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The life of Deaths Daughter
Hi, my name is Kay. THIS IS NOT A REAL JOURNAL, But a day by day story like Piece of my anime Dawn-Riley Devilin. I hope you enjoy reading the ups and downs of the life of the Angel of Deaths daughter as she discovers herself. Meet interseting ne
Hey all!
This is my first Entry here. So im just gonna tell you all there is to know about me. Then ill start tell you m life story tomorrow.
Okey well first, My names Dawn-Riley Devilin, Im 17 years old and Live in Illuminanah.
Im about 5'0 with Long black hair and Chocolate brown eyes. Im slim but curvy, Not beautiful but pretty (Avatar).Im confident, smart, Determind, Kinda cocky, and honestly dont give a F##k, I speak my mind and dont think about the consiquenes which i know is really stuid but when you mother can destroy anyone who even looks at you the wrong way...*shrugg*. Ok some really big things you need to know are 1) Im not human. Ive been told that i xcan be named two different things, you can call me an Fallen Angel or you can call me a Demon, which ever one. I have incredible strength that has gotten me out trouble about as much as it has gotten into in, I has big pitch black wings that look like an angels only mine are as black as my hair, i can fold then into my back making them impossible to be seen by the human eye, only another being of the underworld can really notice them, but even they have to look hard. 2) My mother is the Angel Of Death 3) my Grandfather is the Grim Reaper and he hates my guts for stealling his daughters (My moms) Attention away from her work. He even stole me away when io was a baby and Clouded my mothers memory of me ever beeing born while also changing my appearance making me a blond haired, golden honey eyed baby *Gags* 4) never be shocked or suprised about anything thats has happened to me in my life, and never pity or be sypathetic toward me, everything happens for a reason, Im begining to learn that.
Okeys, now im gonna tell you about people.
Firstly, My Mom. i look just like her only she is completely beautiful. Shes pretty awesome, although she can ba a real b***h when she puts her mind to it, but what mother cant xD. shes my idol, i love her so much that i still to this day dont know how i lived with out her for so long.
Next, my Aunt. She Awesome too. She real pretty and real powerful, but not as much as my mom =]
Lillian, My Best friend forever. she has been my best friend since we met, we do everything together.
Danni, He's my big brother, althouigh we're not really related. Hes always been there for me, although he a complete d**k.
Pain, the love of my life. We've been engaed so many time since i was 15, its amazing, but we havent tied the not, Yet. My mom doesnt like him.
My friends, i have Rogue, Lolita, Cornelia, Fang, Hope, Lylith and Belle. Some people would say thats not alot of friend or people in my life that i like being there, but i love them all.
Diana, The b***h that help ruin my life as well as my grandfather. She is my mothers enime, they cant be in the same room without wanting to rip each others throats out xD.

If you wanna know anything else about me just ask.
Until next time


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