Cutest baby you have EVER seen?
Childbirth looks like it hurts, no?
oh gosh yes
Are you completely comfortable right now?
my body is hurting
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed?
eeeewwww...i think i have to say kai
If I gave you ten bucks to go randomly lick someone's face, would you?
do i get to pick the person??
Last time you said the word "********"?
i dont keep track
Coolest person you talked to today? You must answer this.
What food sounds good right about now?
mint ice cream...its in the freezer..calling me
What race is your best friend?
If everything suddenly turned into a cartoon, what would you do?
stop doing drugs nd see if it goes back to normal
Favorite bird?
What does your singing voice sound like?
Thing you are disappointed for?
i think you know
Who was the last person to yell around you?
Was the last thing you ate delicious? grannys stew
What gum do you usually buy?
Is your mom prettier than Martha Stewart?
i think every mom is prettier then her
If the last person you kissed came to your house now, what would you say?
what are you planning to do now
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about?
I dont even know
How many times have you peed today?
i guess about three times....
Did you ever have to go to daycare?
Besides family, who do you spend the most time with?
Are you risky or do you follow the rules?
risky..i get away with alot
People off myspace that you would like to meet in person:
no one
If your pet died, what would you do with it?
after crying my eyes her to a country side with tons of wild flowers
Most touching movie?
Up/my dog skip
Is the last thing you drank sugary?
yep...root beer
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