The name given to me at birth is
Anastasia Drendal
I am a
I belong to
This is what I am
My likes
*The ocean
*My horse, Abelard
My dislikes
*Really bright days
*Sexist people
*Weak minded people
My weapon of choice
Six foot long bow, a pair of twin daggers, and multiple throwing knives
My powers consist of
She can touch anything, and instantly know everything, and anything about whatever she touches. She also has on and off control of fire, but when she uses it, it drains her energy quickly, and burns her badly.
I have been described as
She's quiet, and controlled. Some people say she's emotionless, but that's far from true, she just hides her emotions very well. She's usually calm and controlled, she doesn't usually interact with people much, but everyone who knows her even slightly, knows she's very good at whatever she does, and she seems to take everything seriously, but she has a light, trusting side that can come out if she feels she can trust the people around her.
The book of my life
Anastasia is a Ranger, well an ex-Ranger. She was born in a country beyond the Coshak Desert, and she was born with the sole purpose of becoming a Ranger. She was trained as soon as she could walk. She grew up thinking your parents were supposed to be harsh, they were supposed to make you work for everything. She was taken from her parents when she was five, which she also thought was normal, and she was trained from sunup to sundown. Soon she was the best of the best. She could be as silent as she wanted, and she could be 'invisible' in broad daylight. She could ride Abelard, her horse, at full speed and hit the dead center of a target with her long bow. But the only problem with her was her 'attitude'. She would do what she wanted, when she wanted, and she never listened to her Ranger elder. So to fix her attitude problem, they sent her to the Coshak Desert, to 'reflect' on her life and who her alliance is too, and she went crazy. How could they do this to her? She lost complete control, and...changed, while in her changed state, she killed all the people who were trying to help her, including her mother and her mentor. So all 88 of the Rangers had to subdue her, and then they dropped her off out in the middle of the Coshak Desert, unconscious. When she woke up, she decided upon two things. One, she was never going back to that place again, and two, she would never let her emotions get the best of her.
My reflection
What I look like
The person pulling my strings
Taiana Hanama
Anastasia Drendal
I am a
I belong to
This is what I am
My likes
*The ocean
*My horse, Abelard
My dislikes
*Really bright days
*Sexist people
*Weak minded people
My weapon of choice
Six foot long bow, a pair of twin daggers, and multiple throwing knives
My powers consist of
She can touch anything, and instantly know everything, and anything about whatever she touches. She also has on and off control of fire, but when she uses it, it drains her energy quickly, and burns her badly.
I have been described as
She's quiet, and controlled. Some people say she's emotionless, but that's far from true, she just hides her emotions very well. She's usually calm and controlled, she doesn't usually interact with people much, but everyone who knows her even slightly, knows she's very good at whatever she does, and she seems to take everything seriously, but she has a light, trusting side that can come out if she feels she can trust the people around her.
The book of my life
Anastasia is a Ranger, well an ex-Ranger. She was born in a country beyond the Coshak Desert, and she was born with the sole purpose of becoming a Ranger. She was trained as soon as she could walk. She grew up thinking your parents were supposed to be harsh, they were supposed to make you work for everything. She was taken from her parents when she was five, which she also thought was normal, and she was trained from sunup to sundown. Soon she was the best of the best. She could be as silent as she wanted, and she could be 'invisible' in broad daylight. She could ride Abelard, her horse, at full speed and hit the dead center of a target with her long bow. But the only problem with her was her 'attitude'. She would do what she wanted, when she wanted, and she never listened to her Ranger elder. So to fix her attitude problem, they sent her to the Coshak Desert, to 'reflect' on her life and who her alliance is too, and she went crazy. How could they do this to her? She lost complete control, and...changed, while in her changed state, she killed all the people who were trying to help her, including her mother and her mentor. So all 88 of the Rangers had to subdue her, and then they dropped her off out in the middle of the Coshak Desert, unconscious. When she woke up, she decided upon two things. One, she was never going back to that place again, and two, she would never let her emotions get the best of her.
My reflection
What I look like
The person pulling my strings
Taiana Hanama