Mecha Musume Forts: Siegekratz
I. Overview
The way the game works is pretty much just like Worms Forts. In Mecha Musume Forts, you get to control a team of anywhere from 1 to 8 Mecha Shoujos/Shounen against another such team and take turns moving one unit at a time to construct fort components (towers and such), farm for weapons/equipment/other drops, and of course blow each other and said respective fortress components up. Unlike Worms Forts, not all Mecha Shoujos/Shounen are the same, whereas their Wormy counterparts on one team are more or less identical to one another (One current shortcoming of what is a really good series is that you can't modify your Worms on an individual basis--you can only modify them on a team-wide scale). This means some Mecha Shoujos/Shounen have parameters that either exceed those of their counterparts while other such parameters are overshadowed by others.
II. Fortress System
The fortress system is a direct carryover from Worms Forts with the only modifications being those to fit the whole WWII-style Mecha Musume theme. The emplacements available are as follows.
Fortress HQ: This is the building all teams start out with. It has the highest HP of all buildings but its destruction ensues immediate loss for the team said HQ belonged to. Unlike in Worms Forts, weapons of all tiers can be fired from it after a set number of turns have passed.
Observation Post: Basic Level 1 fortification that can be built as soon as the battle starts. Allows firing of up to Tier 2 weaponry.
Sentry Post: A Level 2 fortification requiring two victory locations to have been claimed in order to build. Can fire up to Tier 3 weaponry and is unique that it allows for emplaced weapons to be fired from it remotely.
Heavy Tower: Level 3 fortification with more durability than the Observation and Sentry Posts. In addition to being able to fire up to Tier 4 weaponry, it has the unique capability of being able to raise a magic shield to protect it for a single turn (doing so will end your turn). Requires three victory locations to build.
Field Fortress: This is the closest thing you can build to a Fortress HQ. It can fire up to Tier 5 weaponry (highest weapon tier available) but requires four victory locations to build. No special attributes.
Mecha Soldier Refit Facility: Basically serving as a ress point for fallen units, the MSRF also allows you to upgrade your unit's Character-specific weapons for that battle. Requires three victory locations. It also allows for spawning of weapons drops from time to time.
A-Bomb: Pretty much the ultimate sink-or-swim fortification. Requiring four victory locations to build, this structure, with as little HP as an observation post, allows the team that built it to win within two turns. However, if it is destroyed, then that's an automatic loss for the team in question.
III. Weapons System
The weapons in Mecha Musume Forts are categorized in a similar fashion to the way they are in Worms Forts but they're not exactly the same. For starters, the Tier 1 Weapons are unique amongst various Mecha Shounen and Shoujos and only have in common that they do not require a fortification to be fired from. Also, the weapons in general have a WWII-style Mecha Musume theme to them in addition to getting a tad wacky the more high-tiered they are.
Rocket Class: Equivalent to the Bazooka Family Weapons in Worms Forts. Basically they're explosive weapons that can be used at just about any range and most but not all of them utilize some "charged" shot ability that determines how far the projectile will fly. The damage is usually explosive, occuring when the projectile impacts something.
Non-Unique (Non-Tier 1) Weapons under this Category
- Light Howitzer (Tier 2): Functioning the same way a mortar does, the Light Howitzer allows for indirect bombardment of targets that are blocked by structures in ways that prevent a direct-fire approach. It does not require any shot charging and is not affected by wind as much as the Recoilless Rifle, but its damage is mainly in the clusters that spew out after the shell impacts--the explosion of the shell itself does little damage. Modeled after the British Ordnance QF 25 pounder.
- Panzer Girl Launcher (Tier 3): Basically a comically oversized M9A1 Bazooka-like weapon with a bore large enough to accomodate a single person. Functions just like the Recoiless Rifle, only that it launches a random Panzer Girl instead. Upon impact, the launched Panzer Girl will explode into gibs (with only the lower torso and upper legs left intact a la UT2004) dealing hefty damage to the target. Unlike other Rocket Class weapons, the Panzer Girl Launcher has no blast radius and will only deal damage to anything it strikes. Charged shot and affected by wind.
- Toilet Howitzer (Tier 4): A souped-up and clearly more wacky version of the Light Howitzer, the Toilet Howitzer has a bore large enough to fit a sabot containing a standard-sized toilet. Like its Tier 2 cousin, the Toilet Howie does not require shot charging and explodes into clusters upon impact. What makes it different is how the "clusters" work--instead of identical, explosive clusters, the Toilet that crashed will exploded into explosive porcelain shards, "yellow-colored water" that serves as a damage-over-time biohazard of a mine. Modeled after the American M116 howitzer.
