1) Again only one power per person, if you’re a sect. leader you may choose 2. If you challenge a leader and win you take the power of the one you fought. (I will choose who wins who looses based on literacy and how well the fight goes, keep in mind if you GM then you will most likely loose)
2) No aruging with me, leaders will tend to win over their competition, tough luck… that just how it goes. If I find you arguing with me or others about a fight then your done role playing in my RP.
3) You may look however you wish to look, keep in mind it isn't how you looked when you were alive. (Cause you were human then, duh)
4) The sects. Are already in place, im open for pm’ed suggestions but most likely this is it. Period.
5) No you cant leave the city, the only way anyone leaves is when they are taken. Which is basically when a person disappears into a beam of light. (what happens to them is unknown, left up to assumption)
6) This was meant to be a R rated RP, though since this is Gaia I’ll have to limit certain things. But please no children here, preferably 18+? There will be violence, drug influence (I myself don’t force this… but when drugs don’t kill you… people will take them right?). Since this is gaia, any content past kissing/hugging is pressed to go to PM’s. DO NOT post suggested content or R rated content here, follow the ToS… that’s what its there for.
7) No one can kill anyone, I hope I don’t need to make this more clear for people, your dead! No one dies. They do get hurt, and to the point where they can be bed ridden… but you cannot die.
8 ) Fill out profile completely, I don’t want any blanks. AND make sure you pm me apps, please?
9) You cannot start until you get confirmed by me, thanks.
10) Talk in OOC if you have a question, make it clear enough that your not rping so use: (( )) or some sort of indication so we know.
11) REMINDER: Sects can interact with each other, everyone is in the same city. sects have houses... which others rarely can go into with permission from the leaders.
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Post: 55151081_4 created on Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:26 pmPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:26 pm
(PM, I WONT accept if its posted)
Name: Anastasia Delaque
Username: Taiana Hanama
AOD: 21
Death/Sect: Murder
Magic: She's basically a copy-cat. She can touch someone, instantly know their life, and then she is able to 'copy' them, look like them, act like them, sometimes she's even able to use their magic. She can even do it with animals, though it's not as fun.
Weapon: Long bow, and twin throwing daggers.
Appearance: (Image please)
Bio: Anastasia was born for the soul purpose of becoming a fighter, a Ranger. As soon as she was born her parents gave her away to the Ranger Corps (they defended they're respective area from 'evil'. If you've read Ranger's Apprentice, you'll know what I mean), and she grew up fighting. She soon became the best of the best, she was young, fast, and quick witted. Her skill with the bow is uncanny, deadly accurate, and devastatingly swift, she was also one of the best horse riders in her kingdom. Everyone knew her name, unfortunately. There were a couple men who had wanted to join the Ranger Corps, and weren't allowed, you didn't join you were picked. When they saw how
If you want to be a leader, just say so in the pm. Remember this is long term so you have to be dedicated if your a leader. Also if you post more then one magic... then I will remove your magic... obviously you didn't read the rules about how much you can have.
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Post: 55151081_5 created on Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:29 pmPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:29 pm
Sect groups:
Natural Sect.
[You died of natural causes: Cancer, old age, cold, hunger]
Male Leader: Iris Zarde
Female Leader: Veroniqua Amstrather
Murder sect.
[You were murdered.. what a sad way to go, but a lot in this sect seemed to be murders them selves who were put to death.]
Male Leader:
Female Leader: Moira
Accident Sect.
[You died by a piano falling on you! Darn just not your lucky day]
Male Leader:
Female Leader:
Suicide Sect.
[You just couldn’t stop slitting your wrists now could you?]
Male Leader: Kaine Evans
Female Leader: Elizabeth Alicia Norman
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