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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
november 15th
this is weird... stupid everything.. anyway i had no skool thursday and friday lucky us everyone else had skool hehehe... anyway i had a friend over on thursday and got my hair dyed, my dad was pissed. And he made my mum cry out of 17 years of marrage its the first time she wanted to leave him with out a secound thought. On firday i went to work, with Raye my best bud. Anyway i slept over a the job cuz i didnt want to go home scared of my dad thats why. So the next day, I was working still Raye and myself got into a convo about bf's and how of a negative person i am. And also how deprssing my poems and stories are. So she says that i need to get meself a boyfriend... yesh i like it alone, but i guess shes right. Then when i went home my perants were gone. I was happy. But when i was on my msn my dad spoke to me through it. I offered to buy dinner with the money i just received. So we went out and ate. Told my dad how much i hate him doing over time. and to the fact that i dont know him all that well and i just know him as a stranger. It sucks, and my dad has this really gay smile on he thinks it was funny
I sure as hell didnt. Anyway... Sunday i was washing the dishes with me mum. lol. I told here what Raye said about me getting a bf. LOl me mum was "YEs she's right you do need a boyfriend" and i looked at her in complete shock. She tells me it'll make me more of a touchy person. JUst couse i dont like being touched dont mean i need a boyfriend. Yesh ppl.... this is rediculous, but after i think about it. It's been lonely and it'll proably loosen me up. HOpefully I wont attracte another Jonathan. Idoit. You agree with me now... about all the attention EH!!!!

So on today... Everyone was like i like you hair lilith. Then these to guys are like Hey your good looking... Just cuz i had a plade skirt....(i dont wear skirts) and boots watever... so Jonathan came along and says "she's sexy?".... YO a*****e YOU WOULDN'T STOP FOLLOWING ME FOR A WHOLE YEAR AND ASKING ME OUT CONSTANTLY WHEN I SAID NO!!!!!!

Ahem... anyway... it was weird getting attenction. I don't like attenction... ITs creepy... oh and theres this one guy one of the two that said i was good looking... was like makeing jokes about "call me" and so forth... i hope he was jokeing... cause it be a shame to let out my inner demons... heh.... ah phooie anyway... i think thats it.


The Dead Cell

The overwelming Heat that burns in to the flesh
the cries oh the young , old and middle aged
I lay here on my cot, and wait
Keys cling closer to my battered cell
I await for my punishment.
The pain that is besoted apoun me since i got here.
It no long bothers me, I enjoy it know
The cold clad black wipe rip through my battered back.
I look Into the eyes of my torture and i laugh in his face.
The look of suprise in his eyes.
He Grips the a chunk of my long black hair Pulling my head back.
Whipering something into my deafing ears.
Soon to realise what is bound to happen HE rips the sad excuse of clothing off of my back.
HE unbinds my hands...
Unexpected mistake for his sake.
I swang around with a peice of rock. Jabbing it into his right eye. As he clutched it in pain. Hollering, I Punch him into the chest. Gripping his Hair and colliding his scalp with the wall... Seeing a blood spot i stop. Walking to the cell door. I hear him move. I look into his eye, Fear... I see that i have arised in this man. A Evil glint shine in my eyes... I walk towards him. He fumbls backwards. Kicking him in the temple, SItting on his torso, I pull out the rock out of his eye he screams in pain. Soon my darkest desire a rises. I look at him curious on what to do. I thought... of nothing but to see blood. I dug the tagged rock into the mans colleur bone pulling harsly as blood sperted out. I laugh, A dark laugh. The man Yelled in pain... as i continued blood splattered across the room. Laughing as if a child got candy... the man stoped yelling only to ruin my fun. Soon as i noticed that this little batteres cell as it once was is now a blood bath, a massacure. I look at my half naked self... covered head to waist in blood splatter. I laugh into the moon light.

P.S. I had to let my imagination out...

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The Fire Angel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 17, 2004 @ 11:29pm
Lilith...Well...I see that something was really out of place and that you have let it all out...with hat story...

Well, I love you!! Of course I care about what happens, my rents say that you can stay over if something bad happens again...oki?

Screw Johnathan...He needs a ******** life...If you know what I mean... You need to breathe...you don't breathe for him, ya know? Well, anyhow, John, you ae a good guy, no offense...I think... sweatdrop

Lilith... you know what I think...I tell you...well, i think i wrote enough...

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