- Uber-Land Mattress System (Tier-5): Defines what it means for Rocket Class Weapons to hit pure madness. Composed of two 30-shot Land Mattress Multi-Rocket Launchers with a seat in between the Mattresses, it can unleash up to sixty rockets in one go, more than enough to wreck even the sturdiest and hardy fortifications. Requires shot charging and its projectiles are vastly affected by wind. On top of that, the crude nature of this "turret" requires good aim to compensate for "sustained recoil" as each launch propells the aim upwards a little bit...and that's sixty rockets, two launched at a time.
Direct Fire Class: A carryover of the Point and Shoot Family of Weapons in Worms Forts, Direct Fire Class Weapons fire straight ahead where the targeting reticule is pointing. Of course it's not that easy as there's usually some sort of gun wobble involved plus there's recoil.
Non-Unique (Non-Tier 1) Weapons under this Category
- 37mm M3 Anti-Tank Gun (Tier 2): Your basic Field Gun that can reduce lower-tier fortifications to rubble and significantly damage higher-tiered ones. Very accurate and suitable for use as a "sniper cannon". Can fire two shots in one turn like the Shotgun in the Worms Series.
- M1903-06x4 Quad-Gatling Rig (Tier 3): Composed of four pre-WWI M1903-06 Gatling Guns rigged to an electrical generator (which essentially makes the normally hand-cranked guns fire like modern-day Miniguns), the Quad Gatling Rig, or QGR practically can hose down most fortifications with a sustained stream of lead. The difficulty in getting the most out of the QGR is trying to keep the gun pointed directly at the target thanks to significant recoil kicking the gun's barrels upwards.
- Erica Hartmann Plushie Ballista (Tier 4): A rather unusual setting for a Medieval-themed weapon to be in considering the WWII-style Mecha Musume nature of this game, but even more unusual is that instead of slinging three giant arrows at once, it slings three ultra-adorable Erica Hartmann Chibi Plushies. Upon launching, they will go into their offensive barrel roll "Sturm" technique, plowing through even the sturdiest fortifications. Note that touching one of these plushies while they are lying on the ground will have the Mecha Shounen/Shoujo in question pick it up and put it on his/her head.
NOTE: If a launched Erica Hartmann plushie hits an enemy Mecha Shounen/Shoujo from behind, it will shout out "KANCHO!!!" and dish out 25% more damage than usual.
- 12.8 cm FlaK 40 Zwilling (Tier 5): A monster of an anti-aircraft gun, the FlaK 40 Zwilling is practically two of these 128mm FlaKs in a single mounting capable of devestating the largest fortifications out there. Granted they can't fire anywhere near as fast as the hastily-built Tier-3 QGRs but a full minute of twenty shots is all that's needed for a gun this big. Recoil is predictably much more significant than the QGR thus making the FlaK 40 Zwilling harder to use.
Grenade Class: It's easy to see how this works: Range is determined by "shot charge" the same way with Rocket Class weapons, but unlike their "drainpipe-launched counterparts", grenades don't detonate on impact and will only blow after their "fuse" hits zero. Also note that many of the weapons here make for good crowd control weapons at the cost of anti-fortification effectiveness.
Non-Unique (Non-Tier 1) Weapons under this Category
- Crate 'o' Potato Mashers (Tier 2): No, it's not used for mashing potatoes. This is your basic grenade with a stick handle that relies on blast damage to dish out hurt...only that it's a crate full of these that is so heavy that it has to be launched from a rather crude variable launch angle Ballista. Strangely, the Potato Mashers closer to the sides of the box don't detonate when the ones inside do and thus act as explosive "clusters" that detonate after time instead of on impact.
- Mine Launcher (Tier 3): Looking like it would fit in more with the Rocket Class than the Grenade Class, Mine Launchers are used to launch such area-denial explosives to far distances. They are fired in the same way as other Grenade Class weapons but will not detonate unless someone goes near the mine in question. Setting allow switching between high-explosive, Claymore, and Napalm mines to be fired. Based on the German 21 cm Nebelwerfer 42.
- Turkey Dodgeball Slinger (Tier 4): Going back to the days even before WWI, the Turkey Dodgeball Slinger launches...turkeys. Said feathery wild poultry will bounce around more than usual and upon exploding, will spew clusters of what is normally the main course of a homestyle Sunday dinner (which we in America are all looking forward to this coming Thanksgiving)--don't ask how the turkey exploding cooks the meat to perfection. Requires a suitable fortification to use and there's also another catch--if the "clusters" don't hit a fortification or enemy Mecha Shoujo/Shounen, it won't explode. As a matter of fact, the cooked turkey gibs can actually be eaten to restore health, so this is a bit of a sink-or-swim weapon.
