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The life of Deaths Daughter
Hi, my name is Kay. THIS IS NOT A REAL JOURNAL, But a day by day story like Piece of my anime Dawn-Riley Devilin. I hope you enjoy reading the ups and downs of the life of the Angel of Deaths daughter as she discovers herself. Meet interseting ne
Hey guys.
Today was a really crappy day. let me start off by telling you what happened yesterday as i was unable to get on the laptop due to detention, I had school and we had a new ******** student, Rebecca Trientai, A new Water Elemental, And as Ususall as a 'punishment' for flooding the girls bathroom (again) I Had to show her around and Introduce her to people she wanted to know. Its not so bad showing the new people around, Thats how i ment Two of my friends Corneila and Hope, and i had a good feeling about Rebecca, She liked Evanescence (as soon as she said that she was in my good books) Everything was going great untill she wanted me to introduce her to Taylor Hunter and her Group.
I never went near the "popular" group, Or the "skanks" as i like to call them, It was a group that cornelia used to rule over until Taylor turned up and corneila started dating Danni, But i did as i was bid (for a change) and took her over to them.
It was fine at first and Taylor didnt insult the girl for being nosie. And ten it all went to hell when Taylor offered Rebecca a place in the skank tribe, And Rebecca said yes.
I wasnt really bother about the fact that she had gone over to the slut side, i was more annoyed at the fact that as soon as she walked over to Taylorsa side they all started to insult me, Hell if it wasnt for Cornelia, They wouldnt have been standing. Grrrr.
Any way, Today i went to school and Saw that Rebecca had truly gone over to the skank side...Poor girl...
I went about my business until They decided they needed to continued their little insulting game form yesterday, and without corneila around to yell at them and get them to back off.
I welcomed them.
Only i felt bad cause they sent te new kid to do what they were so chickento do. Take me on by themselfs. Rebecca didnt know any better. she just assumed i was as Earth bound as the rest of the beings in the god forsaken place. She didnt know i was underground bound. So, when she started her insults i just ignored her and left, but as i was walking away, she didnt the worst thing she could have done. She insulted my mother.
I turned on her. walked right up to her looking like the adverage pissed off teenager. But what she now knows is that were i may look like a agverage teen, i punch like a well bulit guy.
I got suspended from school for knocking her out and almost making her drowned in her own blood.
s**t. the front door just opened. Moms home. If there is one person im scared of Its my mother. I mean im not a complete idiot people.
Gotta go, ill tell you if i survive my mothers wrath

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