How can I win your heart?
beat kai up
Who knows a big secret about you?
i dont have a big secret...but i do have a baby on the way
Do you think you're life will change dramatically before 2010?
if kai comes back before then and storm moves back
Can money buy happiness?
yes.....books/music/guns/fireworks they make me happy no matter what
Are you looking forward to anything?
i have 100 dollars worth of the most illegal fireworks ever
How late did you stay up last night?
i stay up till morning
Any plans for tomorrow?
not any more
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
i dont know.....but i will find out
What do you introduce yourself as?
im ricki
Do you live at home with your parents?
*tear* i got to get the ******** out of here
Have you ever found yourself somewhere and not remembering how you got there?
i woke up at storms house at like two in the moring with a 23 year old homeless man....two gay guys....the hottest nerd ever..the oddest person ever....a bucket full of through up......then i spotted the empty 20 pack and figured it out
Anyone you're giving up on?
Last time you had deep conversation and with who?
what is the meaning of deep????
Can you sleep without blankets on you?
i dont sleep
What is one thing that bothers you about girls?
girls are like omg im so ugly...when they are hot as hell
Would you go back in time to change anything?
Do you get drunk every weekend?
i prefer high
Will you be in a relationship next month?
sure will
Do you have trust issues?
that is the vaguest question depends on with what and who
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
What are you wearing, in detail?
Old PE shirt sweatpants
Honestly, what's on your mind?
how do i murder 4 people and get away with it....
Is it hard for you to get over someone?
i cant get over three people...zac,shonn,and kai but other then that no one
What would you do if you found out your ex was in a relationship?
if its a good one i would be happy for him
Does anything hurt on your body right now?
not at this second
If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do?
Wthats my dream!!!! i would do everything and everyone
What is the best thing in your refrigerator right now?
v8 juice
Who is the first person you would call if you REALLY needed help?
storm...but she most likely helped me get into the problem and in that case my older sister
Who was the first person to break your heart?
No one
Has anyone disappointed/upset you recently?
oh the world is one big disappoint
When was the last time you had that butterfly feeling?
Would you ever kiss someone who has done drugs before?
Are you wearing a ring?
Did you ever have a girl best friend?
all my best friends have been girls
When was the last time you had a late night phone conversation?
long ago
Do you have a box where you keep all your really important things?
no siree---jim bob!!---
What color is your hair?
What were you doing at twelve this afternoon?
talking to my sister
Don't those cute little couples just make you sick?
no they are cute....
Are you hiding something from someone?
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do?
tell her he is a bad guy that just wants in her pant---other wise known as the truth
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
Do you wear hats?
Have you ever received an offensive text that wasn't meant to go to you?
no i have not
Think about the last compliment you recieved, what was it?
something bout me being pretty...
Who did you last make plans with?
Do you curse in front of your parents?
never have
What are you doing tonight?
reading Gone with the Wind...i love it so much...and non-stop system of a down
Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
Who are the texts in your inbox from?
storms mom
What does the last incoming text say?
'okay thanks'-after i told her i killed her daughter
Who knows you the best?
Do you ever lie about your age?
depends......when im driving crafts on the lake i have to tell the officers im 16 and left my ID at home and to go ask my parents if they donr believe me
Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
not a whore
Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?
yes ;(
Do you shop at Hollister?
Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Have you ever skipped school?
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