- Accident Mattress (Tier 5): Practically the most crude weapon in the entire game, the "Accident Mattress" is a Land Mattress modified to fire a combination of both high-explosive and "water pass" grenades (Fifteen of each). The HE grenades are capable of damaging heavy fortifications while the "water pass" grenades deal damage to Mecha Shounen/Shoujos in a very diabolical way--the gas clouds they release (which can be blown by the wind for each passing turn) will cause the unlucky Mecha Shounen/Shoujo to wet themselves uncontrollably, cutting their HP in half in addition to taking off 10% of their HP for each passing turn until they find a "Crate 'o' C-Rations" to "cure" their embarrasment...or disturbingly in some cases, happygasmicness (More on the C-Rats in Section IV. Tools and Vehicles).
Remote-Controlled Class: This replaces the Animal Family of Weapons in Mecha Musume Forts, but the premise is mostly the same. These weapons aren't aimed directly at the target in question, but instead are controlled by the player who must guide the projectile in question to it. Not all weapons of this class are easily controllable, let alone conrolled in the same fashion.
Non-Unique (Non-Tier 1) Weapons under this Category
- R/C Rocket (Tier 2): A modified Carl-Gustav Recoilless Rifle with a manually controlled guidance system. Requires no shot charge. Upon firing, the camera will switch to the rocket's point of view and using the keys normally used for moving your selected Mecha Shoujo/Shounen for a turn will now move the rocket instead. As expected, the rocket cannot hover in a single spot and is always moving forwards, thus much finesse is needed in guiding the payload to the target.
- R/C 37mm M3 Gun Drone (Tier 3): Basically a 37mm M3 Gun mounted on a set of mechanical quadruped legs, the M3 Gun Drone is simply deployed in front of you, and you can control it the same way you control your Mecha Shounen/Shoujos. You get two shots to use but after the second shot, you have a few seconds to pull it back before it goes offline. At that point, it's practically a bomb that will explode when hit. Note that the complicated nature of the R/C M3 Gun Drone means that aiming will be more difficult than the Direct-Fire model (even though this technically functions like a Direct-Fire Weapon.
- R/C Erica Hartmann Plushie (Tier 4): The chibi plushie of the lulziest Witch of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing is also a weapon not to be toyed around with (pardon the pun). Unlike the ones launched from the Erica Hartmann Plushie Ballista, these plushies of the lulzy Witch are controlled directly by you. Controlling it is like using the R/C Rocket only that the Erica Hartmann Chibi Plushie can hover in place and travels slower. Once you have it in place, you can have it fire its plush MG42 at the desired target, be they Mecha Shounen/Shoujos or fortifications. Note that if you fail to get the Erica Hartmann plushie back to the fortification they were first deployed at, it will fall from the sky and lie on the ground. Like the Ballista-launched versions, R/C Erica Hartmann Plushies will be worn on the head of the Mecha Shounen/Shoujo in question if he/she touches it while said plushie is inert.
- Kamikaze Panzer Girl (Tier 5): As if we don't need to poke fun of their high casualty rate in UT2004 more than we do, the Kamikaze Panzer Girl is to Mecha Musume Forts as the Old Woman and other land-based deployable weapons are to the Worms series. Upon letting her loose, Kamikaze Panzer Girl will run in whichever direction you want her to go and upon hitting the fire button, she will explode into gibs UT2004-style (lower torso and upper legs remain inexplicably intact while everything else liquifies into bloody red carnage), damaging both Mecha Shounen/Shoujos and fortifications alike. Sometimes you really have to feel sorry for these suicidal Panzer Girls... o.o
IV. Tools/Vehicles
Of course, in a game more based off a Worms game than a Worms game, there must be tools that can be used to assist your cause. They have their own category obviously as none of them would fit into any of the weapon categories. None require a fortification to be used.
- Crate 'o' C-Rations: Because food is the ultimate cure-all for...uh, hunger at least, these crates of C-Rats will actually restore HP for our hungry Mecha Shounen/Shoujos. Unlike the Worms counterpart Health Crate, these aren't consumed immediately and instead are stockpiled.
