Jennifer was a mother of two; she had no time for childish things unlike the father of her children. Unjustly commited to this man, she was wrongly foced to do many of the things such as house work, a job, and taking care of the two children she kept dear. On normal days, she would not see the low excuse for a husband for a few days, sometimes weeks. Leaving just her and her children of only 2 and 4, Jennifer was desperatly looking for any day off she could harness. Both of her children were girls, named Emily and Irene. Together she made a small secret joke of 'Extra Interesting' to describe the girls, using the intitals of their names. Being the loving mother that she was, she had to quit her job as the children grew older, so that they wouldn't be alone. So at 3 and 5, she was forced to stay home while her oldest, Emily, had started school. Somehow the bills got paid with the mysterious money flow comming on the father's side. As unsteady as it was, it was something, and that was all that Jennifer and her children needed.
Standing in front of the tall glass window, Jennifer couldn't help but stare at the baron wasteland she called a back yard. Often when she did so, she questioned how she could call herself a mother with such bad living standards. Though it wasn't her fault, she was oblivious to the fact that the husband was the one to blame. Oustide the day was silent, as usual. No children, animals, or even other people had been socializing or making any sign of living outside the doors. Staring with a somewhat dazed look, Jennifer slightly leaned against the door, dreaming of another life she could be with her daughters and a loving husband.
"Momma?" The sound of a small voice behind her had called out. She knew who it was, her beloved child, Irene. Turning to meet the girl's gaze, Jennifer smiled and kneeled down to see eye to eye with the small child. Bronze eyes stared at her, small innocent eyes...
"What is it, honey?" Jennifer asked the girl, wondering what she had called for.
"There is a -ranger outswide," Irene had told her mother, through her little English she knew how to say.
Raising an eyebrow, Jennifer had wondered if there was a ranger outside, or a stranger. Standing back up, she gently placed her hand on the child's head, slightly ruffling Irene's hair. With a smile, Jennifer began to walk towards the door, which wasn't far, due to the small appartment they were cramped into. Anticipation grew in the woman as she drew closer, wondering who could be at the door. Perhaps it was her mother again, though then Irene wouldn't call her a stranger. Slightly rubbing her forehead, Jennifer looked back to see Irene close behind her. Smiling warmly, Jen bent down and kissed the small girl on the forehead. Standing back once again, she faced the door and placed her hand on the knob. The metal was cold, as it was very unused. Rarely did they have guests... Slowly the door was opened, a creeking sound comming from the wood bending slightly.
Letting her eyes wander, Jennifer gazed the man on the other side. To her suprize, he looked somewhat compealing. He looked as the 'tall, dark, and handsome' type, wearing all black. Trying to find more of the man, she searched the black pants up to the black wool seeming work shirt, almost covered by the somewhat tall black jacket. Though when she saw his face, and came eye to eye with the man, she could only notice his content smile. Black hair slightly was pushed to the side, though it looked as if he had just come from work. Trying to wonder where this man had come from, Jennifer tilted her head in curiosity, though felt a small hand take her's at her side.
"Hello?" The man asked, obviously catching the fact that Jennifer was dazed.
Snapping out of her daze, Jennifer looked down to Irene then back at the man, giving a slight embarrassed smile. "Oh, yes, hello," She greeted to the man, slightly fumbling her fingers at her side. Irene had stayed silent at her side. The silence from the girl had made Jennifer proud, though she couldn't tell the small girl that at the moment.
"My name is Chris-I'm a friend of your husband?" This man, Chris, had stated though sounded more of a question.
"Oh, really? Well come on in. Do you want something to drink? Eat?" Jennifer asked, stepping aside to let this man, Chris, inside the small appartment. Following Jennifer, Irene quickly huddled behind her mother, though Jennifer thought nothing of it. Chris had stepped in, taking a long look around. Watching his facial expressions for any sign of danger, she slightly squeezed the child's hand as if to tell her it was alright. This was true, she would never let anyone hurt Irene or her sister, Emily.
"No, thank you. Though I came to talk to you about something. Would you mind speaking to me in private?" Chris asked, turning back to Jennifer.
Meeting the man's eyes, she sensed a somewhat seriousness about his air. Almost being stunned, she stared into his eyes, trying to find something, some hint as to what he had to talk about, though found nothing.
After looking down to Irene, she nodded and slightly swatted the girl away. Persistantly Irene had stayed by her mother's side, not wanting to go. Feeling a little guilty that she was pushing away her daughter, Jennifer kneeled down to meet eye to eye with her small child. "Go ahead, honey. If you go in your room, I'll meet you there in a few minutes. Maybe we can then play a game?" She suggested to the small girl. Almost as if a sudden change of heart, Irene smiled wide and nodded vigerously, soon darting off in the direction of the small room she and her sister had shared. With a slight deep breath, Jennifer had stood up and brushed herself off, turning back to the man. Noticing the door was still open, she pushed it shut and traveled to the kitchen table not far off.
