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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
today... i got pissed at my bio teacher... then i started letting out my darker side... so in order to attan it I started writing down really messed up stuff. I let one of my friends read it Raye she said i need a boyfriend.
Then early that day someone said a rather close friend says i need to get laid. Then well he says that often to me. lol. Oh well, i guess i do need a bf. Meh, whatever. I do not care.

Rip and tear

The pain is hollow. BUt it is there.
The sinking feeling is with in the hole of my heart it is there.
The hollowness is with in eating away.
I huddle in the corner in pain.
Trying to not cry
holding it all in
the pain is i should say induring.
I sniff, then a tear strolls down. I cry
I am lonely and it hurts
I let the darkness seep into my skin. My eyes hurt as i cry my skin crawls in pain from my heart.
From the many years of running for others. All thee emotions that i have buried within the depths of my heart come out as a earthquake shok my house but the pain shoke my body and i lay here in pain crying. ONly to be alone once and for all. No longer able to reach out and hold on to someone just the darkness that surronds me. I hurt, i am tired, and i longer for a careing touch that i am not afarid of.

P.S. I'm really depressed... sry friends.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 24, 2004 @ 08:22pm
Hope you get to feeling better soon.

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