SIDE NOTE: The Crate 'o' C-Rations contains a "M" Unit of Meat Hash, a "B" Unit of Hardtack Crackers/Biscuits, sugar tablets, and a Brach's Fudge Disc, just like actual real-life WWII-era C-Rations...only the ones here actually taste good (Yes, including the Meat Hash).
- Girder: Your basic hard steel structure component., just like in the Worms series. You can change the angle and of course directional facing of the girder in question, but unlike the Worms series, the size cannot be changed. You'll have to find the girders of the size you want through drops, from small, medium, and large. The larger the girder, the more hits it can take.
- Rivet Gun: Functioning as a "healing" weapon for fortifications and Girder-based structures, the Rivet Gun happens to also be one of those kinds of tools that can cause harm if used improperly--yes, that means you can use the Rivet Gun to hurt enemy Mecha Shoujos/Shounen though if you do, you're 1) likely wasting the Rivet Gun if another weapon can do the job more easily, and/or 2) in need of dire lulz. Only usable at close-range.
- Armor Plating: This can be installed onto Girders to enhance their structural integrity (meaning they take more hits to be destroyed) but takes two turns to complete.
- Rock Cutter: Mainly used to deform and flatten the landscape in order to build fortifications on what would normally be unsuitable terrain. Can also be used to dig holes straight down...and is also a hazardous tool that can hurt enemy Mecha Shoujos/Shounen.
- Grapple Hook: Like its real-life counterpart, the Grapple Hook can be used to latch onto ledges, structures, and what-not in order to cover more distance than traveling on foot. Equivalent in Worms-verse is the Ninja Rope.
- Track Segment: Basically used for trolleys, these work like girders but can only be placed on the ground and attached to other segments in the right places. All track segments must start from some fortification but unlike girders, three segments can be placed in a single turn.
- *Bored*: The Mecha Musume response to Skip Go. The selected Mecha Shounen/Shoujo will sit down and either play what looks like a Strike Witches game on a PSP, nom on some Meat Hash from some C-Rations (Doing it this way won't refill HP and is just for lulz), or actually take a nap sitting straight up...complete with snot bubble. This will end your turn.
- Death before Phail!: Pretty much the equivalent of Surrender in a Worms game, Death Before Phail! differs from its Worms counterpart in that instead of waving white flags, all members of the "surrendering" team will pull out TNT plungers, push them down, and kill themselves one by one according to their normal death anims. While doing so, they'll shout out random stuff in defiance before dying.
Also note the presence of usable vehicles--these exclusives to Mecha Musume Forts essentially function as "small, mobile forts" that can be used to augment fortress defense or the offensive.
- Trolley: One of three vehicular tools available, Trolleys require track segments to be in place before it can even be deployed. These can be used to deploy weapons normally requiring a suitable fortification to use up to Tier 5. This makes them very deadly "mobile forts" but only have the HP of a Sentry Post, plus destroying the tracks can immobilize it and guarantee its destruction. Drops are common.
- Jeep: Another of three vehicular tools available, the Jeep is not restricted in movement like the trolley, moves the fastest of all three vehicles, and weapons up to Tier 3 can be used while in it. Its main drawback is that its HP levels are as low as that of an Observation Post, making them very easy to trash. Not a very common drop.
- Combat Walker: Pretty much inspired by if not a ripoff of the Egg Walker in Sonic Adventure 2, the Combat Walker is a inverse-legged vehicle that can seat one Mecha Shoujo/Shounen. Having the HP levels of a Heavy Tower and capable of mounting up to Tier 5 Direct-Fire Weaponry, the Combat Walker allows the rider to move around in the same was as if he/she were on foot, something the other two vehicles can't do. Of course, the mech has its drawbacks too--it can only mount up to Tier 2 Weaponry if it's not a Direct-Fire Weapon and is the slowest of all vehicles. Rarest of all vehicles.
V. Characters
The Mecha Musume Fortress characters you can choose for your team are presented in chibi form, thus presenting a comical feel to an already comical game concept. Note the death animations for each character are unique and have a comically gory feel to them, replacing the tombstones that serve as point markers where Worms die in a Worms game. Of course, all these deaths are rather explosive and thus can hurt anyone right next to the dying Mecha Shoujo/Shounen and what's left of the dead one can be pretty much flung around like a ragdoll--an inexplicably indestructible one at that.