"So what did you need? Do you wish to talk to my husband?" Jennifer asked the man as he traveled to the table as well, sitting across from her.
"Actually I have a little business with you as well," Chris stated, his voice losing almost any tone of emotion.
Slightly raising an eyebrow, Jennifer tilted her head and crossed a leg over the other under the table. "What do you mean?" She asked, almost afraid of what the man would reply. What could he possibly have with her?
The screetching of wood against wood appeared as Chris stood, pushing the chair back as he began to stand. Feeling a little fear grow in her, Jennifer simply looked to him as he made his way closer to her. There was some... strangeness in his smile-some awkward feeling in his eyes. This man was confusing by just the looks. For some reason, Jennifer had felt bad for whoever knew this man...
"I've heard that you're pretty busy here, with your two children, Emily and Irene. The real reason I've come is to relieve you of some of your duties... perhaps have some fun? Both you and I know you deserve it," The man had explained, almost as if being able to capture Jennifer's attention effortlessly.
With a slight nod, Jennifer felt somewhat under the spell of his captivating, dark eyes that looked down to her. As he stood less then three feet from her, she blinked only to find him rummaging through his pocket. Not thinking anything of it, what he said was on her mind more. It was true, she was here with the children and appartment, unable to have fun like a normal person. Being only 16 when she had the two, she didn't have any time to really do anything... 'fun'. Looking down with a slightly sad expression, Jennifer's chin was caught with the man's finger tips, being gently pushed upwards to meet the eyes of Chris. Feeling something being placed over her mouth and nose area, she looked down to see he was holding a white blobish image to cover her breathing ways. Almost simutaniously feeling dizzy, she looked back up to the man with concerned eyes, only meeting those of emotionless blur.
'Deadly Melody... Deadly Melody...' A hissing voice rang through the air around the laying body of Jennifer. Slowly her mind came to, trying to open her eyes, but not being able to see whether they were open or closed. Wondering if she was even opening her eyes at all, she pulled her eyelids with her weak arms and shaking hands. Even with her eyes open, wherever she was she couldn't see a thing...
'Deadly Melody... Deadly Melody...' The hiss traveled through the air again, and sent shivers up her spine. Quickly doing a 360, Jennifer crashed over something that was near her. Slightly rubbing her head, she looked up, only to get the futile attempt to see. Using her hands, she groped around the object she ran into, feeling something in the shape of a cabbinent. Finding the handle, she opened the cabbinent, though didn't dare try to touch what was inside. Before going on, she felt the numb legs that she sat on, and once again tried to look around, though failed.
Reaching up, she found something hard like tile, and lifted herself up. Once on her feet, she held herself up with one had, searching the marble tile with her other. There was a slight decrease and she found it was a sink. Was she in a bathroom? Facing ahead of her, she gently traced her fingers over a glass like surface, finding it would most likely be a mirror.
With a sudden, small click, the room was lite with bright lights above what Jennifer saw as a mirror. Letting her squint her eyes to the bright light with the yellow tint, she placed her hand over her eyes to help provide shade from the bright lights. Turning around, she searched the room she was in. To the eye, it looked simply like a small bathroom. The toilet sat not far from the sink, and there was a small tub behind the toilet. After somewhat being sattisfied with knowing where she was, she found that there wasn't any sign of a door anywhere. Though if there was no door, how could she had gotten in there? As if being hit in the back of the head with a bat, she slightly placed her palm on the back of her skull, slightly arching her body forwards in the swelling pain. Looking back in the mirror ahead of her, Jennifer noticed her eyes getting somewhat adjusted.
As if suddenly being reminded of her old life, a feeling of panic sweeped over her as she couldn't help but wonder where her children were, and if they were ok. Slightly wiping her palm over her face, she looked into the mirror and saw how bad she looked. There was a dazed look in her eyes, and she couldn't help but find her hair was a little knotty. Out of nervous habit, she began to comb her fingers through her brown hair. After moments of staring at herself in the mirror, she was reminded of the scary joke that was ever so popular. Finding it somewhat odd that she would think of that at this moment, she found she had nothing to lose, and would enjoy a small prank, even if it was at the expence of herself.
