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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member
b a m s a u c e

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Title it "Am I home" and please put a :domokun: icon in there so that I know you read the rules.
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Gaia Username:
[Taiana Hanama]
Character Name:
[Anastasia Draque]
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Bio:
[Anastasia was born like any other normal werewolf, but she wasn't normal. By the time she could talk, two years old, she was asking people abnormal questions about their past. Her pack didn't like the fact that one of their members knew everything about everyone, she could start wars. So her mother hid her in their home, not allowing her to touch anyone. So Anastasia grew up alone. One day she finally decided to sneak out of the house, ]
Characters' Special Element:
[She can touch anything and instantly know everything about it, how to use it, everything. This also enables her to read minds.]
Dragon Name:

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