These are some but not all of the characters possible. As this is just a concept, there can be many more characters available if such a game were to be implemented. Also note that the Unique (Tier 1) Weapons for all characters are primarily meant for Mecha Shounen/Shoujo vs. Mecha Shounen/Shoujo use as they deal little damage to fortifications and such and that all characters have one Unique Weapon that achieves a Dynamic Kill--a situation in which the attack's damage output exceeds the remaining HP of the target Mecha Shounen/Shoujo and thus overrides the normal "Push the TNT Plunger Worms-Style" death animation. They are also guaranteed to be followed up by an Instant Replay too but in order to trigger a Dynamic Kill, certain conditions must be achieved and of course can only be performed on Mecha Shounen/Shoujos
Name: M4A3 Sherman Girl
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Sherman Girl's arms and legs suddenly explode off in a comically gory shower of blood. Her body falls to the floor face-first with blood spewing from where the arms and legs were once attached. Oh, and she pees herself too. X.X
Victory Animation: Sherman Girl pulls out a box of firecracker rockets from nowhere and fires them off for the lulz.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- T-34 Calliope Arm-mounted Launcher (Rocket): Fires eight rockets simultaneously that are affected by wind and require charging. Lighter-than normal damage per rocket.
- 75mm M3 Gun (Direct-Fire): Flat-trajectory gun firing explosive shells. Two shots per turn.
- Pineapple (Grenade): Not a pineapple grenade but an actual pineapple. Damages upon impact.
- R/C Harpoon Rocket (R/C): Functions just like the normal R/C Rocket only that it actually skewers targets to whatever structures/walls/etc. are behind them. They immobilize the unlucky Mecha Shounen/Shoujo for three turns while he/she is impaled through the abdomen. (The target automatically frees himself/herself at the start of the fourth turn after impalement.)
Dynamic Kill Anim: (R/C Harpoon Rocket; Any solid surface behind target; Can happen in any of the three turns the target is still impaled) Sherman Girl's unlucky victim, while trying to extract itself from the Harpoon lodged through his/her stomach, eventually goes X.X and remains pinned their all limp.
Name: Panzer Girl
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Panzer Girl's upper body and lower legs explode into liquified "bloody popcorn", leaving only the pelvic area and upper legs intact and to fall into the bloody mess pooled under. X.X
Victory Animation: Panzer Girl fires her 75mm Portable Gun skywards wildly.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- Triple Panzerfaust (Rocket): Fires three Panzerfausts, either simultaneously or one at at time. Affected by wind and shots are not variable charged.
- 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 Gun (Direct-Fire): Flat-trajectory gun firing shells that have a chance to deal critical hits.
- Potato Masher (Grenade): Standard grenade relying on the force of the explosion to do damage.
- R/C Mine (R/C): Controlled just like the 37mm Gun M3 Drone. Once set, it can be command-detonated if desired but if not, then it can only be detonated when a Mecha Shounen/Shoujo goes near it. Upon detonation, it spews out steel ball bearings in a 360-degree circumference giving it a significant damage range.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (R/C Mine; Target at point-blank range) Panzer Girl takes the armed R/C Mine, drives the Mine into the target's chest, and then proceeds to kick their left leg, grab their right arm as they fall, and snap that. Two seconds after the target hits the ground, the R/C Mine explodes in such a way that all the steel ball bearings end up shooting out the target's back.
Name: M10 Tank Destroyer Girl
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: M10 Girl's lower left leg and entire right leg asplode off. The body falls on its left side side and poor M10 Girl complains her "right arsecheek asploded" before going X.X. Clearly not a fun way to get fragged.
Victory Animation: A random kitten will come out from underneath her helmet and play with M10 Girl, where she will make a complete fool of herself (by Perrina H. Clostermann's standards anyway) licking the kitteh while said kitteh licks her.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 76mm M7 Gun (Rocket): Variable-charged shot not affected by wind. High explosive.
- Kunai-On-A-Rope (Direct-Fire): Melee weapon. Can be used to reel enemy Mecha Shounen/Shoujos in from a short distance in which M10 Girl slashes them with the Kunai twice in an X-pattern before kicking them away.
- M1 "Frangible" FS (Grenade): Incindiary grenade that detonates upon impact, covering the blast radius with flames that burn for a few turns. Equivalent to the Molotov Cocktail in the Worms series.