"B... Bloddy Marry... Bloddy Marry... Bloddy Marry..." She said to the mirror, softly and quietly. Wondering if there was a flaw because of the lights, she simply stared into the mirror, finding the words had no effect. Feeling a little let down by the mirror, she gave a small frown and looked around, wondering what she could use to break the lights above the mirror. Finding nothing, she then thought of what she wore on her feet. Lifting her right leg, she pulled off the small heeled shoe that she had once gotten from her mother, and held it in her hand tightly. Looking up to the lights with an almost destined expression, she quickly swatted at the round bulbs, finding glass spatter everywhere as if blood being squirted from a flesh wound. With the lights out now, she simply stared at what she remembered was the mirror of this crazy bathroom.
"Bloddy Marry, bloddy Marry, bloddy Marry," She chanted, then waited a moment to see anything. For some reason she was filled with anticipation, waiting to see if this childish prank would actually work. Letting a few moments pass on, she felt nothing strange in the air, and was actually disapointed.
'Deadly Melody... Deadly Melody...' Said a hiss of air around the girl. Feeling her eyes dart around the room, she quickly turned back to what she felt as the mirror, and wondered if she should try the words she heard. Anticipation, wanting, needing this tiny childish thing to work, she smiled brightly though felt her hands shaking in front of her. The only thing going on in her mind was the horrifying image of some dead woman comming at her.
"D-deadly Melody, deadly Melody, deadly Melody," She chanted again, staring to the mirror. Suddenly feeling a great change in the room, her heart paced faster, and she wondered what was happening. From ahead of her she heard the screetch of a woman from ahead of her. Blinking a few times through her widening eyes, Jennifer felt her body being pulled towards the mirror by hands holding the collar of her shirt. Not being able to see anything, she feared for her life, though still felt a little high of the chemicals telling her body to be afraid, and get out. Though there wasn't anything she could do.
Closing her eyes as she came closer to the mirror, there was a sudden moment of peace, where she found herself not being pulled any longer. The errie feeling in the air had somehow dissapeared, and everything seemed peacefull. Opening her eyes, Jennifer found herself surrounded by a lucious color of green that bordered a beautiful sky blue hue above her. Grasping her mind around the concept, she found herself in the middle of a beautiful field, somehow alone. Wondering how she had gotten here from the bathroom she was once in, she couldn't help but feel the panic and worry escape her with the feeling of a slight breeze brushing against the end of her summer sky blue dress that cut around her knees.
'Ca... Can I...' A small voice started. Turning to meet the voice, Jennifer found herself face to face with a young woman that seemed of only 16. Slightly tilting her head, Jennifer wondered where this girl had come from, and why she was behind her, let alone what the girl was trying to say. Blonde curls hand cut off around the girl's chest, and the most captivating blue eyes sparkled on the girl's face.
'Can... I... eat... your... soul...?' The girl asked, the small voice growing somewhat determined. Raising an eyebrow, Jennifer backed away from the girl, the fear once came had began to return, making her heart race slightly. Following Jennifer's retreat, the girl had gone farther towards her. Stopping in her tracks, Jennifer noticed the girl come even closer then before, now being able to smell the scent of lavander from this girl's body.
Before Jennifer could really say anything, the girl, known souly as Melody, had already placed a sharp knife directly in Jennifer's chest cavity. After a soul moment of shock, a small amout of blood was coughed up and spit at Melody, staining her innocently dyed white sundress. Wiping a small amount of blood from her dress, Melody let go of the knife and let Jennifer fall onto the grassy plaine. Glancing back down to Jennifer with demonic eyes, Melody's fingernails had began to grow several sizes taller, gaining a sharp razor-like feature. After a moment of simply watching the girl scream and crawl around on the plaine, Melody had pounced herself ontop of the girl, finding herself on Jennifer's back. Jennifer had laid down with Melody's force, still bleeding from the knife growing ever deeper in her chest. Coughing up more and more blood, it stained the grass as Melody had taken one hand and pulled the girl's hair, making her body follow. With her other hand, Melody had taken the knife and jerked it out of the Jennifer's chest. As if hugging the girl, Melody wrapped her arms around Jennifer and slightly began to pry at the cut, widdening it more and more with each tug with her razor finger nails.
'You seem... very yummy...' The hissing voice said directly into Jennifer's ear, knowing that the girl would pass out from blood loss any moment now. The green grass being stained red from under the two, Melody reached back for the knife, feeling sick of tugging with her nails. Holding the knife in her hand with a strong grip, Melody placed the sharp edge in the path of the skin sepparating from her tugging, then glided the blade down the girl's skin, as if ripping it open like a pie. The sound of Jennifer's insides spilling out of her filled the sound of the breeze, then screams from the girl under Melody. Taking the knife back to herslef, Melody then threw the blade far off, finding herself licking the blood from her fingers.
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