I know that...
He isn't perfect.
He snores loudly! scream
He is not overly sweet.
He jokes brutally. stare
He is insensitive.
He is in love with his computer so much! gonk
He hates outdoors & excursions!
He is so strict! mad
He is not romantic.
He doesn't like petty talks. talk2hand
He seems to be way up above me! scream
He is secretive.
He is moody.
He is not at all physically fit.
He wrestles with me! eek 3nodding
He is so lazy! cry

But out of all those things I hate about him...these are the worst..um..that he completes me & he makes me love him more! redface Gahhh! stressed
And I know that he hides it behind his nature & his mask (that he loves me so much!) he just doesn't know how to show it & make me believe it! He thinks it's corny..yuckiee.... heart 3nodding sweatdrop ...but what he doesn't know is that I can feel it no matter how he tries to hide it! blaugh xd
Oh well...that's how things are...yet we both love each other so... lol