- Kitteh! (R/C): Similar to Panzer Girl's R/C Mine, M10's lil' pet can be controlled in the same manner. The difference is that it can lay up to three Potato Masher grenades in a single turn but must return to M10 Girl before the turn ends. Otherwise, future turns will force you to have Kitteh make his way back to M10 Girl and won't let you attack until said Mecha Shoujo gets her pet back.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (Kunai-On-A-Rope; Target must be facing M10 Girl; Point-blank range) M10 Girl Takes her Kunai in her left hand with the blade facing downwards and proceeds to slash at the target's right thigh, backhand the target in the face with her right hand, and slash at the target's right shoulder before driving the Kunai into his/her stomach. The Mecha Shoujo then proceeds to rip the blade out to the right while lifting him/her up by the left arm and throws them to the ground with their right arm, right leg, and entrails having flown elsewhere. Note that this is somewhat based on Scorpion's Spear Slice Remake as seen in MK: Shaolin Monks, only that the latter actually severs the torso in two at the waist whereas this one severs two limbs and disembowels the target instead. Gruesome, yes?
Name: Tiger-I Girl
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Tiger-I Girl's arms, head, and spinal cord all part ways with her torso as the body sinks to its knees. Not a pretty way to go, poor Mecha Shoujo... X.X
Victory Animation: Tiger-I Girl pulls out a Heineken tallboy, guzzles that down in one go, and goes red in the face to show she's tipsy...and then she repeats.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 8.8 cm KwK 36 (Rocket): Variable charged shot and not affected by wind...much. Has a chance to set targets on fire.
- Leg-Mounted MG34 (Direct-Fire): Fires a sustained burst of lead at the target. Functionality is like that of the QGR, only weaker and not restricted to use on Sentry Posts and stronger fortifications.
- Incindiary Potato Masher (Grenade): A timed-explosive version of M10 Girl's M1 "Frangible" FS to allow for ricochet setting of fires.
- Rigged Panzerfaust Warheads (R/C): A six-pack of Panzerfaust warheads designed to be "steerable". Variable-charge launch and limited steering just like with the R/C Rocket is standard, only that six are fired at once.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (Incindiary Potato Masher; Point-Blank Range; Full Charge) Tiger-I Girl takes a single Incindiary Potato Masher and proceeds to repeatedly beat the target at accelerating speed before headbutting them to the knees and breaking their neck witth one final club of the "hot potato". Pretty much a reference to both Scorpion's and Kung Lao's Brutalities in MK: Shaolin Monks, only that the Incindiary Potato Masher breaks the target's neck due to it being a blunt weapon as opposed to Scorpion's Spear and Kung Lao's Razor Hat, which can actually do more than an internal decapitation obviously.
Name: M26 Pershing Len Kagamine
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Pershing Len's right arm and both legs asplode off completely, leaving a body with only the head, upper torso, left arm, and pelvic/lower torso area intact facing up on the ground. X.X
Victory Animation: Pershing Len looks at the camera...and stares as if he's questioning you for expecting everyone to have a victory animation.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 90mm M3 Gun Len Custom (Rocket): A non-variable charge, non-wind affected weapon launching a shell that inflicts heavy anti-Mecha Shounen/Shoujo damage. Len Custom version has a smaller blast radius than the Rin Custom but deals heavier damage upon impact.
- Leg-Mounted Dual M2 Heavy Machine Guns (Direct-Fire): Functionality is like that of Tiger-I Girl's Mounted Leg Mounted MG34, only with heavier damage and less accuracy. Best used up close.
- Banana Bomb (Grenade): A reference to the signature item of the Vocaloid Pershing Len is somewhat based on. Has a high bounce but once it detonates, it showers the area with banana "clusters" that also explode. Functions identically to the same weapon from the Worms series.
- R/C Roadroller (R/C): A ground-based R/C Weapon that simply damages targets by running over them. Despite its toy-like size, it can run any Mecha Shounen/Shoujo into the ground.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (90mm M3 Gun; Must hit from the right flank; Shot must be a direct hit) Pershing Len's 90mm shell will rip right through the target's torso on the right side, ripping his/her right arm off. Just as the shell clears the target's back, it explodes, shattering their spine and blowing their right leg off as they get faceplanted onto the ground, the camera showing broken spine segments protruding through the partially gibbed back. This is the only other ranged Dynamic Kill asides from Sherman Girl's R/C Harpoon Rocket
Name: M26 Pershing Rin Kagamine
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Pershing Rin's lower legs asplode off the same time her upper torso asplodes off of her lower torso and on top of that, her head and left arm asplode off of their respective attached areas, leaving a bit of a mess of a Mecha Shoujo practically in pieces. X.X
Victory Animation: Pershing Rin grabs a "M" Unit of Meat Hash from her C-Rats pack and goes "NOM NOM NOM OM NOM" on it, not caring that the camera's practically in her face.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 90mm M3 Gun Rin Custom (Rocket): A non-variable charge, non-wind affected weapon launching a shell that inflicts heavy anti-Mecha Shounen/Shoujo damage. Rin Custom version has a larger blast radius making it easier to damage Mecha Shounen/Shoujos but overall deals less damage than the Len Custom.
