1. Start your day with prayer & give thanks to God.
2. Smile, sing & dance!
3. Take a bath & dress up! (...of course!)
4. Say hello greet your office mates & boss with a smile. (heheh! xd )
5. Have a hearty & healthy breakfast. (Yum!Yum! heart )
6. Try smiling under pressure. Sing when there's loads of work to be accomplished.(Yieeeyaaayoooohh!~~Tralalalalala.... stressed grrr!~)
7. Have lunch outside in a cafe or restaurant to change your mood. cheese_whine
8. Laugh at nonsense! Joke a corny joke! Play ZOMG while working! rofl
9. Go home early. Sorry boss...no overtime! Bah! ("So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mat 6:34) 3nodding
10. Sleep early, have 6 to 8 hrs hours of sleep daily & wake up early the next day! (...Uhm...will work on this...I know! Ya! Ya! Yah! I know that I'M ALWAYS LATE! scream )
...hehehe... sweatdrop I just had a great weekend everyone! Hope you too! Goodnight! biggrin