with the outer beauty.
Soul: Someone's basic essence. Though this term is fake.
Real: Something that would be considered real is something that someone can touch, feel, hold, or talk about. EXA: God is real in the sense that people have been talking about him for a very long time, and many believe in him. Yet he is fake in the sense that his presence does not exist.
Mother: The mature parent of the two, who is sweet and nurturing by nature to her children.
Father: The more playful parent most of the time, though not as emotionally connected with children as the mother. Vital to relief of mother's power, and if absent, may have long lasting effects.
Step father: The man who married your mother/father after one of your parents had died/divorced. (Same with step mother, except female) Tends to try to win you over until the marriage. Then they assume that you are their child even though the child may still need time adjusting.
Bisexual: Liking both genders, though with specific preferences. Most likely to be thrown aside as 'whores', as do the homosexual groups.
Homosexual: Liking only the same sex as yourself. Though not as only friendship, but you are sexually attracted towards a person of the same sex. Often assumed as skimpy and whorish.
Edward Cullen: The absolute worst image of a vampire on the face of this or any other planet. This man should be burned, along with all 6M+ books sold to the public. Not only had this fictional character ruin society amongst young children and adolescence, but many adults as well. Possible ruiner of our culture-or whatever's left.
American Rap: Mostly played/created by the minority of the population. Rap also sucks to most imaginable level. American Rap usually speaks of getting high, having sex, sexual thoughts, getting rich, violence, drug use, alcohol, and many more horrible influences.
Love: More than just a feeling, but a bond easily told between two persons of interest. Often makes people do crazy things. That special someone that we as humans are set out to find by instinct.
Sexual intercourse: Absolutely not love in any shape, way, or form. Simply a way to physically make another person(as much as yourself) physically pleasured for a short amount of time. It results in children, STDS, and ONS(one night stands).
Music: The very breath of some people. An escape from reality almost. Put together beats formed by voices or instruments/percussion.
Heart: Something easily broken in some people.
Strong: Knowing that it takes more to have to stand up for yourself, but to stand up for others. Also being able to sometimes ignore pain, and some how get over it when it comes back ten fold.
Weak: Collapsing in fear of anxiety that you don't know what to do or where to go with a particular occurrence.
Porn: Outlawed videos of people having sex. Idiotically used for self stimulation?
Video games: Entertainment for losers like me
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