- Leg-Mounted Dual M2 Heavy Machine Guns (Direct-Fire): Functionality is like that of Tiger-I Girl's Mounted Leg Mounted MG34, only with heavier damage and less accuracy. Best used up close.
- Orange Grenade (Grenade): Functions just like Panzer Girl's Potato Masher with two differences--the Orange Grenade bounce higher (but not as much as Pershing Len's Banana Bomb) and three of them can be thrown in a single turn, but each one does little damage upon exploding. It does however, create puddles of orange juice that cause enemy Mecha Shounen/Shoujos to slip and fall, thus ending their turn early.
- Questionable-Content Manga Distributor (R/C): An Erica Hartmann Chibi plushie carrying mangas with highly questionable content that can be placed anywhere on the map. Anyone who touches it will stop, read, and go o.O at it as they read it. The Mecha Shounen/Shoujo in question will not be available for use for three turns. (Note: Said questionable reading materials are, disturbingly enough, Strike Witches "bladder failure" mangas. *Provides everyone with WTF? flags*)
Dynamic Kill Anim: (Leg-Mounted Dual M2 Heavy Machine Guns; Point-Blank Range) Pershing Rin does a hammerfist attack on the top of the target's head and "catches" them with the dual M2 Heavy MGs driven right into his/her chest. She then unloads those guns, ripping the target's back out with a hail of lead before reaching over and shoving them off the dual M2 Heavy MG barrels.
Name: Karl-Gerat Boy/Trap
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Karl-Gerat Boy's lower right arm, lower right leg, and entire left leg asplode off. Funnily enough, the poor Mecha Shounen, now lying on his right side, tries to grab a can of "M" Unit Meat Hash but goes X.X before he can even open the can.
Victory Animation: Karl-Gerat Boy reaches behind his coat and covers his arse while complaining that his undies not having enough "rear coverage" is gonna get him violated by every single Mecha Shoujo out there.
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 60cm Morser (Rocket): A massive siege howitzer of a gun whose shots are variable-charged and are affected by wind. They are the only Tier 1 Weapons that can actually deal significant damage to fortifications and are deal the most damage out of said Unique Weapons.
- M61 Vulcan (Direct-Fire): A 20mm rotary autocannon whose presence in a WWII-style Mecha Musume continuity is a mystery. Functions just like the QGR with one major difference. It comes with Normal and Overdrive RPM settings, the Normal RPM setting allowing for two lesser-damage sustained bursts in a single turn, and the Overdrive RPM allowing Karl-Gerat Boy to only fire the Vulcan once per turn in exchange for heavier damage output (and less attack accuracy).
- Panzerwurfmine (Grenade): Used just like the Mine Launcher, only that it's just a single mine that is deployed. It does, however, do enough damage to equate to three normal mines and along with the Morser, is one of the few Tier 1 Weapons that can deal significant damage to fortifications.
- R/C Panzerschrek (R/C): A weapon with functionality identical to the R/C Rocket. Dealing less damage than the standard version, its only advantage is that it does not have to be fired from a fortification.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (M61 Vulcan; Point-blank range) Karl-Gerat Boy hammers the target to the ground back-first with the Vulcan gun's body and proceeds to pin the target in the stomach between the gun barrels and ground. The barrels rip through the target's upper abdominal area as they spin up and for a full three seconds, Karl-Gerat Boy unloads a stream of 20mm slugs through the target causing blood to asplode out of his/her back. Upon ripping the M61 Vulcan out of the target's torso, intestines can be seen spilled out, gibbed, and crisped. Ouch. X.X
Name: Karl-Gerat Girl
Visual Source Material:
Worms-Style TNT Plunger Death Anim: Karl-Gerat Girl's legs asplode off completely while she falls flat on her face. She tries to nom on a Hardtack Biscuit for some inexplicable reason and for an even more inexplicable reason, she goes X.X the minute one tooth actually cracks on the Hardtack. (You're supposed to dunk the Hardtack in something like coffee first to make it edible, Karl-Gerat Girl. o.o)
Victory Animation: Karl-Gerat Girl jumps up and down ultra-happy and all...but then realizes she had to pee a tad too late. What's even more o.O-inducing is that she resumes her happy jumping afterwards. o.O;
Unique (Tier 1) Weapons
- 60cm Morser (Rocket): A massive siege howitzer of a gun whose shots are variable-charged and are affected by wind. They are the only Tier 1 Weapons that can actually deal significant damage to fortifications and are deal the most damage out of said Unique Weapons.
- Oversized Ballistic Knife (Direct-Fire): Melee weapon. Like M10 Girl's Kunai-on-A-Rope, Karl-Gerat Girl's Oversized Ballistic Knife can be "fired" out to a short distance, but unlike the former weapon, this one simply deals damage to the target and has no "Get over here!" capability. At close range, the standard two X-pattern slash and roundhouse kick combo is how the Knife is used.
- Flammenwerfer 35 (Grenade): Not really a grenade (Then again, so's that produce Sherman Girl has as a Unique "Grenade". o.o) but functions like one...sort of. It is variable-charged like all Grenade-based weapons but is highly affected by wind. Basically it's used to lay down variable distance fires for area denial (Great for denying access to fortifications) and can be used in a direct-offense role up close.
- R/C Fliegerhummer (R/C): A multiple projectile version of the R/C Rocket in which nine smaller rockets are launched and steered instead of one big one. If all nine rockets hit the same target, they will actually do slightly more damage than a single standard R/C Rocket. However, they're more susceptible to wind influence and thus much harder to steer.
Dynamic Kill Anim: (Oversized Ballistic Knife; Point-blank range; Must be used from behind) Karl-Gerat Girl grabs the victim by his/her left arm from behind and proceeds to drive the Knife into their back multiple times before doing the most cruel and unusual thing ever--she shoves the Ballistic Knife up the target's arse, rips it upwards, and then fires the Ballistic Knife Blade into the target's heart from behind. The target then sinks to his/her knees, completely X.X at this point. The sheer o.O-ness of this Dynamic Kill Animation is a joke poking fun of one of the Fatality Enders in MK: Armageddon in which certain characters will shove their swords up a victim's arse and rip their hearts out from there--talk about cruel and unusual. X.X
VI. Gameplay
1) Pre-Match Logistics: The logistics before a match in Mecha Musume Forts is pretty much what'd you'd expect in the Worms game it's based on. You can select up to four teams for a match be they human or computer controlled and which Mecha Shounen/Shoujos to field from each team. Then you pick a Scheme--this determines how much HP Mecha Shounen/Shoujos have, how much time you have per turn, the number of seconds you get to retreat after attacking, what weapons you start out with, frequency of weapons/tools crate drops, and so on. There is also the Erica Hartmann plushie UFO Catcher machine in which you can "win" various game "Mutators". (This thing operates as a cross between the Wormpot feature in Worms games and the Mutator system seen in Unreal Tournament 2004).
2) The Match: Gameplay is just like any of the 3D Worms Games--The mouse acts as the camera while the WASD keys are used to move the selected Mecha Shounen/Shoujo. E gives an overhead view while Q, instead of going into 1st-person mode like in the 3D Worms games, will go into a Dead Space-style over-the-shoulder view for precise targeting (The choice for this is purely for aesthetics--with characters like those in Mecha Musume Forts, you'd want to see them actually attacking while being able to actually hit something with their attacks.) You can only build one fortification per turn and this must be done before attacking with a weapon. Only Tier 1 (Unique) Weapons can be fired while not on a suitable fortification and upon attacking with any weapon, you have a maximum of five seconds to reposition the selected Mecha Shounen/Shoujo where you want him/her before your turn ends. Drops of "Crates 'o' C-Rations", Weapon Crates, and Tool/Vehicle Crates. Random events from earthquakes to air raids and "Chaff Madness" will occur from time to time.
3) Match Conclusion: The match ends if one team (or multiple allied teams) are left standing, match time runs out, or if the opposing team(s) "surrender" (Read: They choose Death Before Phail! and go Hara-Kiri). After that a stats page listing significant things that happened (Ex: Someone dealt the most damage per match, someone was a coward, someone was the most carnage-happy, etc.) and after that, you can go onto the next match if the Scheme is set to multiple match or go back to Pre-Match Logistics if the Scheme's set up for only one match or if it's the last match in any Scheme.
VI. Closing
So there you have it--the concept for Mecha Musume Forts: Siegekratz. It's not really meant to be innovative, just very, very, VERY lulz. With Worms Forts-style play with a Mecha Musume twist that makes it more than a Worms knockoff, this would really make for an interesting game if a bunch of coders, 3D modellers, and other peeps actually become interested in such an idea. o.o